Make sure you focus on current breaks - any time of the year. Don't just haphazardly cast to open water. Reverse flowing eddies and moving water along any backwater sloughs can hold them as well.
If you are really hurting to tied into a smallie this time of the year, spend your time casting an 1/8 - 1/4 oz. in-line spinner, like a Mepps, Roostertail, or Panther Martin. Yep, you'll loose some. If not, you're not fishing in the right places. You'll get bit, sooner or later though!
If you have some time on your hands, probe every nook & cranny of any productive area you find, with a 4" Senko, texas rigged with a 2/0 EWG worm hook, on 6# test fluorocarbon (just put a small, quality crane swivel (like a Spro PowerSwivel) about 2' up your line to prevent line twist). The spinner will find active bass quickly. The Senko is what you use once you find them, in order to maximize the number of strikes you get. JMO.
ps : If you try the spinners, put a quality ball bearing tyep swivel up ahead of it, about 2' up on your main line. If you are pleased with the results you get with this set-up, switch your main line to 4# test Fireline Crystal, with a fluoro leader. You'll be even more pleased that you did.