Whether or not you use circle hooks depends on your preference and style of fishing. I am a staunch believer in them. Some folks just cannot get "in tuned" with the hooks, until they've tried them a time or two. I've been using them, on off-shore structures for smallies, for over 8 seasons now, with nothing but good experiences. However, you have to have the right circle hook to begin with, then set it correctly. And it must be snell-tied to the business end of your line.
Regardless of the brand of hook you choose, it must be an INLINE circle; not offset, as many are. I can't stress this enough, as I almost gave up on them the first season I used them. Then an old saltwater angler clued me in and set me on the right path. The particular hook I prefer using is the Gamakatsu #221311 in size 1/0 (smallest they make in this style). This hook is an inline circle; one of the few on the market today, if you don't get into the larger 4/0 - 10/0 styles, which are all inlines.
I also crimp down the barb on all these hooks, as you do not need them to keep a fish buttoned up, once the hook sets. When I see my line or bobber move, I immediately just start to reel. You will lip hook the majority of the fish you take using this method. I've caught hundreds of smallies this way. And not only a few largemouth, rainbow trout, salmon and lakers as well. In a rare occurrence, one might be hooked a little deeper (usually caused by a fisherman new to using this technique), but is easily unhooked - unharmed - due to the hook not having a barb.
Don't give up on them. They do work and are a boon to CRP fishermen the world over.