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  1. Hydrofoils cause more problems than they are often worth. Try a pair of smart tabs. You'll never look back. http://www.iboats.com/Marine_Store/dm/cart_id.656105559--keywords.smart%20tabs--session_id.103914560--submit.Search--submit.x.0--submit.y.0 Bill
  2. What if you used a standard cooler but but places a round insert in it with air holes cut in the bottom and sides to allow for aeriation when you have shad? Bill
  3. I'['d like to know where you found that, and who messesd up the listing price. I just looked and couldn't find anything like that. I would have ordered 5 of six of them! Bill
  4. When loaded correctly the tongue weight will be 10% of tatal haul BIll
  5. 115amp hour basically means you can either A: draw 1 amp for 115 hours or B: Draw 115amps for 1 hour Bill
  6. I would think it's not only because it's meant to be used as a exterior sealer on houses. I would think they would have to make it so it wouldn't soak up water. Bill
  7. I prefer the rod holders that hold the rods upright Like these: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0013542014970a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&sort=all&QueryText=rod+holder&Ntk=Products&_D%3AhasJS=+&Go.y=0&Nty=1&hasJS=true&No=36&%2Fcabelas%2Fcommerce%2FCabelasCatalogNumberFinder.giftCertificateURL=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Ftemplates%2Fgiftcertificate%2Fgiftcertificate.jsp%3Fid%3D0005586990011a%26podId%3D0005586%26catalogCode%3DIB%26navAction%3Djump%26indexId%3D&_D%3A%2Fcabelas%2Fcommerce%2FCabelasCatalogNumberFinder.giftCertificateURL=+&N=0&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form23&Go.x=0 I have the six rod holder and couldn't be happier with it. The rods are vertical so you do have to be mindful of casting side arm, but I just mounted mine dead center in the boat and they haven't gotten in the way yet. Sorry it's a bad picture but you can see how I have them mounted, Good option if you have the room to mount. Bill
  8. Very nice! It's a fish getter. Just curious why u used both LED and incandescent lighting? Seems like it might be a little bright to use at night? Nice carpeting job tho. Bill
  9. A few choices here. Black lights will work fairly well, they also have the added bonus of making Clear Blue Flourscent line "GLOW" so you can see it along the bank. Cabelas makes many types of black lights that will simply clip or suction cup on your gunnel. Secondary choice would be some high powered RED Led's. Red light has the awesome property that it doesn't cause the Rhodopsin Chemical in your retina to break down. This allows you to use red light and maintain your night vision. I use red led's like these http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_67660____SearchResults Bill Bill
  10. Wax won't do anythinhg but put a coating over it and make it harder to get off. You can try baking soda and water mix into a paste and try to rub it out. Or use a commercial product like CLR (think yoyu can get at wally world) or I've heard of people using just plain Lemon juice. Bill
  11. Your only options from controlling from the middle of the boat is to go with a electric steer model. Like a minnkota Terrova. Some guys don't like them, however I have one and love it. I have the standard foot pedal plus the wireless co-pilot remote that attaches to the current rod I'm using. I'm really happy with mine and would highly recommend them to anybody, the cost is more for one, but on a boat like mine they were the only real option. Also if you go with an electric steer, spend they few extra dollars and get one with "Autopilot" You'll never look back, it's almost really a necessity. Here's some from cabelas, they sell reconditioined ones, that's what I bought and have been very happy with it. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0055423013620a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&QueryText=reconditioned&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&Ntt=reconditioned&noImage=0 bill
  12. Simple power to weight ratio is MUCH BETTER in a outboard. BIll
  13. All boats block out the sun light above them, the blocked out light makes them appear black surrounded by a light blue ocean. All colors will appear this way. Color doesn't matter, they all look the same. People with bright red and yellow bottomed boats, catch just as many fish as boats with blue or grey bottoms. Bill
  14. Hpw about Smart Tabs? Any opinions on those? Bill
  15. What is the screw threading into? Loctite only works for machined screws going into matched threads. Bill
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