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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. Sorry George, but sitting in the hospital while they operate on your dad and then being in the room when the doctor says that there is ONE thing that he HAS to do to fix the issue and that is to stop smoking, otherwise he'll be back on the table in a couple years and hopefully it's just surgery again. Then continuing to smoke means that in this instance my dad is being an idiot.
  2. Trust me my friend, I am not out to save anyone or take away their cigs. If someone wants to kill themselves with cigerette smoke more power to ya. My dad had a heart attack at 52 and he STILL smokes. He's an idiot, but he isn't going to change. I'm just not a big fan of the smoke being blown in my face or trying to eat in a smoky location. Smoke all you want, just keep it away from me. And THAT is ridiculous in my opinion too. But hey what do you expect, it's San Fran you know! ;D
  3. Us non-smokers will MYOB when the smokers start wearing bubbles over their heads to contain their smoke. Light up all you want in the privacy of your own home/car/whatever, it doesn't bother me. Just don't sit down at a table next to me and start chain smoking. Then it ceases to just be your business and becomes mine too.
  4. Don't trust the people in the store. Those rods are still on sale. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58972_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6 The BPS by me will match the internet prices.
  5. Keeping something that you did not pay for is technically theft. You paid for a reel and were shipped a golf club. The club was not legally yours. Read the definition I posted earlier, it's pretty clear. In the real world would most people consider it theft? Nope, but that's not the standard that I would live by. My brother would've sold the club on eBay for more than $100 and laughed about it. Just differences that we have.
  6. Doubt all you want, but I would wager that most everyone WOULD do what they said. Next time I hit BPS I'll be handing back an LED clip on light that the cashier didn't charge me for. Although hopefully they'll still sell it to me at the the sale price that I wanted to pay. Sure Dick's made a mistake but I GUARANTEE that if the mistake was the other way and they just sent you a pack of sinkers, you'd be calling them up and demanding that they overnight your reel to you. Don't you think they deserve the same? Plus you don't even know if you would have to wait at all. Chances are that they would ship you the reel priority and you'd get it MUCH faster than that. Laughing at breaking the law isn't something I do too often. What can I say, I guess I'm just weird like that.
  7. Why because they do not make mistakes? They wouldn't accidently stick the wrong shipping label on the wrong box? It seems like a fairly easy mistake to make. And I agree with this.
  8. You are correct in that Dick's is not affected by that singular $100 as much, but being a much larger chain the number of instances of this happening is going to be much larger (probably proportional to the difference in sales figures) than a mom and pop store selling over the internet. This means that the problem as a whole will likely affect Dick's to the same extent as the mom and pop. Anyways, I sound all high and mighty in this thread and I'm not sure that is what I intend.
  9. It actually fits the legal definition of theft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theft The item received was not the item authorized by the purchase. The OP kept it and then sold it which would permanently deprive the owner (Dick's) of their rightful possession of the item. Now this is speaking strictly in technicalities, is it likely that one would be charged with theft in this instance? I don't think so.
  10. Maybe they just like to work out?
  11. So screw Dick's because they are a bigger store? How does that logic work? Dick's is affected in exactly the same manner as the mom and pop. They are both out the difference between the cost of the two items.
  12. Well this lady got nailed for taking advantage of QVC's mistakes. http://consumerist.com/consumer/crime/woman-exploited-bug-on-qvc-website-to-steal-over-400k-in-merchandise-317045.php Not to the same degree as you did, but....
  13. If kept without contacting the company a STEAL of a deal is exactly what he is getting.
  14. No one else would feel bad about keeping the reel? He got something that he didn't pay for didn't he?
  15. Good luck getting any good info from them. My BPS didn't know the difference between the DSV and the D and the 100 and 200 series. I had to come here to determine which one I wanted and then went back and bought it. Also, you can get the Citica for $100 from Delo's instead of $120 from BPS or if you like the BPS extreme rods you can get a combo for $140 which is getting a $100 rod for just $20. The 200DSV does have the high efficiency gearing system.
  16. Here's where reelmech states it. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1195171802/5#5
  17. and me. I always assumed it was Deep Spool Version and I was wrong.
  18. Not to be a jerk or anything but didn't you also write this today? http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1196196198
  19. If you set your drage at the max of 13.2 with 17# test you'll break off fish that can pull with 13 lbs of pressure. The knot is the weakest point in the setup (you hope). The knot removes a certain percentage of the line's rated strength. This depends upon which knot you use and how well you tie that knot. You never want to set a drag anywhere near the rated strength of your line.
  20. Thanks for the info. I feel better now about my decision to get the 200D for my birthday. ONE of the bad things about having a birthday in December is that I won't get to try out my presents until the spring. For some reason casting in my backyard or flipping in my basement just doesn't hold the same appeal.
  21. Sorry to hijack this thread, but I wanted to ask one question. Does the drilled spool noticably affect the casting of the 200D vs the 200DSV? It is "supposed" to allow for longer casts as the spool should weigh less and there is less line on the spool. Is that just marketing or does it actually work that way?
  22. Tackletour had a review of many different flourocarbon lines. Cabela's was included. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewfluorocarbontest.html http://www.tackletour.com/reviewfluorocarbon2.html I haven't used it so have no direct input.
  23. Doesn't the 200D have the drilled spool? The DSV is the deep spool/salt water version and has the 100 and 200 sizes. I didn't think there was a 100D.
  24. So, what is the typical wisdom when it comes to chosing a reel size. Do you tend to go smaller or larger? For example, if I'm fishing 6lb line diameter (yo zuri ultra soft #6) is it better to fish a 4, 6, 8 (1500) or a 6, 8 10 (2500)?
  25. I don't really know how long it would take me to go through that much line. Maybe a decade? That would almost be like buying 10,000 plastic worms all of the same style and color. Just a bit of an overkill.
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