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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. If you count fishing as catching anything with gills then I agree, but if you really only count trophy bass fishing then it is FAR from that easy.
  2. My dog did the same. She must've developed some type of allergy to grain based dog foods. We switched to a sweat potato based food and the problems are gone.
  3. Look into Terminator jigs. They've got this trailer keeper. It's a wire that you push into the outside of the chunk to hold it on. When you want to remove the chunk you lift up on the wire and the chunk slides right off.
  4. I agree with your point, but a fully automatic weapon is actually more dangerous than a single fire weapon. This case shows that to be true. Any single fire weapon would not have killed this kid. I'm also not proposing more regulations or anything of the sort. The sole responsibility for this accident lies with the father.
  5. You're well within your rights to call the authorities. If you really want to be nice you can try and explain to these guys that they aren't supposed to be fishing there, but you're under no obligation to do so.
  6. ugh, not too much longer before the water is too hard to get a lure through it. LAME!!!!
  7. The fully automatic nature of the uzi is what caused this boy's death. The recoil pushed the barrel up and back and the fact the weapon did not stop firing is what caused him to be struck in the head and killed. Saying there is no difference between a rifle, a pistol, a shotgun and an automatic machine gun is 100% false. Pretty much the only similarity between all of the weapons listed is that they all fire a bullet. After that they are very different. edited to add one more similarity: they all have no business being fired by an 8 year old without HANDS ON supervision (ie the instructor or the parent actually physically holding the weapon with the kid).
  8. It's become rather obvious to me that you should spend your "downtime" in "school" actually studying rather than posting here. I'm thinking that paying a little (ok a lot) more attention to your studies will pay off in the long run a LOT more than time spent here.
  9. ;D ;D ;D Bassboss must be rubbing off on you!!!
  10. Hmm, 17 is the median between 14 and 20; not 16.
  11. A lot of this depends upon what your definition of heavy cover is. If you're talking matted vegetation, then fish braid in either 50 or 65 lb test. If you're talking rocks and wood then fish with mono. I fish a lot of small rip rap and have really been liking Big Game. I bought it in 17lb (cause it was on clearence), but that's too heavy. After this spool is done, I'll buy 12lb and pay full price.
  12. That's Fish Chris' (a member here) site. He catches MONSTER fish. You can't argue with his success. And for those naysayers, catching massive bass like he does isn't really any easier on live bait than it is on an artificial lure. Just ask him about it (if he quits the dissappearing act he's pulled lately).
  13. The Bass Pro show had a segment on jigging spoons in last year's season. It was pretty good but I fish from shore so wasn't really applicable to me. I think Horton did the segment.
  14. Pretty sure that I'd keep a state record. Being from IL, I've got no shot at a world record. Anything over 10 would get a replica mount.
  15. I never use snap swivels. I do use snaps for many hardbaits and barrel swivels for in line spinners (tied a foot or so up from the lure). Barrel swivels are also used when required for things such as c-rigs, although I want to look into some of the other options for stopping the sinker/bead on c-rigs. Every knot that I tie (except for tieing two ends of line together) is the palomar.
  16. The best advice that I can impart is to do a search and read anything that Catt or Brian has posted regarding jig fishing. Joe S (I think it is) has another really good post somewhere on here). There's a ton of quality stuff from others too. To provide you with my simple answer regarding the bite. Every single one is different. It totally depends on how the fish attacks the bait and if it swims away with it. You also talked about increasing average size, well this is my first year jig fishing and last year I thought 2 lbers were big, but now they're average and I don't even take pics of them anymore. I landed an almost 7lber last Sunday on a jig. She just sucked in the bait. I went to move the jig and it felt heavy so I set the hook. Good thing I did too!!!
  17. Brown/Greens or black I normally don't care about color, but the fish in my favorite pond don't like black, but I haven't noticed any difference between browns and greens.
  18. The market is currently significantly oversupplied. Oil and gas stockpiles continue to grow each week. OPEC will probably announce a cut of 1-2mil barrells a day, however, many of the larger OPEC countries have too many social, military, etc expenditures to be able to weather both a drop in prices and a drop in production. So, enforcing the quote descrease will be difficult.
  19. http://www.animatedknots.com/rapala/index.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com
  20. halloween colored 3/8 evolution heavy cover jig with an okechobee craw rage chunk trailer.
  21. I'd dump him in the water and leave him there. Or cut all the line off his spool. Maybe toss his tacklebag in the lake. If he's purposefully messing up my chances of catching fish, then he isn't much of a friend. And I'd end up with telling him to grow the F up and quite being such a baby.
  22. I agree with RW's method and use it. The only reason to change the drag is when you change the line size or type.
  23. Sounds to me like your real problem is an ineffective city gov't. Instead of circulating petitions to try and get them to do something, circulate petitions to get them voted out of office. The potential loss of their job will have a much more effect on them than a petition trying to tell them what to do.
  24. No offense taken. I have a thick skin for discussion on message boards and usually end up getting them locked. Hopefully, we can avoid that one. Here's a question to ask your 20 friends in the oil biz. "What EPA regulations or gov't taxes changed to cause the price of gas to rise so quickly? (to $4 a gallon) And conversely what changed to cause them to drop back down to under $3 a gallon?" The answer to both of those questions is nothing. The thing that changed was worldwide demand coupled with the supply. There is no question that gas taxes are expensive, but they aren't responsible for the latest run up in prices.
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