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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. Did you set your browser setting to delete all cookies after each session?
  2. LOL, can always count on AJ for stuff like this... ;D I have two jobs and my soon to be wife has a job too. Max that can be received is $800 for a couple and we will end up getting $1200, meaning $400 goes back to them. So much for being "rewarded" for working. : Freakin' LOSERS. So you're complaining that you have to pay back $400 out of $1,200 that you received? You're still $800 ahead of where you were had this not been put into place. Seems like an odd thing to be complaining about to me. If someone walked up to you and said Ill give you $1,200 but in a few months you have to give me $400 back would you not take him up on the offer?
  3. It's easy when your a salaried employee!
  4. I'd rather owe them a small amount than give them my money interest free for the entire year. I change my with holdings each year to try and get as close to zero as possible.
  5. Why don't you change your withholdings so that you get more each week?
  6. This is actually incorrect. The Mexican fatalities for this flu have mainly been younger adults. People who don't normally die of the flu. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_83415.html
  7. Is it an accurate perspective to compare full year numbers against the MUCH shorter time period that the swine flu has been around?
  8. If you look at the second picture you can see that the vehicle is not straight in front of the trailer. In the first picture you can also see the top of the vehicle to the right of the pedastal seat. As the trailer/vehicle are being pulled out in picture 2 you can see that the vehicle is now further out into the water. It's stands to reason that the diver hooked the tow cable on the trailer because it was easier than hooking it to the front of the vehicle. Then the tow driver pulled it out trailer first. Could have been a number of things, but he certainly didn't drive it in vehicle first.
  9. Wait till the sun goes down. Then tie it on and fish it.
  10. 7" Motor Oil power worms are my all time best producing bait. I didn't fish them much last year, but I know I'll get back to basics this year (assuming I can take off the Trick Stick that is).
  11. A big difference is that the fatalities in Mexico have NOT been limited to the elderly or very young. Normal healthy people are succumbing to it. I'm not 100% sure on the reasons why but I've heard that it has to do with an overreaction of one's immune system to this flu virus. It's actually this over reaction that proves fatal. So in essence, it is different as the fatalities are not the "normal flu" fatalities.
  12. I'm still trying to figure out what this "pro" did that makes him a jerk?
  13. Are you actually listening to the news or are you just making all of this up? http://abcnews.go.com/Health/SwineFlu/story?id=7456439&page=1 Oh and hopefully you can pass your info on to the parents of the 23 month old toddler who died in Texas. They'll be happy to know that the kid is expected to "recover 100%" :
  14. I buy wire tied as it just seems to be a more secure method of affixing the skirt. The weight depends upon where you're fishing and what depth you're fishing. I fish from shore and typically use 1/4 and 3/8. If I was fishing deeper water I'd fish 1/2 more. Also, consider the types of cover that you'll be fishing. Football heads are better in the rocks while the poison ones are better at coming through weeds and such. I buy greens, browns, and blacks. The PB&J color is pretty sweet.
  15. GMAN makes all the jigs you'll need.
  16. This the guy? Jacob Powroznik
  17. Maybe he was just frustrated that someone else was fishing a spot that he hoped to fish. He didn't say anything to you or do anything directly towards you so I don't see anything in your post that I would say makes him a jerk or even behaved slightly inappropriately. Jump to conclusions much? You seriously need to post more often. The humor in your posts can't be beat!!!
  18. Yeah, I noticed that too. How does he get it so far back w/o destroying the front of the lure?
  19. Each one of those cranks looks different to me. Flat sided, rounded, fat bodied, long, etc. I didn't see two of them that looked the same to me.
  20. Killian's is a domestic? If so, I feel really defrauded. My Irish pride has had me drinking it for years thinking it's an Irish beer... Killians is made by Coor's in the US. It isn't even sold in Ireland. Coor's bought the rights to the recipe and started producing it in the US. They have also updated the recipe from an ale to a lager.
  21. Wow, he rigs that hook REALLY far back.
  22. Dark Beers Sam Adams Imperial Stout Shiner Black Any Porter Others Shiner Bock Sam Adams White Ale Yuengling (even though I can't get it in Illinois) Wheat Beers Triples PS, the reason that "cheap" beer is served ice cold is so that the extremely cold temperature of the beer numbs your taste buds and you don't "taste" the beer as much.
  23. Does this really matter? Can you tell which side will be on the bottom based upon the way the worm is rigged? I've never really thought of it in that way. Sorry for the hijack.
  24. If all colors of a soft plastic are the same price then I'll buy greens or browns. If a specific color is on sale then that's the one I buy. I don't worry about matching the hatch or matching the bottom (I'll be pretty close to the bottom with greens or browns).
  25. Yep, that was an agreement of a method that could be used. I personally haven't ever used it though.
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