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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. How long is this sale going to be good? I'm out of town right now and don't know what I "need".
  2. If I had to buy from a store, I don't even know what I'd buy. I get ALL of my jigs from GMAN.
  3. No. The amount of people getting sick is small and then those that actually die is even smaller. You're more likely to die driving to and from the lake than you are getting west nile.
  4. You're story is soft (confusing) on the details. It sounds like you both were at a big lake fishing all day and your truck was vandalized sometime during that day. If that's the case, then the odds of it being the guy are small. My thoughts and opinions are i dont' really understand your story nor why you think this guy had anything to do with it.
  5. Offset hooks are going to give you a better hook up percentage. It's simple mechanics really. If you want to test it out yourself then tie an EWG and an offset hook to a piece of line. Put the hook in your hand and close your fingers around the line. Then slowly pull the hook from your hand. An offset will always have the point out ready to grab you. The EWG can pull from your hand without the point ever touching you. If you pull the line straight away from your hand then the hook comes right out without the point engaging. An EWG hook requires there to be an angle (the greater the angle the better) between the fish's mouth and your rod tip. If it's in line then you're not going to hook the fish. Bending the EWG hooks so that the point is not in line with the eye goes a long way, but one should use an offset hook wherever possible.
  6. Don't feel bad, the clearence sale typically only applies to prices ending in .97 or .47. I doubt that your senko purchase would've been 50% off.
  7. 4G is only fast if they offer it where you live. If you don't live in an area with 4G service then getting a phone with 4G is a waste of money and a waste of battery.
  8. Nope. Different years. iPhones typically have a major refresh every two years and then on the off years have a minor refresh. 3g was one year 3gs (minor refresh) was the next then the 4 then the 4s and this year will be the X.
  9. I'm on my second iPhone and don't see myself ever getting anything else. If you want a phone that works well right out of the box and you don't want to endlessly tinker with it to get it setup then get an iphone. I understand why the Droid people love their phones but I have no desire to change my signal bars to the Monster logo or the carrier to my kids names or pixelate the page switch. I just want the phone to work. And yes, I think you should wait if you can. If you dont' want the new features then the old version will be cheaper.
  10. iPhones refresh yearly which is the exact same schedule as most other phones. Why would a refresh be annoying to you?
  11. Hmm, when I got my first iPhone I loaded itunes on my computer and told it to search for songs. It found all of my mp3s and put them all in my itunes library. The only possible way it could have been easier is for it to automatically do it without me prompting.
  12. There pretty much isn't a way to kill the weeks and leave a good fishery. Instead of trying to figure out how to get the weeds out of the pond you need to figure out how to get the fish out of the weeds..
  13. Any one of these.
  14. You should, especially, if you like IPA's. You can really make some good stuff and it's much cheaper than buying specialty brews.
  15. My Toyota Sienna is #6 on cars.com's American Made Index. It was made in Princeton, Indiana. http://www.cars.com/...tory=amMade0611 Toyota Tundra was number 9.
  16. You do realize that that WAS her "studio" voice. She was lip syncing the whole thing.
  17. Sync your iphone to your computer and the photos will be copied over. Then you can then do whatever you want with them. Or email them from your phone to yourself and you can get them from any computer.
  18. 4g service is still very spotty (as in you're not going to get it very many places). It's also a HUGE battery hog so while your 4G antannae is on your battery performance will suffer. I prefer the iPhone. Simple and reliable. A big screen is not an issue for me (and is actually a minus) as I don't watch movies or play many games on my phone. You'll see tons of people with strong opinions one way or the other, but you just need to decide what you're going to do with your phone and buy according to your preferences and not someone else's. If you want to watch tons of videos then you'll want a bigger screen. If you have good 4G service around you then that will be a plus. If not, then it's a waste and a battery drain (unless you turn off the antannae).
  19. Completely and utterly untrue. There are TONS of free apps for the iPhone.
  20. tyrius.

    Old Coins

    My in laws have some old coins from their parents. 1/2 cents, 2 cents, etc. Could you imagine having a 1/2 cent coin today? The penny is already worthless and the nickel isn't much better.
  21. An appraisal for one of a kind items is nothing more than a guess as to what a group of rich people will pay. They're wildly inaccurate.
  22. The same good be said for fishermen who spend obscene amounts of money on glass boats, loomis rods, jdm tackle etc. Where do you draw the line? BTW the total US population is over 312 million people. 12 million for a piece of jewelery is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  23. One of the main points of the lawsuit was also that McDonald's performed a cost benefit analysis and determined that it was cheaper to pay for medical care for people who spilled their coffee on themselves than it was to lower the temp to something that one can actually drink. They served it hotter so that it took customers longer to drink and they had to give away less free refills. What's the jury supposed to think when the company makes a decision that they're A-OK with burning people in order to slow down free coffee refills?
  24. Yep. The McD's coffee case is grossly misunderstood in popular culture.
  25. Too many hooks = cheating but using electronic devices to stimulate feeding is A-OK? Yeah, that's a head scratcher. At least the Alabama Rig is actually a lure used by the fisherman.
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