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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. Those look good!! I'll have to pick some up in my next order.
  2. I've got more important things to worry about than what my . skin touches. For those that are paranoid about it, do you touch anything in the bathroom with your hands? To me, that's much more disgusting than anything I sit on.
  3. Without knowing what your definition of heavy timber is, it's difficult to give a good recommendation. If you're fishing the "buck brush" that Catt showed in an earlier post then you're probably losing a LOT of fish. If you're fishing stumps where the fish don't have as much to tangle you up in then you're probably ok. I would find the most abrasion resistant stuff you could find, something like P-Line CXX, and use that. A co-polymer line will typically be more abrasion resistant than you're typical mono. I'm a strong believer that bass anglers typically think they "need" much heavier line than they really do.
  4. My wife broke her tibia and fibula on christmas eve morning. We were staying in a hotel because the roads were too icy to make it to my parents, we pulled over and spent the night thinking it was safer. So, I had a 3 year old and a 2 year old in the car and a wife laying on the icy pavement with a broken leg. I was by myself and had to get the ambulance there to take care of my wife and take care of my kids. Not good times. The next few months sucked real bad too. I don't get too stressed out anymore.
  5. Growing up I used an ugly stick for EVERYTHING. Frogs, worms, cranks, everything I fished was done with the ugly stick. I had a GREAT time doing it too. So, yes you can use it and it will catch fish.
  6. If you're using the rod to pull the jig out of the rocks/snags then it's just a matter of time before you break it.
  7. The typical bass sized spinning reels are setup to use 6-10 pound test line (measured by line diameter and not break strength). If you want to use heavier/bigger line then buy a bigger spinning reel, learn to use a baitcaster, or use braid. Going above the manufacturer's guidelines is typically not a good idea. It may work for a few people, but the majority of people know to use what is recommended.
  8. At least those are better than the reviews that are done BEFORE the product is even sold!!!
  9. I catch tons of fish dragging soft plastics and jigs along the bottom. So, they don't always bite on the fall. I carry 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, and 3/8. And by carry I fish from the bank so I do carry them. I've got enough other junk and don't want to carry around a bunch of weights that I won't use.
  10. It would likely work, but not as effectively as uisng swivels. If you use two barrel swivels then the front fluke is able to move much more. Also, when rigged the two flukes are fairly close together so it looks like two baitfish schooling or if you use a large and small fluke a fish feeding on a smaller fish. The way you have it rigged separates the two baits too much. Here is how KVD rigs it. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPage?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&template=video.cfm&cat=Fishing&subCatID=14&connectionSpeed=broadband&videoID=670&startRow=0&videoType=prodcutdemo&option=2&cmid=OLPHVIDEO_670_HIGH
  11. Without any type of measurements guessing based upon a picture is futile. Even guessing with measurements leads to big inaccuracies. Next time get length and girth measurements. You can get pretty close to the length on this one by measuring the length of your rod from the tail of the fish to the mouth.
  12. Nope. We're made to consume lean meat. Wild game is rarely fatty like a big ole juicy steak.
  13. Dan's advice is right on. Go to the school board meetings and make your case. Go to your town meetings and do the same. Get other's involved also. Your case makes a lot of sense. It's better to keep educators than administrators (assuming the educators are doing their jobs ). Most people would agree and you may actually see some changes in their decisions if the public gets involved. I'd say more about IL but it's not allowed here! Needless to say we're in big trouble. :-X
  14. Or they will "contemplate" it for a period of time and then the average-Joe will move on to the next big crisis and completely forget about the whole deal. Spokespeople "say" a lot of things that never get done.
  15. What I find to be the most interesting thing is the almost complete lack of knowledge shown here. This whale is not used in the actual shows. In fact, the trainers never got in the tank with this whale. The whale is used for breeding and research purposes. He's also OLD and can not be released to the wild. He'd die a slow death, so it would better to kill him than release him. The first time this whale killed a trainer was when the trainer fell in the tank with the whale. The second time the whale killed was when an absolute MORON hid in the Sea World park and then tried swimming with the whale after the park closed and everyone left. The trainers know that they are putting themselves at risk when dealing with unpredictable animals. They know what they are getting into so shouldn't we let them make their own decision? Why does our uninformed opinion mean anything?
  16. I watched it in the theater. The movie is great!
  17. I only have 4 setups and don't want to change out line all the time so Jigs, weighted soft plastics, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits (in general single hook lures 3/8 oz or greater) 12 lb Big Game Cranks, topwater, jerkbaits (treble hook lures) 10 lb Big Game Weightless soft plastics, small jigs, small spinnerbaits (under 3/8 oz) 8 lb Trilene XT or Big Game Small cranks, very small plastics (basically for smallie creek fishing) 6 lb Trilene XL For my spinning rods (the bottom two) I also have some braid on spare spools, but I don't use it much at all. In general I think us bass fisherman are WAY over what is actually necessary to get the job done.
  18. Wow, did someone pee on your shoes this morning or what? If you're looking for hard numbers then where are yours to support your opinion or are you blowing steam? My point was that you have to take more into consideration that just labor costs. Not having to ship over the ocean lessens costs and transit time so inventory can be better manager because it can be brought to market more quickly.
  19. The rod made in China has to go on a boat and on a truck. So, the added cost is getting it across the ocean.
  20. Nope, I drive an American car like the Toyota Sienna (made in IN). Not that the manufacturing location means anything to me.
  21. Shipping over the ocean from China would be an added cost that you won't have to worry about so the difference in cost isn't likely to be that much.
  22. Used to donate at Lifesource, but since I moved Heartland Blood center is much closer so I go there. Wife's a nurse and I've also donated quite a few times. Most of what I wrote is just a result of thinking about the process logically. Nothing's really free.
  23. It's difficult to see exactly on your other thread, but it looks like the site is spelled correctly on the actual boat.
  24. Top left of the boat, above and to the left of "When every fish counts"
  25. yes to all. I haven't given in a while, but have been too busy. This post has reminded me to setup my next donation. To the poster above, the blood is NOT free to the hospital. The phlebotimists who take your blood are paid, the supplies are expensive, the office space or vehicles used by the organization taking the donations aren't cheap. Then you have to test the blood, store it, transport it to the hospital. Then the hospital has to store it and administer it. All of this has to be done in a controlled manner to ensure that the blood remains good and the people who do each step are paid for their time.
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