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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. It was one of the ORIGINAL sports from the first Olympics. They keep Olympic Trampoline, but toss out on one of the original sports?
  2. If your advisor is only putting you into two funds that he doesn't manage then you're better off directly investing into the Dodge & Cox funds. Your advisor should be telling you why your only invested in those two funds and should be looking for better options for you. That's what he's getting paid to do. It sounds like he's just taking your money and giving you nothing in return for it.
  3. And when you get the flu shot, they specifically tell you that if you are allergic or sensitive to eggs then don't get the shot. It's not like they're trying to hide anything.
  4. It's scientifically impossible to get the flu from the flu shot and it's also impossible to get the flu immediately after being exposed to the virus. It is possible to get the flu from the mist vaccine as that contains live vaccine, but it is impossible to get it from the shot. Also, most people get the stomach "flu" and think that they had the flu. You didn't. The stomach "flu" isn't respiratory influenza. Respiratory influenza is what you're being vaccinated against. The stomach "flu" isn't. Now if you came down with the symptoms of Respiratory Influenza immediately after getting the shot, that means that you were exposed to the actual flu virus 3 to 5 days ago. The incubation period of the virus is such that you will never get symptons immediately after being exposed to the virus.
  5. If she wants an e-reader then get the Kindle Paperwhite. If she wants a tablet then you can get the Fire, but from a tablet standpoint it's hard not to get the iPad. Between Amazon and Barnes and Noble, I would get the Amazon product just because Amazon is in a lot better shape than Barnes and Noble.
  6. She must have some stellar insurance not to have to pay a deductible and not to have an accident affect her rates.
  7. In what state is this true? Certainly not in Illinois. I've been hit twice in cars that I "didn't own" and never had to go through the financing company.
  8. Because the girlfriend's brother would have to pay a deductible. He's the one that has to worry about the deductible and raising rates. If he weighed the costs and decided paying cash was better then it's easier not to go through insurance. Some random high school kids rear ended me and cracked the bumper (on my 2 month old car). I worked with his parents and got my car fixed and the dad paid the insurance company directly. We never called got the insurance companies involved at all.
  9. You wouldn't count suing your girlfriend's family as a problem? Sounds like a good way to get rid of the girlfriend to me.
  10. Even with a $500 deductible, choosing whether or not to go through insurance on a $1,000 claim is something that you should question. You're insurance costs will rise for like five years. Then if you have anything else happen during that 5 years your rates will rise significantly more. If they raise your rates by $100 a year then you're going to pay the $1,000 anyways so why risk having another claim during those 5 years? Just pay for it out of pocket.
  11. If I had to guess, I'd say you both were wrong. If her dad could've fixed it then I would've let him. You would've saved them money and bought yourself some goodwill. You also should've volunteered to help and you could have learned something. Double win. Everything else that has went wrong probable stems from this decision. They're thinking that you don't trust them and then you come back with a high estimate and probably get upset when they want a second one. Further compounding the problem. Then you get the typical girlfriend reaction of blowing things out of proporation and you're in the position that you're in. Verdict - everyone is wrong and I'd take RW's advice and try and talk through it.
  12. When the sale is finalized the new owners are highly unlikely to bring in the old workers or even to use the old factories. The most likely thing to happen is that production is moved overseas and instead of employing their own route drivers, they'll sell to a distributor and cut out that part of the process. Hostess isn't big enough to realize the benefits of employing their own route owners.
  13. The old CEO is the one who got the raise. The CEO that took over in January didn't. He also changed the salary of the top four execs to $1 a year.
  14. Unleaded gas is also a commodity that is traded independently of oil. The "news" agencies typically fail to mention this and give you whatever flavor of the day explanation that they wish. None of it is typically true analysis of the situation.
  15. If we actually get food delivered then we always tip. The only circumstance where we wouldn't tip is if the food was very late and the company did nothing about it. If they comped the food or gave half off then I'd tip the driver. We hardly ever get delivery though because the places that we order from are so close that it doesn't make sense to pay the delivery fee and the tip. We can just pick it up on the way home from work or run out quick.
  16. The only way they're not taxed is if they're not reported and if they're not reported then you're lying on your tax return. That's not something that I condone so I'm not going to pay you in cash so you can avoid paying your share of income/social security/medicare taxes.
  17. Odd how you missed the words "supposed to" and "likelihood" in my post. Wonder why that was?
  18. And just because somebody does believe it exists, doesn't make it so. What makes it so is evidence. Something that the believers have in short supply. I'm unsure as to why you think that I'm saying that "there are "facts" about something I don't believe exists". I was disagreeing with the assertion that it is up to the skeptics to prove that it doesn't exist. That's an impossibility and the complete backwards way of thinking about it. However, I will stand by the statement that it is impossible to have facts regarding the non-existence of something. The only thing the non-believers have is centuries of no hard evidence (a body). In centuries of "co-existing" with a Sasquatch, no one has ever produced a live or dead specimen of one. That's all the skeptics have.
  19. Odd, I don't recall "categorically stating" that "there is no way that a particular animal exists...". Instead, I was talking about "proving a negative" in regards to Sasquatch "not existing". It's not the disbelievers responsibility to prove that Sasquatch does not exist as that is impossible. As to the Lesula monkey, my only question is "where was it discovered?" Oh yes, in the forests of the DRC, not a very well populated place. Now, moving on how about you stop straw manning my points and respond to what I'm actually saying? It makes for a much more well reasoned discussion when people respond to what is actually written instead of making things up. I never said anything about the impossibility of identifying new species. This happens all the time throughout the world, particularly in areas that are not well explored such as the jungles of Africa, deep sea, deep underground, etc. It's part of the scientific process. Someone thinks they found a new species of animal, they obtain a specimen of that animal, that animal is studied to determine it's genetic makeup and a determination is made to see if it's a new species and the classification is done (order, kingdom, family, and all that). Sasquatch is stuck at step one and has been stuck there for centuries. Couple that with the fact that sasquatch is supposed to inhabit areas where modern humans have been living for centuries makes the likelihood of it existing without a human EVER being able to find a body to be very small, miniscule really. Now before you go off the handle again, I'm not definitively stating that they do not exist. I have no proof of that (as I said earlier you can not disprove its existence).
  20. I didn't see any 8 foot tall primates that have lived in areas habited by modern humans for centuries. I did see a 0.02 inch long worm that lives miles under the earth, wonder how they missed that one so long or the 3 centimeter mushroom. Did you have any reason to believe that that 0.02 inch worm existed prior to it being documented as existing? Do you have any reason to believe a flying pizza monster exists? It hasn't been proven NOT to exist.
  21. Nonsense. You can not definitively prove a negative or "disprove the existence of sasquatch". The burden of proof rests with the positive statement "sasquatch exists". The fact that no definitive proof has been obtained in centuries of co-existing with these animals makes it incredibly hard to believe that they exist. That is VERY different than a comparison to two guys who "lived" 2 millenia ago.
  22. Still not buying it. Maybe if it was the opposite of what you wrote where she read ahead in the books that the class was supposed to read. Maybe, but I doubt it.
  23. How'd that work out for the Titans when they swatted the ball to the ground right into the hands of a Lions receiver and he scored a TD to tie the game?
  24. My kids are graded on everything. My second grader is getting comments about asking critical thinking questions when he writes a two sentence summary of the book he read. His math homework is graded by the computer right when takes it and if he misses too many questions he gets extra work!
  25. Garbage. There is absolutely no way that a school can FORBID a parent from reading to their kids. The real story is likely completely and utterly different than the story that your sister in law "heard" from a friend. it's likely that the class had a group project, like a book, that they were reading in class and the teacher didn't want the students to read ahead so that they could all read it at the same time. But, forbidding the parents to read to the kids at home? Crazy talk.
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