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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. Do y'all know how much oil enters every body of water through natural seepage? Not enough to create a 10 mile long oil slick that requires dispersents to be applied to it.
  2. Note that the article did NOT say that the BP rep SAID that. It said that it was REPORTED that he said it. So, this isn't an actual verification that the quote is accurate.
  3. Wait I thought that guns were banned in Chicago!!!! That's a separate topic though. I live in the "great" state of IL too. Nothing like having governor's going to jail back to back, maybe Blago and Ryan can share a cell.
  4. Per the review: "average sensitivity" "The VTC69-6 is a fine product that promises to redefine the value rod market." And people are comparing it to a Steez or a GLX or a Cumulus? These reviews are done with price in mind. The vendetta may be an 8.33 for an $80 rod but if it cost $150 it would be much lower. If it cost $300 it likely would be rated as poor.
  5. Here's one a bit more recent. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/markeaston/2009/07/how_portugal_treats_drug_addic.html And I don't think that most people who are for legalization are for complete unfettered access to whatever drug one wants. History is clear that the "War on Drugs" is a failure so why continue to behave as if it will work? It's time to try something new.
  6. Is everyone else willing to pay for this? Incarcerating people is EXPENSIVE. We can't afford to fund our schools as we should and we're definately underfunded in the prison system. When you don't even have enough cells to hold the prisoners it's even more expensive to incarcerate more (build new prisons).
  7. Oh, and how many died each year during prohibition due to the gang/mob violence directly attributable to prohibition?
  8. Why? If someone wants to try it now finding it isn't all that difficult. So, what's stopping them now? There is no evidence to back up your statement. It's the only idea that makes sense. The "war on drugs" is a dismal failure. Always has been and always will be. The "war on drugs" simply increases the amount of violence in the drug trade. Legalize it, regulate it, and tax it and the amount of violence would drop precipitously.
  9. Wipe one out and another will rise to take its place. The problem won't be solved by brute force. The only way to fix the problem is to eliminate their source of income.
  10. I've always used a fairly steady retrieve with the jitterbug. I've never fished it with sharp twitches (like a popper). Haven't used it much in the past few years. No real reason why. I should probably dig it back out.
  11. So this and this should be considered equal? I guess I'm just trying to figure out what you're trying to prove by saying that one type of trailer worked one night (hog) while another didn't (craw), especially when they aren't all that similar. Single night experiences don't really mean anything when it comes to judging a bait's effectiveness.
  12. Most of what we fish does not even come close to mimicking real "prey" for bass. A crankbait my be painted up realy pretty to look like a shad, but it doesn't swim anything like one. What's a spinnerbait supposed to look like? Do you really think a jig looks and acts like a crawfish? All that matters is if a lure catches fish. If the wingding catches then great. I will say that the name may be taken incorrectly though! I would likely feel a little odd telling someone "Look what I caught on my wingding!!!"
  13. In summary: Not every bait/line of baits will perform for everyone. The saying "You can't please all of the people all the time." seems rather fitting here. Some people have a strong tendency to use one bait/style of bait, Topwater Charlie comes to mind. He only fishes one lure. So basically, why does it matter if one random guy on a message board says that he doesn't have success with a particular bait that you like? Another saying "To each their own." is another one that fits. Rage Tail baits perform well for many people, as evidenced by pictures and their many fans. Rage Tail baits are a bit more expensive than other soft plastics, but come specially packaged in a clamshell to ensure the integrity of the bait. Big-O is an invaluable resource here regarding Rage Tail baits and fishing in general. Can we move on to bigger and better things now? Like maybe, which brand of senko is the softest/wiggliest/slowest fall/most salt/best color?
  14. We just had this discussion. Straight shank hooks provide a better opportunity for hookups. It's simple. If you want to test it, tie on an EWG hook, put your hand around the hook with your fingers closing on the line and slowly pull the hook straight from your hand. The point will not come into contact with your fingers. Meaning those bites will be missed.
  15. Did you have success with other lures/soft plastics in those locations at the same time? You didn't mention if you were having luck with something else at the same time. The fish may have not been where you were, when you were there. But, I also agree in that all lures are not for everyone. I hate lipless cranks. Never really have any luck with them at all! To each their own.
  16. I typically only fish greens and browns. There are more important things than color and lure type. Namely, Location! If you're fishing where there are active fish then you'll catch them. Once you start catching them then you can decide if you want to try and nail down the "optimal" color, but you may already have that color on the line so do you really want to switch?
  17. The rage tail lineup is excellent. I've had success on everything I've fished. Now, they aren't the end all be all of soft plastics. They have a TON of action. More so than other soft plastics of the same design. The Rage chunk has more action than a regular chunk, but this isn't always a good thing. It's up to you to know when it is and when it isn't. Don't direct your rage to the dumpster, direct it to me. I'll make use of them
  18. Would you like to expand on that? There is absolutely no reason to buy cheap junk. It will end up costing you more money in the long run. Still have the Shimano/Ugly Stick combo that I got when I was in 6th grade (22 years ago). Rod and reel worked fine until I replaced them 2 years ago. Will likely clean/grease it up and give it to my son in a year or two (he's 5 now). Just because something is cheap doesn't mean that it's junk.
  19. Seen it when they use their pectoral fins to slowly back up. That's a bit different than them swimming forwards though. Guess I wasn't clear enough in my initial post.
  20. Think about the physical makeup of the gill and you can see that water is only designed to flow one way. Let's use the letter E to represent a gill. The vertical bar being the gill arch (bone/cartiledge) the horizontal lines are the gill filaments (where the capillaries are and the O2/CO2 transfer takes place). The flow from left to right across the E will allow the filaments to remain "rooted"/supported in the flow. When the flow is from right to left the filaments are no longer supported at their "base". Instead they will be twisted and or smashed against the gill arches (vertical line of the E). Now what's the force necessary to actually cause damage? No idea, but there really isn't any reason to move the fish back and forth so why risk it?
  21. That hook was likely in the fish's stomach. If you think a hook will rust away in a week, go take an old hook and put it in the water in a place that you can find it back. Go back after a week and see if it has rusted away. They don't. Ever find a lure that someone else lost? Hook's still there isn't it?
  22. As mentioned in the other threads that touch on this the hook will NOT rust away. Leaving the hook is not the best thing to do! Learn the technique that Glenn posted and also carry side cutters. If you can't get the hook out with the through the gill technique then cut the hook and remove it that way. When reviving a fish do not pull it backwards. A fish NEVER goes backwards and its gills are not designed to have water flowing that way through them. You can just lightly hold it by the tail keeping it upright. When it revives enough it will swim out of your hand. A fish doesn't have to be moving to be able to "breath".
  23. The only thing that is strictly necessary in frog fishing, is a rod, a reel, line, and a frog. We all seem to take technique specific gear way too seriously. Growing up I fished hollow frogs over moss with a 6' M Ugly Stick spinning rod with 6-8lb mono. I caught lots of fish with it too. Was it the ideal setup? Nope, and I lost fish and/or missed fish that I wouldn't have if I had gear that was more suited to the task, but I didn't know any better and I didn't have the money to pay for more rods and reels. If you want to just try it then tie the frogs onto the heaviest power, fastest action rod you have and try it out. Don't worry about what line is on the setup. Just fish it. If you like it then you can maybe buy something specific for it later.
  24. Buy whatever fits into your budget. You'll still have fun fishing and you'll still catch fish.
  25. Seriously! Who's fishing stuff is important enough to risk getting shot over? For the Rambo's here your single pistol is not going to be worth pulling out when you're faced with multiple AK 47's.
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