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Everything posted by tyrius.

  1. The writer of the test would have failed as they used principal incorrectly multiple times. Arithmetic question 3 is impossible as a bushel is measure of volume and not weight. And, internet forwards are basically never accurate.
  2. Overfishing is currently the only way to deal with them and this industry will remain much smaller than the Great Lakes fishing industry and the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and any other state bordering the Great Lakes. So, if a scientific method of eradicating them is developed then this industry will go poof (which is why the article states that people are having difficulty finding investors).
  3. Come on down, they'll let you kill them any way you want. Well maybe not with a shotgun, but bow hunting trips for these carp are becoming a pretty big business. And Raul, people kill them and eat them all the time. I've seen pics of jon boats so loaded with asian carp that they almost sink! Companies exist that ship them out as fillets and fertilizer and animal feed and fish oil and whatever else they can turn them into. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=9615737 That's a LOT of fish!
  4. Not sure what's changed with the new cc regs, but you can have: 1) balance transfer fees 2) if you use that card for any purchases, any payments are always applied to the balances with the lower rates first. This means that you'll pay interest on the new purchases until you pay off the 0% amount. 3) the 12 month introductory period typically does not coincide with a due date, so if you don't pay attention you can get nailed with the full interest amount. The min payment will say $0 one month and then the next month you'll get charge all of the accumulated interest. If you do it right, it's free money. If you mess it up it's very expensive money.
  5. Definitely never had Chicago deep dish pizza before... Don't speak if you don't know anything about it. X2 and coincidently, my all time favorite was from a place named Chicago's. Can't get it out in the suburbs though so we make do with Vita Bella's, still excellent, but not the best. I'm not all that big a fan of Lou Manalti's, don't like their crust.
  6. Same, but subtract the coffee and add beer. Sports drinks are basically like koolaid. Way too sweet for me.
  7. Yep, for each single instance a DUI is worse than dogfighting. In a DUI you're willingly chosing to get into a car and drive which puts other innocent HUMAN lives in grave danger. Human > Dog any day of the week. And before the flames begin, I have a dog that I love and will likely always have dogs. People who drink and drive should be jailed on the first offense. I'll never understand our culture's acceptence of people who willfully put other innocent lives at risk.
  8. If your parents are not going to help you at all, then I wouldn't listen to their "advice" either. Depending upon what you want to do I'd find a good 2-year community college and go there. Then if you still want to keep going you can transfer to get your 4 year degree. Student loans aren't all that bad either. I'm still paying mine off, but at like 3% interest I'm not too worried about it. At that rate, I'd like to extend the payments for like 50 years, but 10 is all I get (after consolidation).
  9. I never put the two together until you brought it up. I always just thought of them trying to use "provactive" names throughout the company. I think the names actually detract from the brand. Dumb names like that make it difficult to take the actual product seriously. I mean Stiffy? Really? If some guy asks me what I'm fishing with, I'm supposed to tell him "A Stiffy!"? But RI's Sweet Beaver was a success, so those types of names can't be all bad.
  10. Your uncle may in fact be crazy. He may also be right, as crazy as it sounds to you. The point is, we don't have any idea how old the earth is, or how big space is, or what else is out there. There is no agreement among scientists, let alone theologians. We're walking right up to the religion line here. Who's gonna cross it? What we do know is that even though our yardstick is light YEARS, space is massive beyond our ability to measure.
  11. Nothing. The action of a crankbait in no way resembles a swimming fish nor a "swimming" crawdad. Bass don't care though. They see/feel something moving through the water and if they're hungry they try and eat it. Bass are by no means finicky feeders. They eat anything that even REMOTELY resembles a food source. Bass don't care that your body of water doesn't have shad/bluegill/crayfish/trout/whatever. They just want to eat.
  12. Yep, most are responsible. But, there are always a few who will give the many a bad name. I grew up helping my uncle on his dairy farm. I've dragged a manure spreader through the field and watched liquid manure fly through the air. He had a creek that ran through the back of his farm. We didn't ever spread near that creek. Which means that he was being responsible and it's not at all likely that runoff from one of his fields would cause a fish kill. Other farmers spread right up to the waters edge and likely right into it. Now, should that farmer not be held responsible for his actions?
  13. The NH law seems to be a pretty good compromise. Banning weights that are easily ingested by other animals but allowing lures that contain lead and do not pose the same risk. However, there's a big difference between banning just the weight and banning ALL lead.
  14. Here's an article from WI (your state) about it. http://wisbusiness.com/index.iml?Article=34685 Farmers that do this should be held responsible for their actions. They know exactly what they're doing and what the risks are before they spread.
  15. Ahh, so by "take her to get a massage and pedicure" you meant, she takes YOU to get a massage and pedicure. Does she pick out the color of your toenail polish too? ;D
  16. Well a 15 pack of 1/4 BPS worm weights costs 3.19 or about 21 cents per weight. A 3 pack of TT 1/4 worm weights costs 6.49 or 2.17 each. That's right at 10 times the price per weight right there. The BPS Tungsten weights cost 5.49 for a 3 pack or 1.83 each, which is about 9 times the cost of lead. Brent at *.com sells 10 1/4 tungsten weights for 9.99 or 99 cents each, which is close to five times the cost of lead.
  17. There is still lead in brass which is used in current fixtures. And there is likely still lead in your water main somewhere between the treatment plant and your house. You're already exposed to a little of most of that just by touching the dirt on the ground.
  18. I had a chatterbait for all of 10 casts. The last cast I had it the jig separated from the blade in mid air. The jig flew most of the way across the pond. The blade was still attached to my line. I haven't purchased another Chatterbait branded lure since.
  19. I'm assuming that you're aware that lead exists in the piping and/or fixtures of your home's, your place of work's, your kid's school's water system, etc, etc. If you haven't replaced most of your home's water delivery system then you're likely "sucking on a sinker, sprinkling it on your salad or your kid's cerearl". I'd be a bit more concerned about lead that I'm directly consuming, but then I'm "stoopid" and don't see the big deal of losing tiny sinker in a massive volume of water. As a thought experiment, 1 acre foot of water equals 325,851 gallons of water. An acre foot is the amount of water needed to cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot. So, a tiny 2 acre pond that averages just 5 foot in depth holds 3,258,510 gallons of water. A 1,000 acre lake that averages 10 foot in depth holds just over 3.25 billion gallons of water. Little bullet sinkers aren't going to have any effect on the dissolved lead levels of that much water.
  20. That has nothing to do with it. The benefit is from the nitrogen in the crap. This "fertilizes" the water which enhances algae growth, which creates more food for the bottom of the food chain. This allows the water to support more food for the bass so they can grow larger. However, a severe run off can kill the entire lake.
  21. You've sure been around the block a LOT for a 15 year old. Is there anything that you haven't done? Oh, and when you take your girl to get a pedicure/massage does she ride on the back of your bike or does your mommy drive you?
  22. I would think that if divisive topics are discussed there then it will effect the remainder of the forums. I was a member of a brewing forum that had an off topic forum that was "lightly" moderated. Over time things devolved and arguments that started in the off topic forum bled into the other forums. The off topic forum has since been limited to certain approved topics and things are much more civil. I doubt that it would be worth it. Too many people have too many strong opinions and if those opinions are shared they will affect how everyone else thinks of that person. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. And for the record, I'd sign up for the "anything goes" forum. I like a good "discussion".
  23. This wasn't storm related or anything, but earlier this year I bought gas and the station's network was down (couldn't communicate to CC servers) and they filled out the paper slip and took an impression of my card. This was in the Chicago suburbs and not out in the country either.
  24. I don't doubt that you've had problems with using a half full spool, but the reason isn't anything like what you've described. A half full spool will take LESS effort to start spinning and less effort to get it spinning too quickly. If you snap the cast too hard then the spool will likely turn faster than the lure is flying leading to over runs at the beginning of the cast. It's nothing like a bicycle gear.
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