I wanted to get in on the BPS Rewards program, and as far as I could tell, I had to get a MBNA Visa (with the BPS fish on it).
If you go to the BPS Rewards FAQ page, there is something about the "old" Rewards card, which would seem to be the non-VISA card option -- and it doesn't seem to be available.
I decided to get the BPS VISA -- and retired my other VISA -- and all my gas credit cards. I use the BPS VISA for all credit card purchases, and get points for all my purchases -- the gas purchases really add up these days! And after CHristmas shopping, I have accumulated a bunch of points.
And my points did not go away at the end of the year.
But (as they say on TV...) wait -- there's more...
You get an instant $10 coupon for use in-store, and an additional $25 gift card as soon as you use the VISA card for anything.
I don't see a downside in getting the VISA card if you are already using a credit card -- and, as y'all know the points are multiplied if the card is used at BPS and multiplied even more if you buy BPS branded stuff.
I figure with all the accumulated points from Christmas, gas, etc., together with the $25 gift card I still have, plus any gift cards I get for upcoming birthday (broad hints have been dropped...worked for me last year!), I will have a good chunk of bait monkey food to start gearing up in the spring. (not to mention timing my shopping to coincide with BPS sale events).
My $0.02...