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Everything posted by fishfordollars

  1. Well, let's see, one fish was willing to chase. Now if you had put on a moving lure and caught a few more you might have been on to something. as it was though, you only described one fish eating a moving lure. No pattern here, yet. If, however, you had caught a few more on a moving lure and you went to a couple of other ponds and reproduced the same, you might have developed a pattern. If you had had an auto accident during each move to the other ponds then you would have developed a pattern within a pattern.
  2. Well, let's see, one fish was willing to chase. Now if you had put on a moving lure and caught a few more you might have been on to something. as it was though, you only described one fish eating a moving lure. No pattern here, yet. If, however, you had caught a few more on a moving lure and you went to a couple of other ponds and reproduced the same, you might have developed a pattern. If you had had an auto accident during each move to the other ponds then you would have developed a pattern within a pattern.
  3. Well, let's see, one fish was willing to chase. Now if you had put on a moving lure and caught a few more you might have been on to something. as it was though, you only described one fish eating a moving lure. No pattern here, yet. If, however, you had caught a few more on a moving lure and you went to a couple of other ponds and reproduced the same, you might have developed a pattern. If you had had an auto accident during each move to the other ponds then you would have developed a pattern within a pattern.
  4. Merry Christmas to all.
  5. Merry Christmas to all.
  6. Merry Christmas to all.
  7. I've heard those stories for years. Never met anyone that could comfirm any of them. It's just like anywhere else. you have to be alert and watch yourself reguardless of where you go and what you do. I've spent my share of time down on the border lakes. I'm calling BS on the pirates putting you out of the boat and into the water.
  8. Good luck with your search. A team trail with a 100.00 entry is going to be hard to find. Not enough money paid out to draw enough teams to make it worthwhile. Expenses would eat the teams alive. Bass Champs and Bass-N-Bucks here in Texas will draw 150-275 boats(At least they use to) and the entries start at 280.00 per team. Lots of team circuits over here, but the economy is really hurting them.
  9. i do and carry the Texas P&W handbook in my truck. Being on the coast and not saltwater fishing very much is is necessary if you decide to hit the salty stuff several times a year.
  10. i do and carry the Texas P&W handbook in my truck. Being on the coast and not saltwater fishing very much is is necessary if you decide to hit the salty stuff several times a year.
  11. i do and carry the Texas P&W handbook in my truck. Being on the coast and not saltwater fishing very much is is necessary if you decide to hit the salty stuff several times a year.
  12. they make great door stops.
  13. Lots of things happening to this team that you've never seen before. They are the dreggs.
  14. Russ, glad you are feeling better. Good to hear you are still around and doing better.
  15. No conclusions at all, just hearing the rumors. It was a question asked not a statement.
  16. Anyone heard this? They again have failed to move forward on the Memphis Pyramid superstore deal that they keep dragging their feet on. I've been hearing this for the last several days. Can't confirm anything, just wondering if anyone else has heard the rumors.
  17. Actually the law here in Texas states you have a duty to try to withdraw if possible before taking action. Must mean you have to say good night or good bye before emptying the clip.
  18. That's how i learned the jig years ago, but i can see how trying that with a lot of other lures would be counterproductive.
  19. That's how i learned the jig years ago, but i can see how trying that with a lot of other lures would be counterproductive.
  20. That's how i learned the jig years ago, but i can see how trying that with a lot of other lures would be counterproductive.
  21. Jewlery store owner and wife robbed at 2:08 yesterday here in Houston. They tied the wife up and as one gunman was tying up the owner he pulled a pistol and shot him dead. One down, he then grabbed his shotgun and killed the other two, walked outside looking for any more and then realized he had been shot in the leg, left shoulder, and the belly. Went back in untied his wife and called the police. Owner is in the hospital in critical condition but is expected to survive. Final score 3-0 in favor of the good guys. He is my today's hero. Get well soon.
  22. Man this news sucks. Get well quickly.
  23. My number one crankbait. Not sure how many I own, but more than the wife needs to know about. most of mine were bought over the internet for 8-10 bucks each.
  24. well, if I make it until Saturday I'll be 62 and counting. guess that qualifies me.
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