Last night i took a DC meter and placed the positive end. To the Hull/frame and the negative to the neg.
post on the CRANK battery. The meter showed 0 voltage. When i turned on all my rocker switches (3)
It read a 1/4 of a volt. This would include the pumps. The voltage was get stronger .5 on each switch.
Totaling .15
Then i did the same thing to my 12-24 trolling batteries. It read 2-2.5 volts. This would mean that the hull
is constantly charged w/ voltage. Low voltage in deed. If you add water to that, it may increase and be passed to the fish thru the water. Now how much voltage can a smallie handle i dont know.
I an still confused about the fish finders locking up. Because they use Direct ground to the crank battery.
This week end i am going to remove my trolling batteries, and allot of BS to pull my supply wires out. And give them a good inspection.
I still find it hard to belive that i have electrical gremmlins. But first things first. There should be no voltage going to any part of the hull.
What's every one think of the latest update?
Hopefully i figure this kill out. You never know when someone in youre club. Or friend may experience the same thing. At least save a marriage. Last night i said, if i cant figure it out. I am going to the bank again. She just looked @ me. Because the boat is an only a 1 yr. old.
Thanks, everyone.