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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. What kind of hooks are you using? My favorite by far is the Gamakatsu EWG, and I've experimented with many different brands (so I have a lot of almost full packs of unused worm hooks). The hook point and the shoulder are directly in line, so they're perfect for senkos, but they still get the fish every time. Make sure you're using a quality hook, and definitely give it a second or two after you feel or see the strike before you set the hook.
  2. Earlier this spring soon after ice-out we had a couple days of heavy rain and in this little pond I used to fish (which is now a parking lot for a Sams Club :'( ), the water was murkier than I'd ever seen it. I tied on a clown-colored X-Rap and worked it slowly to the sides of where water was flowing in from an underground tube and I caught the two biggest fish I'd ever caught there, back to back (biggest was only just under 3lbs but for that could have been one of the biggest fish in the place). Granted this is now late summer/early fall, but a chartreuse or other brightly-colered X-Rap should do well near running water, if there is any, or pretty much anywhere else in relatively shallow water.
  3. Helicopter lure was a gimmicky-type lure that came out in the 90's. If you hate when your line is smooth ands not twisted, tie one of these on and you'll be all set.
  4. I don't know the science behind figuring which fish are safe to eat and which aren't, but personally I wouldn't trust fish from a pond like that. I've heard the quality of the fish taste is closely related to the quality of the water anyway, so even if they're safe, they may not be too tasty...
  5. Roadwarrior, to answer your question, there is no part of "illegal" that I don't understand. Thanks for that link though, I did read through it to make sure I understand all of it. If you read my previous posts, you will notice that whether what I did is illegal or not is not the question.
  6. Congrats on figuring out the fish there Johnnydel - that's always a nice feeling ;D I'd take a 3+ lber any day of the week. Thanks for your response there also - I do feel like the moderators are teaming up on me without good cause. But, my ears are open, and I'm eagerly awaiting a response from them just explaining their claims against me. If they can logically explain how I'm a thief or how I'm harming anyone or anything then I promise I'll never fish there again. I just hope they read my posts carefully so that I don't have to repeat anything...
  7. Low_Budget - thanks for the info, I appreciate that. I have looked into the laws, it is punishable by a fine of up to $250. I will double check that, but I had no idea it was such a serious issue in some areas. And FYI, I always get a fishing license. I really don't understand why you and the other moderators have ripped into me so harshly - as if I'm a terrible person for fishing a reservoir when I'm not supposed to. Homeland security? Jail time? It seems like you're serious, but I'd like to emphasize what I've been doing: going fishing in a reservoir where I'm not supposed to fish. You guys obviously have a serious problem with that, and that's fine, I guess. But I don't understand why you have such a huge problem with that. It would have been fine to say something like, "You shouldn't be fishing there, I don't like that you do fish there illegally, I think you should stop," or some variety of that instead of calling me those things. I guess I'll get over it because I'm a big boy. And come on - homeland security? Let's get serious. I don't know why you say that I wouldn't respect someone's private property. It just doesn't make sense man. How does fishing this place affect other people more than rolling through a stop sign, exactly? And I resent that you say I give other fishermen a bad name. I assure you, I don't, unless fishing this reservoir does that, in which case you're right. But I disagree. And how am I stealing opportunities from other fishermen? You can't just say these things and not explain. And I do fish the same lakes/ponds/rivers as everyone else 95% of the time. I just enjoy fishing this place because the fishing is way better, and you can't blame me for enjoying better fishing. You can blame me for fishing this particular place, and you have, and that's fine. But understand why I fish there: I love catching nice fish enough to tip the scales in favor of fishing the place instead of not, all things considered. Lastly, please explain how I am a thief. So not one of you who has replied to me has EVER fished where you're not supposed to? Ever?
  8. Interesting read if you like philosophy, and it's related to the question of whether a bass feels pain. http://members.aol.com/NeoNoetics/Nagel_Bat.html
  9. Well judging by her picture she sure isn't starving, and I don't believe her when she says she wouldn't eat food if it had hooks in it. Aren't buddhists all about moderation? Anyway, fish don't feel pain as we know it. Pain is something inextricably tied to our perception, to our human point of view, and we have no way of knowing what a fish feels when it's hooked because there's no way we can separate ourselves from our point of view. Basically, we can't ever know what a fish feels when hooked because we're not fish. I would think the experience for a fish is at least not awesome, but as for exactly what it feels, we can't really ever understand. All we can do is try not to do damage to them and hope they're all right.
  10. I'd say that's no bigger than 1 lb 2 oz. Just kidding - yeah, I agree with the rest. Right around 3 I'd say, maybe 3.5.
  11. Actually, and with all due respect (I really enjoy your posts roadwarrior - I've learned a lot from them), I can choose which laws I decide to obey (I'm not above doing a "California roll" through the occasional stop sign, which is also against the law and punishable by a fine). However, I don't get to choose the ones for which I suffer the consequences if caught. And like I said, if I get caught, I'll pay the fine and know that it was worth it. The point of my last post was that illegally fishing a reservoir or rolling through a stop sign instead of coming to a complete stop do not make me a thief. I did take offense to that.
  12. Wow, that looks like a pretty sweet spot 8-)
  13. Yeah, especially with smallies. On several occasions I've missed a stike so that the senko's all twisted up and as I'm reeling it in accross the surface I'll get bit. It makes me laugh every time, and each time it happens my love for smallies grows. And sometimes it happens when the hooks on my Zara Spook/Puppy get fouled. I get hits like that sometimes but usually they miss (or I'll miss them). Can't say it's happened with a trap though.
  14. Sorry to reply to the issue created by my original post on this thread since it was not originally meant to be in regards to this topic, but I do need to reply. I'm not fishing on anyone's private property - if I ever had such a desire I would get the owner's permission first, and I certainly would not harm that property in any way (cutting down trees, leaving trash or keeping fish - I've never kept a bass from anywhere). Granted I'm not supposed to be fishing the place I have been fishing, so yes, technically I'm breaking the law, punishable by a fine which in my opinion would be worth it. Such a violation is not, by any stretch, analagous to killing someone. Anyway, if you have a problem with the fact that I've been fishing a reservoir at night where I'm not supposed to fish, fine. I respect that. But keep in mind I'm not leaving any trash, keeping any fish, destroying any property, or hurting anyone or anything. I just love catching huge (for CT) bass, so don't equate me to a murderer or someone who destroys private property, please. What I'm doing may be illegal, but not immoral (according to my standards).
  15. Wow that looks really cool - does anyone else use the assist hooks? And if so, do you find that they're as effective as a normal trailer hook? It seems that the assist hook would be easier to remove from a landed fish. Sometimes it takes me a while, especially when night fishing, to remove fish that are hooked with the main hook and the trailer.
  16. I like snaps for almost all of my hardbaits for two reasons: 1. Quick changing. I don't care how fast you are at tying knots, no one can tie a knot faster than he can switch lures with a snap. 2. I don't like tying line directly to split rings because I'm always worried that the sharp edges will fray/cut the line. If you do hook into a world record and you break off at the snap, your drag was set too tight. $0.02
  17. Ever since watching a Kevin VanDam video on spinnerbaits I've been using trailer hooks on every one of my spinnerbaits. He says in the video that he always uses a trailer hook, and seeing as how he's regarded as one of, if not the, best spinnerbait fishermen, I will not argue with him. He even uses them in dense cover. I can't count the number of times I've caught fish (some nice ones, too) on just the trailer hook. I'd rather not have to use one, but I guarantee you'll hook more fish if you use them.
  18. I've been night fishing at a reservoir in CT (where you're not allowed to fish :-?) for the past couple of weeks, and the water level is down about 10 feet. My brother and I have been sneaking out there and absolutely slamming them - by far the best bass fishing I've ever experienced. The second night, the first three fish I caught were 5 lb LMB, 4.4 lb smallie, then 4 lb LMB - pretty awesome for CT. Those three were nabbed on a black Lucky Craft sammy, with the jointed tail (an awesome topwater if you haven't tried it - but it cost me about 20 bucks). We have not gone out there without catching at least a couple bass in the 3.5-4 lb class, and when they're smallies it's even more fun. Anyway, the best place we've found, given that the water is so low, is right where it drops off from a shallow cove area. This area is now only about 1-2 feet deep, but it drops down to about 6 feet off the ledge. It seems like the fish are just traveling in and out of the cove because we're casting to the same area for most of each night and keep getting hits. So I'd say look for drop-offs from shallow areas. Also, I was surprised by how shallow some of the bigger fish would go to eat. Some of the big fish we caught were in less than a foot of water, probably chasing baitfish or lookin for craws right up against the rocky shore. We even hooked into a couple pike. In a way I wish we were allowed to fish there, so we could go out during the day, but on the other hand, I'm glad it's restricted because that's why the fishing is so good. Anyway, you guys know where I'll be each night until it gets too cold....
  19. Thanks guys, I guess I'll stick with using the barbs then unless I'm catching a bunch of little fish. It's not worth possibly losing a nice fish.
  20. Hello fellow bassers ;D First of all, I'm glad to be registered with this site. I've been surfing around if for a few days now and it is very cool. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with bending the barbs down on your hooks. I only do it when I'm catching a bunch of little fish and I want to be able to release them quickly, but I was wondering...Does anyone do it all the time? I know it would make setting the hook a little easier, but do you think you'll lose a significant number of fish (especially jumpers) due to the lack of a barb? I think the difference may not be as noticeable with a worm hook, but with treble hooks it seems to me the barbs really keep the fish buttoned. I'd prefer to bend all the barbs down on all my lures (for the sake of the fish), but not if it's going to cost me a lot of fish. Any thoughts?
  21. New Hampshire's state record is the smallie I'm catching this weekend - just wanted to post so I can PM now.
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