Low_Budget - thanks for the info, I appreciate that. I have looked into the laws, it is punishable by a fine of up to $250. I will double check that, but I had no idea it was such a serious issue in some areas. And FYI, I always get a fishing license. I really don't understand why you and the other moderators have ripped into me so harshly - as if I'm a terrible person for fishing a reservoir when I'm not supposed to. Homeland security? Jail time? It seems like you're serious, but I'd like to emphasize what I've been doing: going fishing in a reservoir where I'm not supposed to fish. You guys obviously have a serious problem with that, and that's fine, I guess. But I don't understand why you have such a huge problem with that. It would have been fine to say something like, "You shouldn't be fishing there, I don't like that you do fish there illegally, I think you should stop," or some variety of that instead of calling me those things. I guess I'll get over it because I'm a big boy. And come on - homeland security? Let's get serious.
I don't know why you say that I wouldn't respect someone's private property. It just doesn't make sense man. How does fishing this place affect other people more than rolling through a stop sign, exactly? And I resent that you say I give other fishermen a bad name. I assure you, I don't, unless fishing this reservoir does that, in which case you're right. But I disagree. And how am I stealing opportunities from other fishermen? You can't just say these things and not explain. And I do fish the same lakes/ponds/rivers as everyone else 95% of the time. I just enjoy fishing this place because the fishing is way better, and you can't blame me for enjoying better fishing. You can blame me for fishing this particular place, and you have, and that's fine. But understand why I fish there: I love catching nice fish enough to tip the scales in favor of fishing the place instead of not, all things considered. Lastly, please explain how I am a thief.
So not one of you who has replied to me has EVER fished where you're not supposed to? Ever?