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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. At this point, I don't think anyone is saying that this past Super Bowl was rigged. It would be very hard to argue. However, I think my strongest point is this: we have legal proof that at least some NBA games are/were rigged. That ref said he's absolutely not the only one. NFL refs have at least as much or more power over the outcome of a game that an NBA ref does. Is it impossible that SOME NFL games are rigged? No. Probable? In my opinion, yes, but you could argue it either way. I don't think anyone can say that there's absolutely no way some NFL games are rigged.
  2. How about a more morbid scenario in which Manning gets a call or a letter saying if he doesn't do such and such, he'd better watch out for his family...etc. Like I said, there are many very rich and very powerful people who have large, vested interests in the outcomes of many games. That fact alone should throw up a red flag. Where there's money to be had, the scumbags school up and circle. Sports, politics, Wall Street, and everything else. Again, that's not proof of any wrongdoing, but it does make one think. I got one, how about and alien flying ship came to indiana and kidnaped the real Manning and replaced him with their INT happy clone. You know, the same alien who replaced the one Peterson you saw not fumble the ball this season at all? wouldn't that be possible too? No man, it is not rigged, too many people involved, too many people would have to be in on this to make it work. I said nothing of Peterson, FYI. "Too many people involved, too many people would have to be in on this to make it work." That's just not convincing. Look, I said nothing of this Super Bowl (I don't think). Yeah, for this one to have been rigged, it seems unlikely. However, there have been big games whose outcomes have absolutely been determined by several shady calls. Human error? Perhaps. Were the refs bought? Perhaps. We really don't know. However, from some of the stuff I've read, it seems to be the case that there are NFL games that are rigged. All it takes is a couple refs who seem only to call pass interference or holding on one team, not the other. With the rule structure, football seems to be the easiest game to rig (well, maybe other than boxing). Look at the NBA ref who was nabbed. He swears he's not the only one. Is it so far fetched to stretch that corruption to the NFL? I don't think so. If you want to take everything at face value, by all means go ahead. I tend to question things, which is my prerogative. Don't berate me because I may have different views. At least I back mine up. *Edit* I take back what I said about a scenario in which Manning is threatened. I know that is super-far-fetched
  3. How about a more morbid scenario in which Manning gets a call or a letter saying if he doesn't do such and such, he'd better watch out for his family...etc. Like I said, there are many very rich and very powerful people who have large, vested interests in the outcomes of many games. That fact alone should throw up a red flag. Where there's money to be had, the scumbags school up and circle. Sports, politics, Wall Street, and everything else. Again, that's not proof of any wrongdoing, but it does make one think.
  4. Just google "Is the NFL rigged," and you'll get plenty of evidence. Not conclusive evidence, but a lot of convincing arguments. I, for one, believe that at least some games are rigged. Not all of them, but some. There's just too much money to be had, too many very rich and powerful people involved, and all you need to rig a game is a few officials and the quarterback. My grandfather always told me it was rigged, and I never believed it, but if you read a lot about it and go in with an open mind, a lot of the arguments make sense. $0.02
  5. Third vote for The Big Lebowski here. It's the funniest movie I've ever seen.
  6. You think THAT'S irresponsible? How about this, speaking of bus drivers: http://www.wfsb.com/news/22412355/detail.html
  7. I was thinking the same thing. It sounds crazy to us, but honestly, what other option does he have? I was trying to think of a better alternative, but couldn't come up with anything, assuming he has no family or friends who are able to watch the child during the day.
  8. What do you guys think? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1248252/Childcare-Chinese-style-Father-chains-year-old-son-post-hes-work.html
  9. I don't happen to agree with this conspiracy theory, but I haven't read too much on it either. My gut instinct is to say it's total BS, but the more I read about conspiracy theories in general, the more they make sense if you really put the pieces together. The fact is, there's so much we don't know about virtually everything that it's nearly impossible to come to an absolute, final conclusion. The key is to go into everything with a totally open mind, learn as many facts as possible, and draw your own logical conclusion. If you base your opinions on what you see on TV, you're doing yourself a disservice. The only way to get true facts about anything is to do your own research on the internet, and I'm not talking the mainstream media sites. Every mainstream media outlet has its own agenda. If you don't believe that, then put your glasses on and stop drinking.
  10. These are a couple I took on a recent vacation I took to St. John. I just love the second one. Makes me feel like I'm right there, instead of 15 degree CT weather. The first one was taken with a 15 second shutter speed. Both with my Canon SD940 point & shoot. Love that camera.
  11. I have a nice point-and-shoot, and am looking forward to when I can get a nice DSLR. My girlfriend is into nature photography. Same link as in my signature below: www.nicolelawtonphotography.com The sites you guys posted are blocked so I'll have to check them out when I get home.
  12. It's in situations like that one can tell what type of man someone is. You did a great thing.
  13. If you know, then why not post after seeing it?
  14. Japanese loose leaf green tea. It's an acquired taste, but I really enjoy it. Additionally, the health benefits are incredible. http://chinesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa011400a.htm
  15. Sounds like someone had a case of the Mondays. Seriously though, that sucks. AAA is incredibly convenient and hassle-free.
  16. Exactly. If no one wants to buy at the price I set, so be it. I'm out a few cents for listing an eBay item. PayPal fees to the private buyer are what an increase in corporate taxes are to the consumer.
  17. I think I can beat that as long as I'm allowed to eat 10 Taco Bell bean burritos 2 hours before the contest.
  18. I remember you telling that story on here before. Crazy, crazy stuff. From what I've read and from the documentaries I've watched, your experience matches up with those of many other trustworthy people. As far as creatures go, when I lived in Miami I had a 15' canoe with a flat back and a 5 hp Nissan outboard that my brother and I used to fish and explore the bay. One morning we were on plane (yes, we were on plane in a canoe :-) ), and the front of the canoe jolted to the side. My brother swears he saw a hammerhead that hit the canoe with its fin, but I never saw it. Over the next year or so there were sightings reported of a 15 foot hammerhead in the Biscayne Bay area, which is right near where we were.
  19. You can get in many more hands per hour, plus you don't have the expense of gas or time to and from the casino. Of course, if you're playing big no limit games, you don't have the additional physical tells, but there are other ones. I go to Foxwood's every couple of weeks as a mini-vacation from life, but don't play much online anymore. The games are much, much tougher than they were a few years ago and I have other things to do nowadays, unfortunately.
  20. I like the old school ring, like how rotary phones used to sound.
  21. http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100118/haiti_troops_100119/20100119/?hub=MontrealHome "Some 70,000 bodies have now been recovered from the rubble and trucked off to mass graves. The latest casualty report from the European Commission, which cited Haitian government figures, doubled previous estimates of the dead, to approximately 200,000. "European Commission analysts estimate another 250,000 have been injured and a staggering 1.5 million are now homeless. Most of those are sleeping in the streets of the capital or trying to find transportation to get out to the countryside, where some hope food is easier to find." Road Runners = who cares
  23. I think he's talking about shaving his face. I would have to recommend against growing a beard on your ***.
  24. Yeah but could you imagine winning $100M or so? 8-)
  25. There's a difference between urgent emergency care due to a natural disaster and the social problems we have in our country. If we had an earthquake like that here, and one there at the same time, then yes, we should help our own first, but you're comparing apples & oranges. By the way microman, it's H-a-i-t-i.
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