How about a more morbid scenario in which Manning gets a call or a letter saying if he doesn't do such and such, he'd better watch out for his family...etc.
Like I said, there are many very rich and very powerful people who have large, vested interests in the outcomes of many games. That fact alone should throw up a red flag.
Where there's money to be had, the scumbags school up and circle. Sports, politics, Wall Street, and everything else. Again, that's not proof of any wrongdoing, but it does make one think.
I got one, how about and alien flying ship came to indiana and kidnaped the real Manning and replaced him with their INT happy clone. You know, the same alien who replaced the one Peterson you saw not fumble the ball this season at all?
wouldn't that be possible too?
No man, it is not rigged, too many people involved, too many people would have to be in on this to make it work.
I said nothing of Peterson, FYI.
"Too many people involved, too many people would have to be in on this to make it work."
That's just not convincing.
Look, I said nothing of this Super Bowl (I don't think). Yeah, for this one to have been rigged, it seems unlikely. However, there have been big games whose outcomes have absolutely been determined by several shady calls. Human error? Perhaps. Were the refs bought? Perhaps. We really don't know. However, from some of the stuff I've read, it seems to be the case that there are NFL games that are rigged. All it takes is a couple refs who seem only to call pass interference or holding on one team, not the other. With the rule structure, football seems to be the easiest game to rig (well, maybe other than boxing). Look at the NBA ref who was nabbed. He swears he's not the only one. Is it so far fetched to stretch that corruption to the NFL?
I don't think so.
If you want to take everything at face value, by all means go ahead. I tend to question things, which is my prerogative. Don't berate me because I may have different views. At least I back mine up.
*Edit* I take back what I said about a scenario in which Manning is threatened. I know that is super-far-fetched