Johnnydel, glad to see you're trying out the old X-Rap. This is by far one of my favorite baits, and I have more confidence with X-Raps and LC Pointers than with any other lure, even senkos. If I'm not sure if there are fish in an area (that isn't too heavy with cover), I throw an X-Rap, and if nothing, I'm confident no fish are there. I really feel that fish hear and see these things from a long way away, approach it out of curiosity, then attack it either because it makes them angry or triggers some kind of reflexive reaction out of them. Love 'em.
All good tips above for sure, but I have one thing to add, and it applies moreso to smallies, but also to a lesser degree to largies. You'd be very very surprised how fast you can work these baits sometimes. Not so much this time of year in the northeast now that the fishing is starting to slow down, but especially when the fish are active. If you see fish following your bait but not committing, speed that thing way up. I'm talking reeling fast while making fast erratic jerks and twitches. When you do this, sometimes it's important to let it come to a dead stop right in the middle for a couple seconds, but definitely experiment with this really aggressive approach. Smallies can't resist. You won't trust it until you start getting fish with the super fast retrieve, but when you do get the confidence, it's a lot of fun. The types of jerks that seem to work best for me are very short and sharp - I prefer braided line with a flouro leader and a medium action rod, but mono or flourocarbon will work well too. I just like the feel with braid more and the tighter, more erratic action that comes with zero stretch line.
I actually feel kinda stupid when I'm fishing around other people and they see me working the bait this way because I'm pretty sure I look pretty stupid, but that self-consciousness goes away when the fish start piling in ;D
And someone said color is important with these - sometimes it is really important. Last weekend in NH they wouldn't touch anything but an all-white X-Rap. It was crazy. White/blue, white/black, no dice. Just white on white.