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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. It would take less wind, more current to move a pontoon. Think about the part of your body/tube/pontoon that would be exposed to the current/wind
  2. I actually fished a little golf course pond once that was so overstocked with tiny little dinks that I was pulling one out every cast with a bare hook ;D
  3. In my life I've taken every activity to the extreme and to a very high level of competition, from soccer when I was younger, to golf, to orchestral flute, to academics and everything else. I'm very competitive, and I really enjoy intense competition. On the other hand, fishing is one thing I've never done competitively (unless you count against my brother), and I think I want to keep it that way. I enjoy fishing so freakin' much as it is that I don't think I'd want to change that. Granted, being in fierce competition on the lake sounds like fun, but I don't ever want to get to the point where I catch a huge fish and my first thought is, "Jeez, I wish I were fishing a tournament today." I think that would take away from my "recreational" fishing a lot. Don't get me wrong - usually I'm very intense on the water and very focused, but I feel like getting used to fishing in competition would take away from the enjoyment I derive from recreational fishing, and that enjoyment is something I always want to keep intact.
  4. My fav shakey head bait is the Powerbait finesse worms. Super salty, thin, wiggly, and very delicious
  5. I thought those recoil guides were better for braid, and that they don't ever groove? They look really cool, and I'm interested in any info people have on them, if the difference is noticeable or not.
  6. When I was just a kid my family stayed at the Grand Floridian for a few nights at Disney, and I'll NEVER forget one evening before eating dinner at the restaurant on the water, my brother and I looked over the edge of the railing and saw the three biggest bass I've ever seen, just sitting there in open water, all in the 10 lb class. I don't know if there are any big fish in there anymore, but this was in the early-mid '90s. The lakes/ponds in that area look extremely fishy though, I'd like to go there again someday for the fishing. Incidentally, I ate bad shrimp cocktail that night and spent the next two days vomiting instead of going on the rides.
  7. I love fishing lures, even just looking at them and changing the hooks for no reason, which is what I'll be doing for the next several months. Going to Cabela's tonight for some more
  8. Great info Lard_Bass - I guess I'll splurge the extra 30 bucks for a Stradic - it sounds like it's worth it, even just for the waterproof drag.
  9. By the way, the older model was on sale for 100 bucks, and that would have been impossible to pass up if they had any 2500's left, which is the size I'm lookin' for.
  10. I was at Cabela's last night looking at the new and old Stradic. The differences have already been highlighted above, but I have to say that the new Stradic is absolutely beautiful looking. I love the new spool, and it feels like a dream. I'll probably end up getting one before next spring. Another reel that impressed me was the Saros, a new Shimano reel. It seems like the exact same thing as the Stradic, but 30 bucks less. And wps1999 - I'm definitely gonna spool that baby up with #6 Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultrasoft. Never tried that line but lookin' forward to it.
  11. Well I went out yesterday here in CT to throw a few casts at some Bluegills with a marabou jig, if that counts? Caught one, and after a half hour and some icy snow I couldn't feel my feelings so I quit. About 1/3 of the pond was covered in a thin layer of the hard stuff. I'm officially done with bass for the year unless we get a warm spell, which would be AWESOME. So I guess everything's freezing over up there in NH? I was briefly considering going up to my favorite smallie pond to throw a few casts, but not if there'll be ice, obviously.
  12. Awesome baits, all of them. I'm addicted. I just picked up a Super Shallow Mini Crank, not sure of the technical name, but I absolutely can't wait to use this wakebait/bulgebait next spring when the weeds are a foot or two below the surface. I KNOW it's gonna freakin' kill 'em. Not a big fan of the Live Pointer - I only bought one and probably won't get another. The action is unbelievable when you just straight reel it in, but I like the action on the regular pointers a lot more for traditional jerkbait applications. A great trout bait is the Pointer 65's - great size for them and small smallies. The huge live Sammy is my best big bass producer, and the black works wonders at night. I have a gunfish but haven't used it - looking forward to using it. As for the realskin series, I saw some at Cabela's last night for 20 bucks a pop (5 bucks more than normal). They just look like dirty lures (it actually looks like spots of dirt and mold on them), and they seem just a little gimmicky to me. I'm gonna wait for reviews before I get any. I'm hoping they suck so I'm not tempted to update my jerkbait box. And I agree - I don't really have the cojones to chunk LC cranks into brushpiles and laydowns. I'll stick with my $8 Rapala DT's for that, and it's still a little painful losing those.
  13. Congrats on that jwo - there's something about using baitcasters that is more enjoyable than using spinning gear. I think it's just the actual feel of a cast with a baitcaster that is superior. You have better control once you get used to it, and there's nothin', and I mean NOTHIN' better than setting the hook into a nice fish with a baitcaster ;D I would, however, recommend that you upgrade to a better baitcaster though, if you are able. There's a big difference between a 35 dollar reel and a 90 or 100 dollar reel. This is a good time of year to get discounts on last year's models as the new ones start popping up. You'll have even less problems with backlashes and it will be even more of a pleasure to use. Of course, as soon as you start upgrading, it becomes very difficult to stop the trend, but it sounds like you're already on that path, so good luck to you
  14. Shave down the lower lip on poppers so it doesn't pop as much, and spits more. Add feathered trebles to jerkbaits. Add the oval split rings to all baits - reduces the chance that the line will get cut from the ring. I like using white flukes and coloring my own stuff on them, different colors and patterns. Not sure it does much, but it's fun and satisfying when you get them to hit it.
  15. Probably my favorite techniqe for bass, especially smallmouths, but it works for LMB as well, is a jerkbait. When they're active, work it really fast and erratically - it really draws them out and you'd be surprised how fast you can work it and still get bit often. *Generally speaking* as they become more inactive, slow your retrieve and increase the pauses in between the jerks. But I just love slammin' tons of them on a jerkbait when they're active. I just LOVE: twitch twitch twitch twitch pause twitch twi....SLAM! Spring can't come soon enough :-/
  16. That's exactly what I wanted to hear Thanks
  17. Hey, more bass for the rest of us 8-)
  18. Thanks a lot for all your replies guys, I really appreciate it and those posts definitely help A LOT. I'll post an update and pics as soon as I get each one, but it probably won't be for a couple months. I wouldn't be using them til spring anyway. Went "fishing" Saturday, but it was more like masochism than fishing. Cold, windy, and ice kept building up on the guides. Not even G Loomis himself could have helped my situation I did, however, get some fresh (and frosty) air that woke me right up
  19. More power to you Fish Chris - that's a great way to look at things, and very true - a day on the water without catching a fish is basically always better than a day at work. However, it's probably a little easier for you to have a great day on the water without catching a fish - it sounds (and looks, judging by your pictures) like there's some beatiful scenery around where you fish. Today, well yesterday I guess, I went out for a couple hours and the windchill was in the 20's. Obviously, I got skunked, and I was pretty much expecting that, but I think if you fished with me in those conditions, and the only wildlife you saw was Canadian geese pooping everywhere, you'd have to be crazy to call it a great day :-? . Don't get me wrong, I got exactly what I expected out of the day, and it was nice to get some fresh air, but it would have been even nicer to catch a couple. I think that would be a good personal goal for anyone: as you get older, try to appreciate your time on the water more and more as an end in itself instead of a means to an end (catching fish). That way you'll never lose. For me, a large part of the pleasure of fishing is just being in the outdoors, but as it stands now, actually catching fish is probably a larger part of it.
  20. x2 - sailcats have a poisonous barb that will ruin your next couple of days
  21. Wow that's the most vivid color I've ever seen on a fish. Beautiful.
  22. Speaking of bluefish and fishy taste, a good way to get rid of most of the fishy taste, if you didn't already know, is to soak the fillets in milk for an hour before cooking them (I like it grilled). Bluefish prepared in this manner is not fishy tasting at all, and quite delicious.
  23. Any of you guys have luck with this lure? I bought one the other day, and it looks pretty cool, but was just wondering if it will be worth it to stock up a few of them over the winter. I'm wondering if the action is as good as a Zara Puppy - it looks like it will spit and walk the dog, but I'm a little skeptical about the walk the dog action. Thanks
  24. Actually kicking to stay in position really takes no effort unless you're trying to fish against the wind (it's almost impossible to kick forwards in a float tube). It's moreso just kind of twitching your toes or subtle movements. On the other hand, kicking across a lake/pond can get really tiring. When I first started, I would kick out to my spot wayyyy to fast, get cramps, and be all sweaty and out of breath. Then I learned to take it easy. 8-)
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