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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. I don't mind the zip code question because it helps prevent fraud. However, I HATE it when they ask me if I want a car wash. If I wanted one I'd get one you piece of s**t machine, and I wouldn't need your help doing it.
  2. Funny this thread should come up - just last night, for the first time, I had moose, wild hog, rabbit, and buffalo ribs. Everything was delicious, especially the buffalo ribs. The moose was also very tasty. My girlfriend's father went to a game dinner in town and came back with tons of leftovers :-)
  3. Summer because that means I'm not freezing I disagree off wishing my lakes weren't frozen. Beach volleyball too.
  4. From late fall to early spring, my every day beer is Miller Lite. From mid spring to mid fall, Corona with a slice of lime is my every day beer. If Yuengling were sold in CT, MA, or RI, it would be my every day beer year-round. Cheap and delicious. For other beers, I love Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Blue Moon (bottled, no orange), Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sam Adams Octoberfest, and occasionally I'll enjoy a Heineken as long as it's frosty cold. If I'm not drinking beer you'll see me with a gin & tonic. Not only am I in love with Bombay Sapphire, but I am scarily obsessed with it, which is why I try not to buy it too often.
  5. This is what you risk when you keep a huge, beautiful, intelligent animal in captivity. I feel really bad for the trainer and her family and loves ones, but I also feel bad for the whale. Such creatures should not be held in captivity.
  6. Well, if she does, you'd better be like the guy in the ad: "He went to Jared." ;D Haha - fortunately, I'm one of the lucky ones. In my case, it'll be, "He went to Cabela's." She won't see it anyway. She only comes here when I post something and send her the link.
  7. I have the 30-30 lever action and it's sick. Granted, I don't have much to compare it to, and I don't hunt, but I've shot it a ton out in the woods and the action is beautiful. I've been meaning to get into deer hunting for the last few years but just haven't gotten around to it. Someday.
  8. Does that mean we get our money back? These "scientists" are no better than the politicians. They're all the scum of the earth and it makes me sick. Does global warming exist? Absolutely. Has anyone even come close to proving we cause it, or a part of it? No. Has anthropogenic global warming been widely accepted? Yes. Why? The scumbags in the mainstream media and the public's (grossly misplaced) trust in them. I go into this with an open mind. There may well be man-made global warming, although I personally do not think so from all I have read about the subject. What infuriates me is pseudo scientists claiming it has been proven beyond all doubt in order to get more money from corrupt politicians who benefit personally from any anti-warming legislation they're able to stick to us, while the darling media goes along for the ride, purposely misleading the public - that is, the dumb, average American who doesn't even know enough to care for himself. Dirtbag elitists. Phew - I'm glad politics aren't allowed here because don't even get me started naming names
  9. I often have problems with my girlfriend's PMS, so you're not alone (hope she doesn't see this)
  10. Depends on my mood. If I'm feeling frisky and rambunctious, I'll go for milk chocolate. If I'm feeling just plain fabulous with a side of naughtiness, I'll go for dark chocolate.
  11. I wouldn't trust the "analyses" you hear on the news. Here is the full manifesto, if you're interested. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2010/images/02/18/stack.letter.pdf
  12. My ride.
  13. Sorry to hear that Mike. I hope you're able, sooner rather than later, to get to the point where you think back about him and smile rather than mourn. For me that took a couple years.
  14. LC Gunfish. It's like a popper/spook hybrid. It sputters water while you walk it, and just makes a ton of noise. Smallies absolutely love it. Plus it casts for.......ever.........
  15. You sure? ;D Sorry man, just messin' around - I couldn't resist.
  16. Mmmm, the elixir of the gods.
  17. Any time you offer a prize or reward to someone for a service, you will get much more of that service. I think offering entry to a raffle, or a free pack of baits, to anyone who donates blood at a fishing expo is a good idea. However, I would also make sure that there isn't any alcohol available at the expo, or at whatever event you're considering doing this.
  18. Curling is the single most exciting activity I've ever watched on tv. Unfortunately, my doc said I can't watch it anymore because I get too worked up and he doesn't want me to have a heart attack. Just the thought of watching that thing slide on the ice while people in tights sweep the ice really gets my heart rate up.
  19. My uncle lives in New Wallins, as you guys pronounce it, and when I was maybe 8 years old, for some reason I went down during Mardi Gras to visit the fam and enjoy the festivities...at least as much as a little kid can. I remember catching all the beads and dabloons thrown off the floats and stuffing them in my sweatpants (tucked into my socks) until I could barely walk. There are also certain awesome images I have imprinted in my brain :-) Seriously though, what parents think it's a good idea for a little kid to go there during Mardi Gras? I remember all the people acting funny (wasted), and many strange happenings. I'd love to go back at this age.
  20. 7,000 words, and about as many pounds Great fish
  21. I think it's pretty obvious. It's hilarious ;D
  22. "The law also bans catch and release fishing on the somewhat baffling grounds that it is cruel to catch the fish and then put them back even though fish might prefer this to being whacked on the head." This is all the result of attributing human pain and emotion to animals who are scientifically proven to be incapable of such things. See kids? This is what happens when you overdose on the most prevalent mind-altering "drug" today: 100% pure, uncut stupidity.
  23. If she's not immediately interested in the idea of going fishing, try first explaining that you're not sitting on a dock with a bobber just waiting. It's putting a puzzle together, making casts, tricking fish with lures. Try to explain, in detail, the satisfaction you get from catching a bass on an artificial. If that doesn't work, explain that it's really important to you that she at least comes out a few times to give it a shot. If she won't do that for you, then she's selfish, and you should probably find another girl. Once you get her out, like others have said, make sure you catch some fish. The first time I took my girlfriend out was in the spring, and I tied on some inline spinners, which were guaranteed to catch at least a couple bass, crappie, pickerel, or perch. It worked, and since then she's become more and more addicted. It's a great thing watching her catch the bug, just like I did when I was a kid, and get better and better. One thing to consider though, is that if she really likes it, she's gonna want to go all the time. Personally, I like fishing alone sometimes, and often with a friend or my brother, so it's tough telling her I'm going fishing with someone else. However, I think that minor predicament is much better than if she hated fishing.
  24. The most UNREALISTIC fly fishing I've ever seen. Good movie, but the fishing scenes were pure fantasy, and caused a deluge of nancy-pants wannabes littering the trees in my streams with dry flies, LOL. Like the movie Rounders caused a huge surge in the popularity of no limit Texas Hold'em. Of course, amateur poker players who think they're awesome are always welcome. I'm sure it's different with flyfishing :-)
  25. Professional forum poster :-*
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