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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. Thanks Catt - which would you say has the highest quality hooks? Or would you recommend I just suck it up, sharpen the crap out of the Johnsons, and use heavy line? I just bought a few of these that I'm looking forward to trying out next summer - I was turned on to them by Lindners Angling Edge when I saw them using those in heavy slop. I have a couple of the original blade dancers (without weedguard and skirt - the action is awesome) but the skirted weedless ones look much better for the slop. However, the action is significantly different from the Johnsons Silver Minnows, and I think the Johnsons are a little more weedless. Well, I'm convinced You would think that some company would come out with a quality version for this bait, no? The Johnson 10 years ago was fine, but with all of the super fine technology nowadays we could definitely use a high quality hook and durable weedguard.
  2. No. Have you ever farted so loud someone thought you said something?
  3. I love Jackass, but I wish they would maybe do away with the banana hammocks.
  4. Is Wilder Dam the one on the right on the way to West Leb? If so, I've ALWAYS wanted to fish below it in the rapids, but in my 3 attempts haven't found a way to get down there. It looks like there's a parking lot and a lot of fishable shoreline. Any advice? My advice for you: if you haven't fished Boston Lot Lake (right across from the dam on your right on the way to West Leb), you need to. There aren't any huge smallies in there (at least that I've caught in 10+ trips), but you can get them around 2 lbs. It's best if you have a float tube or small watercraft, but you can still nail 'em from shore. It's a beautiful pond, crystal clear water, and I've had a 70+ fish day there, literally, in my float tube. From shore you can have 25+ fish days, but the bigger ones are on the offshore structure. I saw the lake 10-12 feet below full pool so I know every little nook and cranny ;D. Can't wait til ice out!
  5. Once a month? Dios mio! I think you need to hone your skill of slipping past the wife and out of the house ;D
  6. Just as long as it's only a little to the left ;D A couple of the lakes I fish have tons of pads (my bro and I call them "maxis") with big and small pockets, so that technique HAS to work. There's a lot of pressure there too, so they see tons of senkos and frogs - I doubt any of those largies has seen a spoon in years if ever, so I'm lookin' forward to trying it out. I have sharpened the hooks on my Johnson Silver Minnows in my abundance of spare time here in the northeast, but I still don't like them. They're low-quality, too thick, have a rough finish, and the barb is gigantic. If only I could find one that used a large Gammy or Owner hook, I'd be all set :
  7. I have a question for all of you tournament fishermen: Do you find that when you're not fishing a tournament, but just out for a day on the water, that you enjoy fishing less because you're not in a tournament? And when you catch a huge fish recreationally, does the fact that you're not in a tournament at the time detract from the pleasure you get by catching the fattie? Be honest please, because this is one of the reasons I haven't wanted to tournament fish. I play a lot of golf tournaments, and when I'm out on the course, it's rarely ever recreationally (unless I'm playing a scramble and boozing), but almost always in preparation for the next tournament. I enjoy hitting shots, but mostly in order to be prepared for the next tournament. I'm not sure I want this to happen with fishing, just because I enjoy fishing for what it is so much right now.
  8. Thanks Catt, good info, and I'm looking forward to your info on the best brands to get. I can't stand the terrible hooks that come on the Johnsons and the Cabela's brand. I'm really lookin' forward to trying this technique out - you don't see many people doing it.
  9. Well the senkos will always work, but if you get tired of those, you could try your luck with a jig. I don't know if the topwater bite will be on this time of year there (I know it was on in CT longer into the fall than I would have thought), but any type of plastic frog hopped/dragged around cover would do great if they're active enough. You might also want to try a bluegill/crappie imitation bait like a rattletrap or some kind of swimbait. I'm sure they bass won't want to pass up an injured bream. Oh, and LC baits aren't $30 bucks. They're "only" $15 or $20
  10. What type of structure/cover? Water clarity? How big is the pond? How dense is the shoreline, if you'll be shorefishing? Are there fatties in there? Don't forget the jerkbaits - LC Pointers and X-Raps
  11. Yes Have you ever actually set the hook into a dink so that the fish nails you in the groin? (I did :-X)
  12. Yeah but guess who is filing the BS cases that have to be defended against because the cases are actually working? And guess who the judges are that are ruling in favor of the BS cases? I have no problem with the political beliefs of individuals, at all. My problem is with the liberal mentality of judges and plaitiffs in these types of cases, among others. These types of cases are an embarrassment, IMO, and they distract us from real the real issues.
  13. Well that's enough to convince me not to buy them. I'll stick with the standard ones. Thanks.
  14. I'd say I usually use snaps on my hardbaits, and have never had a problem with them opening. I use the standard ones that are used as the clip part of snap swivels. I agree - a snap will have the same action as a split ring. Brad, have you really had a Norman open on you? I was about to place an order, but if anyone else has had this problem, I'll stick with the ones I always use... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod-wrapped.jsp?id=0011850&navCount=1&parentId=cat20293&masterpathid=&navAction=push&cmCat=MainCatcat20166-cat20293&parentType=index&indexId=cat20293&rid=
  15. I really want to start using these lures next year in the slop, but I have a couple questions. 1. Are there any brands out there that make this lure but come with good hooks that don't need to be sharpened continually, and that will not corrode easily? 2. What types of trailers would you suggest? - I was thinking the long ones made for spinnerbaits, or perhaps a small SIZMIC toad 3. How about techniques? - Dragging across slop/pads, letting it flutter down in holes and fluttering down on the edge of pads/slop. 4. Is the hook set the same as with frogs? Give it a second then rip it? - I would think you have to give it a second, but since it's a piece of metal, it seems the fish would be more likely to spit it. 5. In what other types of cover would this lure shine? Do you guys think this is a worthy endeavor, or should I stick with my horny toads? Thanks, all info greatly appreciated
  16. I agree - catching a nice bass, or even a dink for that matter, is wayyy more satisfying when it's really cold out and you know they're not too willing to bite.
  17. You live in Hanover? I'm totally in love with that town and will be spending some time there come ice out ;D
  18. Spool it with the label up. I've never seen a spool of line inconsistently labeled, and actually the lines I use don't have a symmetrical spool - one side is different from the other, so they have to be done consistently. You'll still have twist on your spool since the spool on the reel is smaller than the spool of line, but putting it label up will reduce the amount of twist. Either way, like RW said, it's a good idea to troll just the line for a couple minutes to remove almost all of the twist.
  19. My brother has a President, and it's a very nice reel, especially for the money. My only problem with it is that it's very heavy, but other than that, it's very smooth, casts well, and has a smooth drag. One thing you may want to consider is looking at the Supreme. I think it's like 20 bucks or so more, but it seems like it's half the weight. It's really light, but it depends on your preference. I think other than the weight they're very similar, and my brother actually prefers the heavier reel.
  20. Vanish is not a terrible line, but it's not great. I used it quite a bit before I knew about different flouro options, and it was ok. I never had problems with it breaking. However, it's not particularly strong, not very manageable, and the worst part: it's not very sensitive. I haven't tried too many flouro-type brands, including the bond-type combos, but the three I've become very familiar with are Vanish, P-Line flouroclear, and Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultrasoft. Ultrasoft is way better for what I'm looking for in a line. It's probably less stealthy than the other two I mentioned (but that's not to say it's not stealthy), but it's stronger, thinner, and noticeably more sensitive. However, it is less manageable than P-Line, and about as manageable as Vanish (maybe a little more than Vanish). It's definitely stronger and more abrasion-resistant than the other two. So my review: Vanish: not bad, not too manageable, quite stealthy, not too sensitive, relatively strong (I still use it for leader sometimes with no issues). P-Line: the softest flouro I've used, most manageable, but the least sensitive, and also quite stealthy. Yo-Zuri: not too manageable, not as stealthy as 100% flouro, but very sensitive. I can't speak for Gamma or Seguar, but I hear they're really good, and I'll definitely try those after ice-out. So if you're looking for stealth and manageability, P-Line flouroclear is good, but you'll sacrifice sensitivity and abrasion resistance. If you're looking for stealth and value (I think Vanish is cheaper than P-Line and Ultrasoft right?), go with Vanish. It's not a bad line. If sensitivity and strength are more important than manageability and stealth, go with Ultrasoft. This is where my preference lies.
  21. Ha! The "troutfishle" reminds me of a Korean friend who spend a couple months living in my house in high school. He had a thick asian accent and always wanted to eat at Hooters (I wonder why?), but he would always say, "You want go Hootel?" I thought that was hilarious ;D
  22. I got my brother a tacklebag and a chunky (for him) gift certificate to Cabela's. I'm gonna do my best not to make "suggestions" when we go to the store. I also put labels on the individual boxes so he can label them, and put all the dividers in (which is a real pain). Lastly, I took all of his lures out of my tacklebag (except for a couple I've grown attached to of course) and organized them in his, with tons of room to spare. Hopefully this will permanently affix the BM to his back so we can share the same affliction ;D I got myself my first Loomis IMX and when I went to Cabela's to get my Stradic, they didn't have the 2500 in stock (which struck me as pitiful, BTW), so I "settled" for a Pflueger Supreme. It's an awesome setup, and it was a real treat catching trout on it yesterday on 2 lb test line. The other spool has 6 lb test. I'm gonna get the Stradic next month, and I guess I'll have to find another rod for my Flooger... Merry Christmas!
  23. Sorry about that, I know I made a generalization, but you prove that there are exceptions to generalizations. However, most geralizations are true regardless of how politically incorrect they are. Anyway, the PC crew is, undoubtedly, more left-leaning than the average guy. Glad to hear you don't have a problem with the phrase, but try to "help" some of your fellow leftists to share your view
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