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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. Honestly, do you hear yourself? You may not see it this way, but whatever the thread is, you seem to find a way to sneak in and brag about something or other. To keep it light-hearted, ;D
  2. The only problem with watching the full season on DVD is that you don't get any sleep because you have to keep watching the next episode. It's definitely the way to do it though. Just one more...
  3. I say we have a group unbunching of our panties. Snook? You in?
  4. Great pics Fish! I love love love birds of prey. Some of the colors are amazing. Thanks for the pics.
  5. One who is omnipresent cannot not be in a movie.
  6. Well you will figure out how to save the world from the impact of an asteroid. You obviously haven't taken enough calculus to know that only Bruce Willis can accomplish such a feat. You forgot about Chuck Norris. Don't let it happen again.
  7. I think all else being equal, private schools are superior to public schools. It's important to consider how I started that sentence: all else being equal. Obviously parental involvement + public school > no parental involvement + private school. I went to a private lower and middle school then a public high school, then a private college. In my opinion, the teachers and the overall culture in the private schools were more geared towards teaching and learning, and there was greater pressure to succeed, which is supremely important for young, impressionable kids. I believe this got me started on the right foot, which prevented me from being sidetracked in high school when many of my friends did. The most important thing for a school to do for young kids is to totally ingrain in them the importance of educational success. I think a quality school is the most important at a young age. That said, I don't think a private nursury school, or perhaps even kindergarten, is necessarily worth $9K a year, but I think if you can afford it, especially in Florida, get the kid in a private school at a young age unless there are quality public schools in your area. $0.02
  8. I just want to let you know that your post caused me to have this STUPID tune in my head for the entire afternoon yesterday. Thank you very little.
  9. AND...you just took it to the next level of ridiculousness I didn't think could be reached. Mentioning Presley and the Beatles in the same sentence as this specimen. Blasphemous tomfoolery, if you ask me.
  10. ^^ Crap, oh well. I got the point across at least, I think 8-)
  11. NERDS!!!
  12. I saw her on the cover of some magazine last night in the grocery store check-out line, and she looked hideous. She seems like a try-sexual.
  13. What a poor excuse for a human being, right along with "Octomom". Well, I guess this whale at least pays her own keep.
  14. I usually hang my pants on the door, stand on the seat, and drop torpedoes 8-)
  15. Love dorado or grouper sandwiches. Fresh salmon, rainbow trout. When I think of it, I don't think I've ever eaten a fish I didn't like (if it was fresh and cooked well). If I had to choose one, I'd have to say fresh (caught that night/morning) bluefin tuna prepared by a great sushi chef. Add a bit of soy sauce and some very fresh wasabi. I'm hungry.
  16. Practicing hours each day for a flute concerto I would be performing with my college orchestra at the end of the term, in front of a thousand people (including all my friends), knowing I would be standing at the front of the stage with the orchestra behind me, knowing any mistakes would be heard, and repeatedly since the concert would be recorded. My grandmother flew to New Hampshire from Georgia, Mom and brother drove up from Connecticut, and my dad flew in from Japan for the concert. That was some serious stress. After the first few minutes of the performance, I felt great, and it was an exhilarating experience that went off without a hitch, fortunately. However, the potential for embarrassment was very high, and the potential for hundreds of hours of preparation going to waste was also in the back of my mind. It is what I consider my biggest accomplishment in life so far, but I really don't know if I'd be able to handle something like that again.
  17. Great story. It's nice to read something like this in the news instead of the usual brutal rapes, murders, child molestation, etc. "...And soldiers, too." ;D
  18. I've heard great things about this book: https://www.savageonlinestore.com/productDetails.jsp?catid=&sku=855
  19. I think it's more a question of competence than money. Obviously, if the government can print and borrow trillions of dollars on a whim, money isn't the issue. The issue is that most gov't workers are lazy, incompetent, and for this they receive outsized salaries while producing nothing. I worked in a call center for a while, so I know what it's like to be on the opposite end. I just want to remind you guys that it's not the customer service rep's fault you were on hold so long, so don't take it out on him, unless he happens to be a POS. If he's a POS, by all means, let loose 8-)
  20. ;D Hey, at least that's better than getting some unwanted rouge on your left cheek, right?
  21. I thought no political threads were allowed. Aren't all these awards ceremonies political? Seriously, Avatar was a great watch with the 3-D, but the story was unoriginal, as fourbizz showed with his post on that thread. I didn't see Hurt Locker, but I'm sure it's much better than Avatar. However, who cares at all? They're all a bunch of Hollywood goons who have no idea what the real world is, and they live and die by these stupid awards that don't actually mean anything.
  22. Many strange events have been captured on video, heck theres at least 3 or 4 tv shows about ghosts, most aren't very good but occasionally they'll get a few seconds of video of something odd. I too can shoot a video of something odd, add sensational commentary, play Halloween music in the background, and claim the strange thing is the result of paranormal activity. If there were legitimate footage out there, we would probably all know about it.
  23. I find a lot of these types of stories very hard to believe, and think the power of the human brain might have something to do with a lot of them. People living in these houses know the history and have heard ghost stories. The human brain has the power to create things in the mind that aren't actually physically there. For example, my mother swears she saw ghosts when she was a teenager living in her father's house that dated back to the 1800's, I believe. There was supposedly an old lady who would sit in the attic in her rocking chair and just stare at you. There were strange banging noises people heard through the night that were not associated with any of the functions of a house. There was an eerie woman with a flowing white gown who would hover around the attic and just look at you. Apparently a husband murdured his wife in the house about 100 years previous, and my uncle thought this last woman was the victim. Who knows. I find it tougher to brush off stories involving multiple people seeing the same thing at the same time, although I can't say I've heard of any legitimate ones. Also, why haven't any events like these EVER been captured on tape? I just find it all very suspicious. That's not to say I wouldn't be saying the same thing as you guys if I "saw" what you "saw". If I have an experience that is almost identical to seeing something physical, but it's hovering, and a ghost, or whatever, I don't know if I could dispute these stories... Fact is, there is a lot of weird crap going on constantly, and we don't understand it. Is it spirits of people who died hundreds of years ago? I don't think so. I think it could just be the trickery of the brain.
  24. Nice! I don't think most people realize how easy it is. All it takes is a month or so of forcing yourself to get into a routine, then you become addicted. At least I've become addicted. I just bought a whey protein supplement after I learned about the importance of protein, as well as a pre-workout energy supplement. I'm not sure I want to mess with creatine, at least until researching it further. In the second half of 2008 I went from 220 to 180 to win a bet, but I was basically just starving myself and doing a ton of cardio. I'm sure I dropped a bunch of muscle mass too, but I just wanted to win the bet. Then over most of 2009 I went back up to 210, and decided to do the same thing - eating at a calorie deficit and doing a ton of cardio, while adding some resisance training. I'm down to 185, but after doing some research, I decided I'm gonna focus 90% on weights now and just do a little cardio, and I'm looking forward to the process. I never thought this would happen, but I seriously can't wait until I get out of work so I can hit the gym. Weird.
  25. Guys, I've been getting into fitness lately, hitting the gym pretty hard, and watching what I eat. I found this website which is really good, and the link below is an article that I think is really good. Enjoy! http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showpost.php?p=275935081&postcount=68
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