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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. That guy has a lot of skill, and a LOT of time.
  2. Get better Burleyman. We need you around to control the growing population of tiny bass :-)
  3. Welcome! Make sure to post some pics of your catches in the outings section.
  4. I haven't shore fished in a while, but I used to do it almost every day for two years. One of the best things I ever did was do a scan of my area on google maps, and just went to random little ponds in the area to check them out. I found a few great ones, and I have probably 10 lakes/ponds within a 20 minute drive I can go anytime and catch bass. Shorefishing alone is one of my favorite activities. I need to do it more. Unfortunately, in the fall, it's very difficult to catch largemouth bass in ponds from the shore, although it is doable. Fish the accessible deeper holes/points slowly with dark jigs.
  5. Ahhhh, senko very much ;D
  6. ? What IS a senko? That some kind of slang?
  7. Yup, although when I went last February it was still pretty packed. Obviously not nearly as bad as during the king salmon run, but still very crowded in the good pools. I need to get some serious cold weather gear for this winter, and never again will I use braid when the temps are in the teens lol.
  8. Nice, maybe I'll see you out there. That was my first experience with the king salmon run. I could not believe how many people could fish a single pool. When my friend said it's shoulder-to-shoulder, I didn't think it was actually shoulder-to-shoulder lol. That was a huge turn off for me, but it's still worth going once or twice just in case you hit the run right and crush 'em.
  9. Went to Pulaski, NY this past September to hit the very beginning of the king salmon run. This was my first landed king salmon. Not a huge one, but the fight was awesome. Gonna be going a few times this winter, floatin' for steelhead :-)
  10. /thread ;D
  11. I'd say 15% are great, 50% are fine, and 35% absolutely suck. That's just in my limited experience. I would say those percentages apply to all people, everywhere. Remember, LEOs are people too and not immune to those percentages. Sorry you had a bad experience with one. I agree, but cops should be held to a higher standard than your average Joe.
  12. My early spring was great, late spring and very early summer was great, then after that it sucked. The water on my home lake was 6-10 feet low, and I just couldn't find the fish. It was so bad that I wasn't even motivated to go out. Hopefully next year is better...
  13. I'd say 15% are great, 50% are fine, and 35% absolutely suck. That's just in my limited experience.
  14. Didn't read all the responses, so I'm not sure if someone said this, but it's not a matter of IF other intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. It's a matter of when. We could detect light reaching us that tells of a civilization far more advanced than we are, yet that civilization was annihilated millions of years ago. When you get into the billions of light years and the size of the universe and the age of the universe, we're really just not able, as humans, to conceive of these types of things. For the record, I believe other intelligent life exists elsewhere, and I believe they have visited and are visiting us.
  15. Are you out of your mind tallydude? Just take some pills and/or get drunk and do it. It'll be a great vacation, and it's free. Face your fears, especially the irrational ones. Flying is safer than driving. Do you drive?
  16. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Daylight+Savings+Time - Here you lazy bum! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time tl;dr j/k thanks man
  17. I thought it originated to help out farmers in some way. Don't remember how it helped/helps them, or if this is even true. Too lazy to google it.
  18. my brother makes good head cheese! you like head cheese? I prefer Fromunda Cheese ;D
  19. Man, gorgeous fish Dwight. If I knew I had even a shot at catching smallies like that, maybe I'd go out fishing more than twice a month.
  20. I've read that wide wobble crankbaits are better when the fish are more on the active side, and tight wobble crankbaits are better when the fish are more on the lethargic side. Makes sense, but I can't say I've experienced this to be true.
  21. Here's some for your ;D
  22. I...PREFER...SYRUP!
  23. You have my vote.
  24. Those boots are straight:
  25. Does this mean more mosquito bites for us fishermen? I noticed last summer the bat population in my area seemed to be down. Hardly ever saw them. This summer though, they seem to me to be flourishing. I hope the study you mentioned is wrong.
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