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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. Did you raise them on your own? Was/is it really tough? I've considered the idea of being a single father... Nice freakin peacock btw Why?
  2. Same here, except for my friends who don't want to be single, but are. Also, the divorce rate is 50%+, with around 70% initiated by the wife, and with the divorce laws so in favor of the woman, you're betting half your assets on a coin toss nowadays. In a no-fault state such as CT, my wife could cheat on me with my brother, father, best friends, divorce me, and take half my money. Ridiculous. Of course, everyone who gets married thinks he'll be the exception, but you never know. Anyway... Good advice. I bet it is - nice to hear!
  3. Yeah, I've heard that before, many times, but the fact remains that whether we admit it or not, we're all shallow. Can I love an older, heavier, less-attractive woman? Of course. Will I need ed pills to make love to her? Most likely. Is it easier to fall in love with a beautiful, young woman whose appearance stirs my deepest animal desires? Absolutely. I also believe it will be a deeper, more intense love. "Actual" love, as you call it, is more of a comfort, friendly, partners-for-life love than the love I describe. What I'm talking about is when a girl turns you on like crazy, you have an amazing time doing new and exciting things with her, you want to see her all the time, you're proud she's yours and she's proud you're hers. When you see each other you can't help but smile like a ritart. You get that deep, tingly feeling inside when she snuggles up to you (no ****). You constantly think of all the new things you want to do with her, all the places you want to go. Of course that kind of love can't last forever, but in my opinion it's no less real than what you call "actual" love. Regardless, love is literally just a chemical reaction in the brain, similar to what happens when a woman eats a piece of chocolate, but obviously stronger. You're right that I'm "immature" by societal standards; however, I've realized that the goal of societal standards is not your personal happiness. Their only goal is furthuring society. If being immature is wrong, I don't wanna be right
  4. This is true. I just like hearing from older folks who have experienced it. lol @ you putting up more weight after a fight with the wife. That's awesome. And you say, like almost every father, your kids are the most important things in your life, above yourself. Not sure I want that, but time will tell. Thanks for the post.
  5. I'll have friends and family who care about me. As for my girlfriend straying, well if she'd stray as my gf, she'd also stray as my wife. Glad you're happy. Honestly, personal happiness is literally the most important thing in life, no matter what path you choose. Well I would love my girlfriends. I love my current girlfriend, and she loves me back. I'm sure it is an awesome feeling hanging out with your own kids...kids who are part you. This would obviously be a big sacrifice if I choose the bachelor path, but there would also be benefits. Oh, and you can say whatever you want - I'm nearly impossible to offend The main appeal of kids to me is raising them to be awesome. Teaching them how to deal with life, how to deal with people, how to do things, and how to be happy, and when they grow up, enjoying the fact that they appreciate having been raised so well by the best father ever. I'd be a great dad. Of course, they're an extreme burden financially and emotionally. I'm legitimately unsure at this point in my life whether or not I want that burden. I'm sure if I have them, I'll be glad I did, and if I don't have them, I'll be glad I didn't. Well, not so sure of the 2nd part, but I think I'd be glad I didn't. As for love "til death do we part", I'm kind of jaded on that. I don't think we're programmed to be monogamous, and as far as being one couple forever, most people would be generally happier with another person after a certain amount of time. Regardless, fortunately, as a man, I have time. IF I do marry/have kids, it won't be until my late-30's at the earliest. Women don't have that luxury. I enjoy hearing everyone's perspective...keep it comin!
  6. Over the last year or two so I've drastically changed my mindset from the usual "get married and have kids" to just living for myself, not having kids, not getting married. I see myself having a string of long-term relationships, and when they go stale, move on to the next one. The happiest guys I know are in their 30's to 50's, chose not to have kids, and chose not to get married. Almost every guy I know who is married with kids is stressed, can't do what he wants (golf & fish) nearly as much as he wants, and just doesn't seem very happy. Now I also know guys with kids say having kids was the best thing they've ever done, but to say anything differently would obviously be taboo in every case. Lastly, and I know this is shallow, but I can't stomach the idea of only being intimate with one girl for the rest of my life, especially WHEN she gets old, wrinkly, and likely puts on a good bit of weight. As a man, as long as I stay fit, am fun and youthful and confident (and have money), I can always have the option to date much younger girls. My question to the married guys: Would you recommend it? My question to the guys who chose bachelorhood: Would you recommend it? Cheers!
  7. What's up fish!? I really don't come around the forum more than a couple times a year lately, but I remember when you initially made your awesome transformation. I've been lifting now just over 2 years, and like you, I was pretty fat, unhealthy, and just not happy physically. Like you, I'm gonna lift weights til I can't walk...and maybe longer than that I have lots of progress pics on my phone, but you guys definitely don't wanna see me wearing tight little boxer briefs lol....so here's the only recent pic I have. I went from 220/225 down to 168 and shredded in the summer of 2010, then been on a slow bulk since then. Sitting around 185/187 lately, around 10% bf.
  8. 2 goldens who may or may not be homosexuals. I love them to death.
  9. I have #10 PowerPro yellow & #10 flouro leader on my spinning rigs, and #40 PP on my casting rigs with #20 leaders. On the rare occasion I fish a crankbait, I have a soft rod with #10 PP and #10 leader for that (only fish smaller cranks). Once I first fished braid, I couldn't deal with anything less sensitive.
  10. What the deuce did I just read?
  11. I love dripping wet kitties. Sometimes if they're lucky I'll even kiss the wet kitties after pulling them out of the bar I mean water. Seriously though we shouldn't even acknowledge these retarded PETA ideas.
  12. The person is probably worth 100's of millions if not more. Most likely that person is very smart to have amassed such a fortune, and most likely has donated a LOT and done a lot of good, directly or indirectly. Not our business how he/she spends the money. I think most people who criticize this person are just jealous that he/she has $11.8M+ of disposable income. That said, $11.8M for a necklace is ridiculous
  13. Try to think long-term if you and your wife split. Make sure whatever you end up doing that you look out for yourself first. Will the house be in your name? Good luck with everything, and hurry back.
  14. I didn't read all the way to the end, but what ended up happening? The scammer got the tattoo - did the three/four others also get it? Does he realize he got scammed? It's pretty amazing how dumb the scammer is lol
  15. Thanks brush - that's my home lake. Love it when the water is at that level, but when it drops 2+ feet from there, where it currently is, I'm at a loss. I really think they're hugging the bottom in 20-30 feet. I'll find 'em Thanks Dwight. Your avi reminds me - a guy was trolling for trout on my lake in 30', out in the middle, in 60 feet of water, and he landed a 6.5 lb smallmouth. You know, an average smallie for you haha Roger, I plan to live in FL within the next couple of years, so I'll be experiencing your northeast nostalgia when that happens and I see posts from up here. Perch are definitely ballsy and curious. Sometimes a whole school of 5-10 perch will follow my lure right up to the boat. They are also one of the prettiest species up here, in my opinion.
  16. lol nice - I remember you posting that pic a while back
  17. Hey guys, haven't been to the site in quite a while, but it looks great, and it's nice to see a lot of the same people posting. My year has been unspectacular. Fished a bunch in April, with many largemouth from 4-5.5 lbs, and my friend caught a 7 lber the second time I took him out on my lake. Freakin kid beats my pb on MY lake which I've fished 100s of times, on his 2nd time out, and he's not even a bass fisherman. I still haven't heard the end of it. I haven't fished much lately. I don't know why my interest has waned, but I've been hitting the gym hard and doing other things. I guess it's just a down cycle. Reading threads here definitely makes me want to get back out there though. Anyway, I was fishing a couple weeks ago and this little bad**** hit my spinnerbait lol. I'll try to get around to posting some of the bass pics I have in the near future...
  18. Nice I haven't posted here in forever, but I remember a while back you were talking about getting in shape, and honestly when I saw the first pic, I thought it was a friend you were fishing with, and not you. You look great Fish!
  19. I've seen his vids - that's the same guy from this site? mind = blown I laughed hard at his crying in public vids lol
  20. I can say with 100% certainty that the creature in the picture is in fact a fish. I mainly came in to tell you to change your avi. You're no trout fisherman.
  21. So, Other, you chose "Other" ;D This is what I was gonna post. Best to jump in the water and let it rip. When I was a kid, I was in Key Largo swimming in a canal with a friend, and he took a crap in the water. When it floated to the surface, he grabbed it and threw it at me lol. He missed. Friends like these, huh Gary?
  22. Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fungi.
  23. Sounds like a crappy time.
  24. I haven't posted in a while here guys, but I now realize why I chose to log on today. I think it goes without saying that I'm the best not only on this site, but in the world. Come at me. 8-) When I read the thread title, the name that came to mind was Fish Chris. The guy catches monsters in many species, including panfish, and posts amazing pics to prove it, along with detailed explanations of what he did to get them. Obviously he's a trophy hunter, not a tournament fisherman, but no one else has impressed me as much as he has on this site. He gets my vote.
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