I'll have friends and family who care about me. As for my girlfriend straying, well if she'd stray as my gf, she'd also stray as my wife.
Glad you're happy. Honestly, personal happiness is literally the most important thing in life, no matter what path you choose.
Well I would love my girlfriends. I love my current girlfriend, and she loves me back.
I'm sure it is an awesome feeling hanging out with your own kids...kids who are part you. This would obviously be a big sacrifice if I choose the bachelor path, but there would also be benefits.
Oh, and you can say whatever you want - I'm nearly impossible to offend
The main appeal of kids to me is raising them to be awesome. Teaching them how to deal with life, how to deal with people, how to do things, and how to be happy, and when they grow up, enjoying the fact that they appreciate having been raised so well by the best father ever. I'd be a great dad. Of course, they're an extreme burden financially and emotionally. I'm legitimately unsure at this point in my life whether or not I want that burden. I'm sure if I have them, I'll be glad I did, and if I don't have them, I'll be glad I didn't. Well, not so sure of the 2nd part, but I think I'd be glad I didn't.
As for love "til death do we part", I'm kind of jaded on that. I don't think we're programmed to be monogamous, and as far as being one couple forever, most people would be generally happier with another person after a certain amount of time.
Regardless, fortunately, as a man, I have time. IF I do marry/have kids, it won't be until my late-30's at the earliest. Women don't have that luxury. I enjoy hearing everyone's perspective...keep it comin!