To be honest, my views are closer to yours than the others in this thread. I think marriage CAN work, but 90%+ of people get married because it's what they think they're supposed to do. With divorce laws as anti-male as they are, like you said, it's betting half your assets on a crap shoot. Plus, the whole mentality nowadays is that divorce is NOT a big deal (because it has become not a big deal), so even if you meet who seems to be the perfect girl, you could end up paying alimony and child support for a long time to a girl who didn't even try to make it work.
Sure, you can always say, "Well then don't marry a girl like that." Try telling that to all the guys who are financially and emotionally broken after they DID meet the perfect girl. They were 100% sure she was "the one" and she stuck it in his butt.
Honestly, I AM willing to "settle down" some day, possibly have kids, but I will never get married, ever. It has become obsolete institution IMO, and thanks to feminism, there is literally no reason for a man to get married nowadays. They do it because that's what's expected of them. They assume they're achieving the American Dream...sweet wife, great kids, nice house, 2 cars, white picket fence, etc....except they end up with a woman who doesn't appreciate them, nags them, gets fat because she stops trying, and a couple kids who are ungrateful and treat him like *****.
Granted that last part is very cynical, and a reasonable, respectable man can usually avoid that situation, but I see it far too often.
Anyway, thanks for all the posts. Good stuff.