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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. I don't understand why men not only let their wives call the shots, but also brag about it.
  2. Sounds like someone's jelly! These girls are the ones who can bring you incredible physical pleasure, although usually they're not the ones you want to date, mainly because they're insecure and seek validation from the opposite sex, meaning they can't be trusted. I have no problem with girls dressing like hookers though. In fact, I enjoy it. I think that's part of it. The other part is that feminists control the media. Think about every single freaking commercial and sitcom. In almost every one, the woman is the reasonable, sane one, and the man is the bumbling idiot. Men are emasculated, and it's supposed to be funny. Look at that pathetic brother in 2.5 Men. That's the type of male character these boys grow up seeing on tv. It's normal, it's funny, it's how it's supposed to be. From a young age, boys' masculinity is repressed. 90% of their teachers are women, and more and more boys are being raised by single mothers. Add to that the constant onslaught of the feminist media, and don't even get me started about the estrogen-enhancing hormones found in all of our public water sources. It makes me sick. Then again, with all these ladyboys out there nowadays, it makes it easier for masculine men to clean up in the dating scene. Girls might claim to want a sensitive guy who's in touch with his feminine side, but when they get him, their nether regions dry up like the Sahara, and they become confused and resentful.
  3. I'm always amazed at how late the pigeons in Hartford move out of your way when you're walking. It would be so easy to kick one.
  4. Thanks Fish, you just cost me $50. Got my girl the pink one. She'll look adorable in it, and she's not very good at not complaining when it's cold out. I've had a mad bomber for years. It's amazing how warm it keeps me. Awesome hats.
  5. Sweet cars my man. What's it like driving that down the street? Must be different...everyone stops what he's doing to watch your car. Also, were you single when you owned it? If so, how did girls react to it?
  6. I think 12/21 may mark a global shift in consciousness. The end of a dark era, the beginning of an enlightened, spiritual era. Not sure exactly how that's gonna happen, but I look forward to finding out.
  7. lol'd, especially when he bit the guy's thumb
  8. I've still been reading a lot about this topic and meditating, and I've been out of body twice now. Lucid dreams are just that - dreams, where everything is in your mind. Astral projection is where your consciousness literally separates from your physical body and you can travel to different realms of existence. I know it sounds like crazy talk...frankly, I'm not sure it's not crazy talk, but I want to find out for myself. Supposedly when you get out of body, you can verify things in the physical world that you never could have known if you weren't actually conscious out of your body. I have a playing card face up on a top shelf, so next time I'm out of body, I'm gonna try to see what the card is, then verify it when I come to. I've read and listened to a lot of very smart, very reasonable, non-crazy, successful people who have become masters of astral projection, and they speak about it so matter-of-factly that it's hard just to write it off. There's a lot we don't know about the universe, and learning to meditate into a trance state and rise out of your body is a means to learn a lot that you couldn't learn otherwise. Supposedly, our physical bodies and lives were chosen by our higher consciousness, and by the universe, just to gain experience. Right now, my higher self, or my higher consciousness, has many different physical incarnations in different worlds and maybe other universes far different from the one we know, and with a lot of work, I can connect with my higher self and learn a lot about the universe...supposedly. Again, I know it sounds freakin crazy, and I'm not accepting it all, nor am I dismissing it. I want to find out for myself
  9. Happy Anniversary Long Mike! You've been married 15 years longer than I've been alive
  10. Having firework wars with the neighbor kids. Putting mortars into pvc pipes, holding them like bazookas and firing them at each other. Big mortars that'll take your hand off. My friend pooped in a ziplock bag and we put it in the road to watch a car run over it. When no cars did, we left, and later my mom drove over it when she was driving me somewhere. Not that dumb, but kinda funny. Gathering my dad's half-smoked cigarettes in a ziplock then hiding in the woods and smoking them all with my friends when we were like 12. Thankfully we didn't know how to inhale so we didn't get addicted...yet. Best times ever though.
  11. Tokyo Tony


    Last year I was drunk at the bar and saw the infomercial for the high-def sunglasses. I immediately bought them on my phone. $35+ dollars for the worst sunglasses of all time. When I got them in the mail I had forgotten I ordered them and had to think hard about when I did it. Worst money I've spent was $100's per month on booze, for years and years. That's part of the reason I recently quit drinking for good. The other reason is that it was rotting my brain. I used to be smarter than I am now. Also in college spent $700+ to get the ball rolling with one of those scam invention companies on an idea I had. They sent me their market research with similar patents, etc., and said they're excited to move forward...for the low price of $10,000.00. Fortunately, I didn't have the money to waste, but that $700 didnt' do *****. So much more....oh a bunch of bodybuilding supplements which didn't do anything...got screwed on my last car purchase, after the fact. The money I don't regret spending is on vacations and other activities that have filled my brain with fond memories, even with ex-girlfriends I no longer talk to and wish never to see again. Oh, also the electronic cigarette has saved me so much money on cigarettes it's ridiculous. PM me if you want information on it. I'm actually in the process of writing an ebook about it.
  12. Book just came in the mail, "The Multi-Dimensional Man". It's basically a journal of a guy's astral travels over 40 years. I just started it last night, but the guy is obviously smart, not insane, and is 100% convinced of different planes of existence and different realms. He was able to travel to the different planes, so he says, and even speak with dead relatives and things like that. Fascinating book, and I'm only a couple pages in.
  13. that sounds like astral projection If you let it, it can be a very scary experience, so I've read.
  14. lol if as recently as a month ago I had seen this post, my reaction would have been the same as yours. I haven't astral projected as far as I remember, but I've had partially lucid dreams before where I can control what happens. Apparently it's a learnable skill, and I want to learn it.
  15. Oh and if you don't feel comfortable posting about it, feel free to send me a pm. I'd love to hear about your experiences.
  16. Has anyone here had lucid dreams, or been able to astral project? I've been reading a lot about both lately, and am trying to learn how to do them. Any specific experiences you guys wanna share would be awesome to read. Lucid dreaming is when you're in a dream, you recognize you're dreaming, but are able to stay asleep and control every part of your dream, travel anywhere, fly, manifest naked supermodels, whatever you can imagine. Astral projection is like an out of body experience where your spirit separates from your physical body and is able to explore a different plane of existence. Since it's not actually a dream, but travel to a different plane (subject to debate), you don't have as much control when you astral project, and can sometimes come across evil spirits/energies. Stories anyone?
  17. Hey man, 5 years for me as well. I remember your handle, and I used to post on here a lot back in the day, but not so much anymore. I do remember muddy. Haven't thought of him in a while, and I hope that mook is doin well. Glenn has definitely done an amazing job with this site, not only providing a place where people with a common interest can e-chat, but also providing a place that has so much freaking information on fishing it's incredible. All of the profit he enjoys is definitely very, very well-deserved. He's providing tremendous, lasting value with this site. I honestly only come into the Everything Else forum, and none of the other ones, very occasionally. For some reason, my interest in bass fishing has waned in the last year or two. Ebbs and flows I guess. Tight lines
  18. Best of luck my man.
  19. The problem is you're catching fish like the one in your avi. Catch a couple 5+ lbers and then we'll talk. I love golf and fishing for different reasons. You can't compare the two.
  20. Sucks. What a freakin idiot! He had to be on something.
  21. To be honest, my views are closer to yours than the others in this thread. I think marriage CAN work, but 90%+ of people get married because it's what they think they're supposed to do. With divorce laws as anti-male as they are, like you said, it's betting half your assets on a crap shoot. Plus, the whole mentality nowadays is that divorce is NOT a big deal (because it has become not a big deal), so even if you meet who seems to be the perfect girl, you could end up paying alimony and child support for a long time to a girl who didn't even try to make it work. Sure, you can always say, "Well then don't marry a girl like that." Try telling that to all the guys who are financially and emotionally broken after they DID meet the perfect girl. They were 100% sure she was "the one" and she stuck it in his butt. Honestly, I AM willing to "settle down" some day, possibly have kids, but I will never get married, ever. It has become obsolete institution IMO, and thanks to feminism, there is literally no reason for a man to get married nowadays. They do it because that's what's expected of them. They assume they're achieving the American Dream...sweet wife, great kids, nice house, 2 cars, white picket fence, etc....except they end up with a woman who doesn't appreciate them, nags them, gets fat because she stops trying, and a couple kids who are ungrateful and treat him like *****. Granted that last part is very cynical, and a reasonable, respectable man can usually avoid that situation, but I see it far too often. Anyway, thanks for all the posts. Good stuff.
  22. Even though you're not trying to "bulk up", you should go with as much weight as possible. If you gain muscle, not only does it look great, but it helps burn the fat.
  23. Good posts everyone, thanks for taking the time to reply. Any older bachelors reading this?
  24. Good job man. Sounds like a great life Rhino. The only thing I disagree with is having that many rods in a canoe. lol Sure you won't have as much energy to raise kids when you're older, but you also don't have as much energy to pursue your passions. I guess it all comes down to your priorities and what you want in life. The trouble is I don't know what I want. Leaning towards being selfish and golfing/fishing/galavanting through my youth. If I'm lonely and unloved when I'm older, I can always just off myself (not serious). btw you might be an old man (compared to me) but we have the same hobbies. I constantly have to decide whether to fish or golf.
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