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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. Then you must not have come into contact with many cops :-? In my experience, having dealt with about 15 cops on a "professional" level (no I don't have a record), about half of them were nice. There were a few who treated me like dirt for no reason, and I was nothing but cooperative. Those bad cops are the ones that give the rest of them a bad name, and it's a shame - they were to blame, as I was being tame. Wow, that was lame.
  2. I'm all about comfort, which is why I usually fish butt-naked. If it's a residential area I'll wear a g-string, out of respect for the residents. In all the pics I've posted here, I've had to photoshop clothes into them ;-)
  3. I'd get something in writing saying that once your work is over, your information will be deleted from the system. That way, if you get caught doing something illegal down the road because they get a hit in the fingerprint database, you can have all charges thrown out because they will have caught you by illegal means. Unless of course they catch you in another way
  4. If what you mean by "relaxing" is, physiologically, a lowering of your blood pressure and a reduction of your heart rate, and psychologically, a reduction of stress and worries, then bass fishing is not relaxing for me. I think the physical part is evident, but I should explain the mental part. There are good types of stress and bad types. Bad types would be: personal finances, relationships, work-related worries, etc. I think good types of stress are: worrying about catching a big fish, worrying about a bass coming unbuttoned, worrying about casting accuracy, etc. So no, bass fishing is not relaxing because I'm sure most people's heart rates go up along with their blood pressure, and most of the time bass fishing is stressful (although it's the good kind of stress). If what you mean by "relaxing" is getting away from it all and enjoying yourself, then bass fishing is absolutely relaxing.
  5. I like fishing around the deeper areas close to the spawning flats. Usually I'll start with a rattle trap, chatterbait, or crankbait, searching for a concentration of fish. Once I find a few, I'll drop a couple bouys and fish the area with a dropshot. I don't think a fish has ever seen a roboworm on a dropshot rig and not eaten it :-) Usually once I find them at a certain depth, most of the fish will be at a similar depth. Of course, you can always catch some fish shallow as well.
  6. Nice report, fish, and pictures :-) I especially like the last pic of the scenery. Those mound islands are really unique. I'd like to make it up to Quabbin again this year. That place is awesome.
  7. You guys are old
  8. My favorite summer beer is Corona. Nothin' better than a frosty Corona with a fresh lime on a hot summer day. Mmmm. Don't like them as much in the winter though. I also have fond memories associated with Coronas. First time I ever got drunk was with them
  9. Rest in peace lubina. I'll miss seeing your name around the forums.
  10. Thanks Fish! That's basically a gift to all of us as well :-) Hope you get some good pictures, for everyone's sake.
  11. Woo Hoo. A one hour wait for a three minute ride ! ;D
  12. How about this one? It was in the middle of a road on this reservoir in Bloomfield, CT, a couple days ago...
  13. If she's keeping the smallies to eat because it's a significant help with her finances, and she's not even targeting them, then in this situation, having food on the table is more important than a few decent-sized smallies.
  14. She's using a gripper/scale, so it's not a grub, but part of the gripper (see second pic for a full view of the gripper/scale). I need to get her over her distaste of feeling the "sandpaper teeth". But for now, the gripper works fine :-)
  15. I took my girlfriend up to NH last weekend for her birthday in order to do some hiking/fishing/relaxing, and I showed her my favorite little smallie lake. I've been getting her into fishing over the past few months, and she's definitely becoming addicted, which is nice She had never caught a smallmouth before, and I assured her that she'd be 100% hooked once she caught a few. We were just fishing from shore, wading around in some spots, throwing a variety of baits. Her new PB largemouth (I showed her how to make the fish look bigger in the pic), below, was caught on a bone-white LC Pointer, and her biggest smallmouth of the weekend was caught on a t-rigged 3 inch brown senko. One time, she set the hook into what she thought was a bigger fish, but it was a baby pickerel, and it flew out of the water, behind her, and almost hit me ;D Enjoy the pics. I know I wouldn't mind being at that pond right about now...
  16. I just ordered a couple caps from there. Perfect - plain white hats that will fit my huge head! I rarely find hats that fit, but this should be good :-) Thanks for the link.
  17. or serves a purpose, like for remembering directions to dry land. +1 to anyone who gets the reference... Water World? aka one of the worst movies ever?
  18. Nice fish RoLo I've been meaning to break out the spoons, but keep forgetting! Do you use a trailer? How would you say you work a Johnson minnow through vegetation like that, just slow and steady, dropping into holes? Thanks.
  19. x2. I've heard this works amazingly well.
  20. Just ask her why she's mad at you, and don't get defensive (even though you'll want to). If it's somewhat legitimate, apologize. Don't even consider mentioning the acronym PMS, unless you want to get kicked in the throat.
  21. This is a hilarious interpretation of the side effects of a new weight loss drug: http://www.thewvsr.com/alli.htm ;D
  22. Ha! I was just gonna post this, but figured I'd make sure no one else did. I'm sure you found it on Drudge like I did. He should be castrated.
  23. Yes, is your scale accurate? And did you take pictures?
  24. That's some awesome fishing right there - nice! Love the deep red eyes on those smallmouth.
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