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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. So, you're going to punish the kid for what the mom said? It was the mom's quote about suing and not the girl who fell in the hole. Yes, in order to prevent her from becoming a sue-happy idiot mother as well. My original, hyperbolically stated point above is that the average person on the street doesn't responsibility for anything. Instead of saying, "Oops, I'm an idiot, how embarrassing," It's, "Oops - you just caused me to sue you."
  2. The city should counter-sue with the intention of a forcible tube-tying ruling so that she can't procreate and have other little idiots running around who don't take responsibility for anything. Yes - there should have been cones or tape or something. However, it was 99% the girl's fault. Now if an old, half-blind woman walked into it, I would have to side with her.
  3. I thought it was funny. It wasn't as life-changeingly hilarious as some of the reviews I heard, but it was definitely funny. I'm sure if I hadn't heard it was the funniest movie ever before I saw it, then I would think it was funnier than I do. It's funny how that works. Funny 8-)
  4. Congrats to you and your GF :-) I got my GF addicted to fishing this year as well. If we have a free day and I ask, "What do you want to do?" she usually says, "Can we go fishing?" My response is always, "I was hoping you'd say that." Nothin' better than the smile on her face when she gets a good one.
  5. I spent a winter in Jackson Hole and made it out to Yellowstone for a snowmobile trip. Obviously you can't do that right now, but you might want to check out the wildlife museum in Jackson Hole - it's pretty cool. Also, you can go to the mountain and take the tram up to the top - I believe it runs all summer. As long as it's not too cloudy, the view will be tremendous. I think the mountain (Jackson) is about two hours from the park. For the park itself, sounds like you have it pretty much covered as long as you see Old Faithful and follow the other gents' advice. Have fun and post pictures when you get back
  6. It's simple: people are idiots. The people who look up to idiot celebrities are idiots themselves who would behave just as foolishly if they were rich and famous.
  7. This is also my home lake. To add to fishizzle's question... Usually this time of year you can find schooling, or at least concentrated fish in 8-12 feet over the grassflats, and you can catch deep smallies around some specific structure in 35-40 feet of water. This year, that's just not the case at all. I've caught some good fish really early in the morning, shallow, but once it turns 10 am or so, the bite shuts down and it's just a few dinks for the rest of the day, no matter where I fish. I've marked tons of fish over 60 feet of water suspending at about 47 feet. I'm almost positive these are trout...but could they be bass? How would you determine that? Lures, techniques? Thanks.
  8. We know where all their missile launch sites are thanks to our satellites, and we have the full capability of wiping them out. I just don't understand the complacency we're showing. Step 1. Dear N. Korea, you crazy mofos: Stop firing missiles and cease your nuclear ambitions by such and such date or we will annihilate you. Step 2. Once they ignore us, we bomb all of the sites and get rid of the threat, or at least show them that we're not girly men, to quote Ahnold. Please tell me if I'm missing something. They may not currently be a direct threat to us, but they are a direct threat to my brethren in Japan, one of our closest allies, and obviously to S Korea, and they could become a direct threat to us in the future if we continue to be complacent and "diplomatic".
  9. Good call. Her blaming the artist irritates me. Her lie could have really hit the artist in the wallet. Is it just me or does this type of thing seem normal for a good portion of the younger crowd? Blame someone else. Why accept responsibility? They learn it from all of the dirty, rotten, scumbag politicians. Nothing is ever their fault, even when it's so obvious. That's where we're headed.
  10. I was in SC recently for a wedding, and that was the first I had heard of the stuff. They had an open bar (score), and they were making some kind of mixed drink with sweet tea vodka. Delicious. The lemonade/iced tea mix is called an Arnold Palmer, and people were calling these vodka drinks John Dalys. I don't think that's what they are actually called though.
  11. That is my #1 pet peeve about idiots on the road: driving with their beams on. What kind of selfish, idiotic ***** does that? Man, I get so p'd off when people do that.
  12. See. It's not funny if you have to modify it... ;D I disagree 8-)
  13. Sorry to hear that. ;D just messin' around man.
  14. You hooked up with a dude?
  15. Do what I do: when you're tired, drink a coffee. When the coffee wears off, drink another one. Repeat until you've done all you have to.
  16. Don't be a hater. Big girls need lovin' too.
  17. Nice story :-) I had a similar thing happen to me, but I was alone. It was probably the same type of bank you were fishing - dirt, but mud when it's wet, steep and even, leading right to the water. I slid down on my butt, bass in one hand, rod in the other, right into the water. My shorts still have a faint mud stain, but they're my favorite fishing shorts. Of course, I didn't think it was funny at all, but if someone else saw it I definitely would have laughed hard.
  18. I wish I hadn't seen this thread. Now I'm burdened with the knowledge that it's gonna rain for at least five days straight here. That really sucks...a lot.
  19. I like Lindner's Angling Edge a lot - they are actually trying to teach you something about fishing, and I know I've learned a lot from that show. That's pretty much it though. Roland Martin is the most annoying man on the planet...actually, no. He's 2nd to Chahlie Mooah. I have nothing against Massholes, but this one in particular really really gets to me. Rarely has a no-talent butt-clown like him gone as far as he has.
  20. A lot of times these fish can be caught with a small suspending jerkbait fished slowly with small twitches, even if the bass can see you. Otherwise, throw on a huge weighted treble and snag those mofo's ;-) Big Phish - how about changing that avatar pic? Every time I see that bloody smallie I cringe. Gracias.
  21. Just kick it into neutral, hit the gas, watch the pedestrian's reaction, then laugh your ace off Note: Make very very sure you're in neutral.
  22. We used to call it Pukov. We used to take shots of cheap vodka in high school because, well, it was cheap. With all the preservatives in Popov, Dubra, Wolfscmidt, etc., you can get hangovers from just a couple shots
  23. Great pictures Fish :-) I'm sure you've covered this before, but how do you fish crawlers? Braid with a flouro leader, big crawlers hooked on one end with an octopus or circle hook? Weightless? This is something I'd like to get into... Can't wait to see more underwater shots!
  24. Any movie with poor acting and/or a poor script. I've become somewhat of a movie snob in recent years, unfortunately. But movies that really bug me are horror flicks that deal with ghosts or spirits, mostly when I watch them at night by myself. I don't really believe in ghosts, but I can't say I'm sure of that. After watching one of those ghost-type movies, if I go into my basement, I always get ridiculous chills up my spine and I feel like I'm being watched.
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