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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. This decade will be remembered as the beginning of America's conversion to socialism.
  2. Used to drive up to 115 on the highway in an older car. You get a flat at that speed, or something else goes wrong, and you're a gonner. My friends and I used to have firework fights when we were kids in Miami. We had big PVC pipes we used as bazookas for bottle rockets and MORTARS. So stupid. I still vividly remember firing a mortar towards my friends' hiding spot, watching it explode about 10 feet over their heads, and hearing them yell haha. Hilarious only because we didn't get hurt. We used to tie empty gallon milk jugs (plastic) together with fishing line, lay the line across the street, with one of us on each side of the street holding jugs, and when a car would pass by (40-50 mph), we would stretch the line so that it was bumper-height, and the car would take the jugs down the street and make tons of noise until they stopped. Then we'd run away. Not too dangerous, but pretty funny for a kid. We used to make bombs out of liquid chlorine and tin foil, if I recall. Put liquid chlorine in a 2 liter soda bottle, twist up a few pieces of tin foil, shake, and leave them until they exploded. We never blew anything up with them, but kinda left them in fields just to hear the explosion. I'm glad they never blew up early. Great times, and I'm thankful no one guy seriously injured.
  3. Why do people victimize and sympathize with criminals? This guy is just a thief. I don't feel sorry for him. It's his own fault, 100%, and he should pay the consequences. As Maude Lebowski said, "[He] is most certainly the perpetrator, not the victim."
  4. One of my best friends in our "Biker Gang" lol had that bike. Sweet bike. Another had a Robinson (forget the exact kind), there were a couple others, and mine was a Schwinn XS .1. Awesome freaking bike, and I rode the hell out of it, doing jumps, racing, etc., all around the neighborhood. I must have been 10 or so. Probably the most memorable gift ever. I went to the bike store with my parents about two weeks before Christmas, so I had to live those two weeks knowing the bike was in the house, but had to wait. One night my friends and I snuck out and I rode it around, and had a great time. I don't think my parents ever found out about that. I'll never forget that "cold" December 25 morning (about 55 degrees in Miami - freezing!), riding from my house to my friend's house to spend the day riding around. Awesome day. I even brought it to college with me and used it to get around campus. Unfortunately, some piece of crap d-bag stole it, and probably dumped it somewhere. I hope he burns.
  5. Well guys, I tried to get out this past Monday for a few hours since we had big rains Sunday that melted all the ice, but my ponds froze up again Sunday night. The ice was thin enough to get the boat through, but not thin enough for the lures to cast through, so we didn't even try. I had a great end to the season, but now my focus shifts to trout until my lakes and ponds open up next March/April. On to a long, cold winter... Hope you guys are better at dealing with the winter blues than I am.
  6. Awesome! Nice job man.
  7. I was referring to freshwater. Saltwater is another animal entirely. Freshwater, I agree. Peacocks even fight harder than smallies. They're a little more savage and reckless than smallies, whose fights seem a bit more calculated. Pound for pound, carp might fight as hard as peacocks, although it's a COMPLETELY different type of fight, to the point where a true comparison is impossible. I don't think anything fights harder than jack crevalles though :-) Hawk - great fish there.
  8. It is. I guess I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt. I guess he's just another scumbag who happens to be the best golfer in the world :-/
  9. Hmm... So far, most of the "rumors" appear to be true! Another girl just popped up bringing the count to 12. Just because a girl steps up doesn't mean it's true. There's a lot of incentive to say you're one of Tiger's mistresses. That's incentive to stretch the truth, and to hop on the bandwagon. I'm not saying I don't believe a lot of it. I'm just saying take it all with a grain of salt. Everyone knows news outlets try to sensationalize everything. Unfortunately, I've lost a LOT of respect for Tiger. He used to be one of my few idols. Sucks he's not the guy I thought he was. However, there's never an excuse to spread unverified rumors, or "rumours" as these Brits spell it.
  10. I'm sticking with aliens ;D
  11. Jeeze, I just read the article you referenced. I'm so sick of these pathetic news outlets speculating and spreading rumors that are not verified. I'm so freaking angry.
  12. I will bet you a lot of money this doesn't happen. Elin knew what she was getting into when she married Tiger (golf-wise - this has nothing to do with his infidelity), the then up-and-coming greatest golfer in history. He still wants, more than anything, to be the best golfer in history, beyond question. He needs to catch Jack's record before this is possible. These are my opinions.
  13. http://www.theonion.com/content/from_print/fired_charlie_weis_cleans
  14. All the reports say it was the Russians. However, is it possible for a "failed missile test" to look like that? Looks to crazy to me to be a missile. Who knows. Honestly, it's probably aliens.
  15. Awesome fish! She looks 100% healthy too. Nice job :-)
  16. What changed from 8 am to 9 pm?
  17. Root beer - the difference between game violence and movie violence is that in a game, you're controlling the character instead of watching the character. Based on your controls, the character (terrorist) kills innocent people. Boxing is a legitimate sport, albeit a violent one. There is nothing legitimate about terrorism. I'm all for good parenting. However, a lot, if not most of the time, it simply isn't there, and there's nothing we can do about it. Kids are more and more raised by their television sets, their video games, and the internet, which means that destructively influential content is something to worry about. Without certain games or movies or whatever, some of these punk kids would never be able to come up with some of the criminal ideas they enact. Lastly, of course FauxNews' intention is to get viewers, just like every other news organization, just like every magazine, newspaper, etc. Viewers are clients. Do you know of a successful business that doesn't try to get more clients? Everyone should take all news with a grain of salt, get information from different sources, and make his own decisions.
  18. x2 PMSNBC, MSGLBTV, & the rest are no better than FauxNews ;D
  19. I agree, although less marketable because the poker craze has come and gone, unfortunately, due to the ridiculous restrictions on internet play. And because Phil Hellmouth made poker look like a spoiled-rich kids game. I actually don't even watch tournament poker anymore because they mostly show the late stages when the blinds-to-stack ratio is through the roof, which means a lot of bets are just shoving your whole pile in the middle and trying to look like a tough guy. All the chips are in pre-flop a lot of the time, which I find uninteresting. If you want to watch real poker, check out High Stakes Poker, where you see the best of the best (and some really rich, clueless amateurs) buy in for $100K to $1M of their own CASH and play a cash game. That's when you see some real skill, and that's when it's exciting to watch, IMO. (don't worry, I'm getting to the reason I quoted your Hellmuth statment Tin ;-) ) If you've seen the episodes in which Hellmuth tries his luck against REAL poker players, you'd lose any remaining respect you might have for him. Not only is he a whiny little girl, but he's really not that good. He made a name for himself by being able to read bad players who play in the World Series events. When you put him against the big guns, he almost always fails, and miserably. You should see these guys beat him in the cash game. They'll willingly call a big preflop raise with Q6o just cuz they know they can outplay him after the flop. It's pretty amusing. One hand I'll never forget from that show is when this guy Yukon (forgot his real name) bluffs Phil Ivey, who has pocket kings, by going all in for over $300K of his own cash when the flop comes all little cards (under 6 I believe). THAT'S called having balls, and knowing how to play the game.
  20. Roger, why do you remove the rattles? I recently ran out of rattles for my Eakins jigs, which means I've been fishing jigs without them, and doing just as well. However, I have more confidence when the rattles are there, as it seems to me the rattles may attract a few more fish. I can't see them scaring fish away as they are very subtle, but I guess that's possible. What's your reasoning? By the way, my two favorite jigs are Jewell Eakins 3/8 oz black/blue with black/blue Ragetail chunk or crawfish trailer, and a Mann's Stone Jig, 3/8 or 1/2 oz with the same trailer.
  21. It's always fascinating just thinking of these lures being used many years ago to catch fish that have long since passed, the ancestors of fish that are likely swimming around somewhere as I type this. Thanks for the pics and stories. What an absolute fluke that a large bass could be hooked through the lip of a smaller one!
  22. Unreal Paul, another great fish there. Love the obese ones :-)
  23. I agree, although less marketable because the poker craze has come and gone, unfortunately, due to the ridiculous restrictions on internet play. If only it could be like it was in 2004, I wouldn't need my day job. Online poker is way tougher than it used to be.
  24. What a bunch of f'ing meeps.
  25. Make sure you have the drag set correctly, and a fish will never straighten a hook again :-)
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