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Tokyo Tony

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Everything posted by Tokyo Tony

  1. Tokyo Tony

    Tokyo Tony

  2. Ha, first reply and that would be my recommendation. Got one a couple months ago and it's a real beaut. Only problem is in this ridiculous state, it's illegal to carry with me unless I'm hunting or fishing because the blade is more than 4". So I'm gonna get the 103 skinner for daily carrying.
  3. Got my father-in-law a similar glass, but it's a bullet lodged in there instead of a lure. Pretty cool. Also this is my first post here in many years. Good to see some familiar dudes still gettin' at it
  4. Easiest way, although I don't recommend it, is to fish where fishing is not allowed. When I was younger I would night fish reservoirs where it was illegal to fish, and the bass were huge and dumb. On normal lakes though, I'd have to say: 1. Fish deep 2. Fish slowly 3. Fish quietly
  5. What's up buddy? I also have not been around except very rarely. I remember your name and some snippets but I don't remember the nature of our past conversations lol. Hope the years have treated you well!
  6. I wrote about my dream life here a few weeks back: www.dingtwist.com/ideal-life
  7. Guess I'm not sleeping tonight. Thanks.
  8. there's a special place in hell for cheaters, especially ones who are military wives.
  9. I hate these threads. It's really tough to guess accurately from a picture because so much depends on the camera angle and other factors. IF I had to guess though, it's no more than 2.5 pounds. Sorry. Definitely not 8. Still a nice, healthy fish though. Nice work.
  10. The year was 1987. 2 hours previous to my "experience" I had 16 burritos. What I accomplished was not a 1, 2, or 3, but an actual 57. I had never told anyone about that before today.
  11. saw the thread title and totally thought this was a thread deciding whether to bulk or maintain lol don't go to a cubicle man. I'm trying to find my way out...
  12. 1. You need to eat. Meats, carbs, fats, all of it. You need to eat more than you feel comfortable eating. 2. You need to lift. Why would your mom not let you join a gym? That sounds messed up. If she can't be convinced, find heavy stuff you can lift around the house. Also lol @ people comparing DAA, trib, etc to Raider's supps. Been teeter-tottering for a year or so on whether or not to take anabolics. Currently 192 lbs, 5'10" at around 10/11% bodyfat. Just don't wanna mess up my libido long-term. Raider - post a better pic, shirtless, and let's see those wheels. No homer.
  13. It's now been over 17 minutes since I've farted. Longest no-fart streak since '87.
  14. the guy looks a bit like that guy who used to post here, Jay from CA, used to catch giant bass and pretty trout up in the mountains. anyone agree?
  15. didn't anyone tell you you're supposed to bulk in the winter? g'luck oh, and aren't you using any super supps? tribulus doesn't do crap except maybe help libido, in my experience and research. and it tastes like garbage.
  16. Claim IT for a large insurance company. Honestly though I've gotten tired of the grind and don't want to spend the next 40 years of my life spending 40-50 hours a week being somewhere I'd rather not be. I'm starting an internet business, and have plans for other internet businesses after the 1st one is set up. My goal is to live off of passive income from my internet businesses and spend the time I would be at work reading and writing and being creative, and of course fishing and golfing. I can't wait for the freedom!
  17. 69
  18. cheesus good stuff man
  19. Raider what are your stats? height/weight/bf/bench/dead/squat My ultimate goal is 200 lbs, 8% bf. I'm 5'10" Currently at the end of a bulk, 195, around 12/13%
  20. No apology needed, I was a bit abrasive as well. From what I hear, a lot of jobs in the oil industry are big, big money. Good luck.
  21. lol some of my favorites below, and I didn't read through all 1K+: Now her ex will have to find a new hole I wanted to sell my ex-girlfriend's secret spot for 3,000 bucks but I later found out anyone can have if for the price of a cheap dinner at Olive garden and 2 Martinis. Well here is a woman who won't be dragging her luggage into a new relationship.
  22. if you bought it for her that's all you had to say lol. good. I thought you were serious about buying it for yourself and letting her take it over while you drove around her focus. unfortunately, with guys the way they are nowadays, I had no idea you were joking. You work in the oil industry? From your working conditions, that's what it sounds like.
  23. I made a thread asking for people's opinions on marriage, but never said wives and kids suck. I'll probably have kids one day myself. I may have kids now and not know it. Kidding. I don't see how allowing his wife to usurp a car he bought for himself has anything to do with making sacrifices for his family or being selfless. It's called being spineless. If, on the other hand, he bought her the car, then that's fine. But that's not how he described it. And for what it's worth, I'm in a meaningful rship w/ a great girl, but she'd never try a stunt like that, and if she tried, it wouldn't work, like...at all. (smiley is b/c I seem too serious and angry in this thread)
  24. I like Bigelow Earl Grey and their green tea. They also have an Earl Grey/Green Tea mixture which is pretty good. For you guys who use 2 teabags, next time just use 1, but use a spoon and really squeeze the bag in the cup for a while to get all the flavor out. I like my tea really dark, and fiddling with the bag is a great way to make it dark, although it is a bit of a hassle.
  25. So she lets you spend your own hard-earned money on what you want (all reasonable purchases btw), she lets you play rugby, lets you go to the gym, lets you go fishing, and that makes it okay for her to drive around the new Denali you bought for yourself while you're driving around her little Focus? And the justification is that she gives you sex in return. You should be able to spend your money on whatever you want, as long as it's not irresponsible and not making you guys broke. The money you spend on stuff and the time you spend doing those activities are all very reasonable, smart ways to spend YOUR money and time. And you should be getting all the sex you want without buying her a car. It's a physical expression of love, not a (expletive) reward. She's got you trained. Nothing wrong with spoiling your girl, or buying her a car. But when you buy yourself a car and she thinks it's ok to make it hers, and you let her, something's wrong with that picture.
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