Question reguarding the Yozuri line. There is none available in my home town of Ardmore Okla. I will have to order it online. Being I have never seen a spool of this stuff I wanted to ask what pound test line I should buy. Im currently using braid that it 12# diameter but 30# test and I like it just fine except it doesnt take abrasion too good. The part I do like is it will straigten the hook without loosing the whole rig, and i still get a good casting distance and good feel. How does yozuri rate their lines? What pound test would I need to buy to compare to what Im using now? If I buy a spool of 12# test, how does the diameter compare? I generally use soft plastics t rigged in moderate to heavy cover with occasional trolling with 6 to 8 ft running lures from one fishing spot to another using a baitcast reel. Looks like there are good and bad opinions about this line in the previous post but Im wanting to try something new.