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    <p>Wichita Falls,Tx</p>
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  1. I will be honest I think that is too much with that motor on the back. If the motor was the same year I would say good deal. But I think that is to high. Sorry just my .02
  2. Compression test, leak down test, spark test, on the water test, and I probably have missed one or two, but if the boat is in good condition and the motor and interior also offer him $4,500, reason being is you can find a boat in the '90s for that price and you can even come across a ranger for that. The boat looks like it is in good condition but you are buying a 19year old boat. Just my .02
  3. I know this isnt really what you were asking but if you want to save a bunch of money you could always go with a hand held also. And they take chips. Here is a link on how I mounted mine. Just plum couldnt afford a all in one unit. http://www.texasfishingforum.com/cgibin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=006554
  4. Personal preference, I bought two ranger life vests to match my boat and man I feel secure in them. I am not one to fish with my life jacket on gets in my way. But these are very comfortable. Just my .02
  5. Tempest 25 three blade have one on my 175merc and love it.
  6. Stick with brands that have been around a while. Ranger,Skeeter,Stratos, ect. As far as the little motor question I dont think so, its all on how the motor and boat were kept up. Remember compression and spark test on the motor. Crawl underneath the boat look at the bottom for cracks holes this kind of stuff.
  7. Today it dropped down to $1.99 a gallon. My boat has two speeds on and off. I do limit the miles I drive to a lake. But living here in north texas there is nothing closer than an hour or hour an a half a way. I paying for my toys so therefore I am going to enjoy them to the max. Just my .02
  8. Go to www.boattraderonline.com go to the search page type in bassboat next to key word and type in the price you are looking for I got 200 listings when I looked at it. Hope this helps. You should find what you want in that price range.
  9. How much are you looking at spending? You say fairly cheap, what do you mean? Just because the motor is newer doesnt mean its better I have seen guys blow there '04s while jimbob is still running the heck out of is '89. Be very selective and buy what you WANT just do not get in a hurry.
  10. I personally do not know anything about this model of boat. But if the owner doesnt even know what brand it is well that says something to me. If the engine checked out and the boat I would say offer him around $2800- 3000 for it. But I would honestly shop around before I comitted to this one the storage on it looks pretty akward(sp). Just my .02
  11. Triton is a sponsor of bass. They will most likely not have a pic of an angler in he or she's but if not sponsored by BASS. In tournies they fish out of their boats until the final one or two days when it is aired because of the sponsors they have they will not have a guy fishing out of a ranger when ranger is not sponsored by BASS. But they will sure throw him in a triton or skeeter in a hurry. And the same goes for FLW too.
  12. What year? Brand? Model?
  13. 25 tempest, '95 461vs Ranger w/a '98 175hp Merc EFI
  14. '95 461vs Ranger w/a '98 175hp Merc EFI 25 Tempest Prop no jack plate full tourny load 65.2 mph gps.
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