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Everything posted by detroit1

  1. I'm still stumped, Raul. I know of "twister tail", "paddle or boot tail","spade tail", but still no "ball tail". Who makes them and do you have a picture? The only ball tail i can think of is a stickbait with balls on both ends. Is it me? Am i the only one wondering what this is?
  2. Twice in the past 5 yrs. or so, i lost a crankbait on a long cast (from the boat) IN THE DAYTIME, and couldn't find them. You'd think that you could find it when you get the boat close to where you THINK it was, but.....
  3. Ha Ha...i thought this was about the NFL!
  4. What is a tail-less grub?
  5. My go-to lure depends on season, weather, and body of water being fished. All the lures i bring in the boat are my favorites, just waiting their turn...
  6. I never had a D/H, but had a Shakespeare wooden copy back in the 70's. It worked okay until we got a new neighbor a couple of houses down that used to live in KY., and he turned me on to a stubby little dual prop called a Skipjack. (anyone know if they are still available?) I rarely use topwaters anymore, and when i do they don't have props.
  7. I grew up fishing wild grape Kelley's plowjockeys. Yes, they do catch big and small, but too much line twist (even with a sampo b/b swivel) for me. Great artificial for someone new to fishing....
  8. That guy.... eh ...i don't like that guy.
  9. I bought a gas pro pole new with my boat in 1996 and it still works fine. (if thats any help)....
  10. You already HAVE everything made, just look in one of your sheds....
  11. I bought 2 Booyah's this spring and wasn't impressed. Alot less vibration. The head and skirt is pretty. That about sums it up.
  12. I have a number of wall decorations that my wife has gotten for me in the past couple of years. Shadow boxes of fake old lures, signs, etc.. Pretty cool stuff for under $20....
  13. dropshot and deep cranks.....
  14. Rubber-core sinkers.
  15. Congrats to the Pens - that was a great series. Props to the Wings fans at the Joe for being so respectful when it was over. I'm kinda starting to like this sport.
  16. I know i shouldn't go to the scrip-club, i was feelin rebellion! (pacman jones, NFL)
  17. Depthfinder on a float-tube? Seems to be a little cramped for space, wouldn't you think? And they don't work on a couple of "D" batteries either. I would suggest a swim mask, or a 3/4 oz. jig...later
  18. Terrible news. I wish he and his family (and friends) the best. I don't hunt, so when a hunting show comes on, i change the channel. Not Tred though. He would make it so entertaining you couldn't turn away. We're all pulling for ya.....
  19. My first boat was aluminum. My current boat is aluminum. My next boat will be aluminum. (unless i win the lottery, in which case i will buy 1 of each)..later
  20. RW- you are a jackas*!!! I lost all respect for you with the comment that you hope the big 3 fail. You sound like a bitter old man. So you had problems with a domestic 30 YEARS AGO? I would say any car or truck , foreign or domestic, sucked 30,20, or even 10 years ago. But not now, there are alot of good vehicles out there. Although i would NEVER buy a foreign make no matter where it is assembled, i do not wish them to FAIL! What do you have against American workers and their families? If you don't want to buy from the big 3, don't! But wishing them to fail? That's just idiotic, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I will no longer read any comment you make on this site. And if the good folks here at B/R want to kick me out, so be it, but at least i care for my brothers and sisters. You sicken me... later
  21. Michigan: All fish except trout- $16. Additional $16 for trout stamp. Boat trailers are a permanent (1 time) fee (don't remember but less than $100), boat registration $12 for 3 yrs. Most of the lakes i fish have no launch fee, and those that do charge are never more than $6 a day. Some of these lakes you can buy a yearly sticker for $20.
  22. 4" pike on a #0 Mepps about 40 yrs. ago. CWB: i remember that issue of the "times"( your picture reminded me) haha....later
  23. I balance only 2 of my rods: dropshot, and my big bait rod. I want my crank rod to be tip heavy, jig/worm is butt heavy, and my misc. rods (spin) i leave alone.
  24. No net in my boat. (i don't fish tourneys) I used to hate it when i was in my teens, fishin with dad, and hear him say "get the net" for what usually ended up being a 15"er. Now thats just silly - netting a dink while fun fishing.
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