RW- you are a jackas*!!! I lost all respect for you with the comment that you hope the big 3 fail. You sound like a bitter old man. So you had problems with a domestic 30 YEARS AGO? I would say any car or truck , foreign or domestic, sucked 30,20, or even 10 years ago. But not now, there are alot of good vehicles out there. Although i would NEVER buy a foreign make no matter where it is assembled, i do not wish them to FAIL! What do you have against American workers and their families? If you don't want to buy from the big 3, don't! But wishing them to fail? That's just idiotic, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I will no longer read any comment you make on this site. And if the good folks here at B/R want to kick me out, so be it, but at least i care for my brothers and sisters. You sicken me... later