Fun topic. My decision on baits would be very different if I fished lakes that bass were at the top of the food chain. My collection would be smaller but of higher quality. Fortunately, I fish where pike love them some bass baits, so I might lose a bait or two during the season. And that can happen on any cast. Fishing for 50 yrs., your collection gets pretty large if you only buy a couple hard baits a year. So I have a mish - mash of brands with no favorite brand. Maybe I am missing out not fishing a $30 popper, but I like my chug bugs and pop R. I refuse to believe that one surface bait, would out - fish any other bait. (pop r vs. pop max for example). Cheap lures will catch fish if you get it in front of them. That is WAY more important than throwing expensive baits where you won't get bit. Oh, I guess if I had to pick one, Strike King .