He's a grown man and makes his own decisions. Maybe one of you butthurts could ask him why. Although i agree not crossing the stage would be very disappointing for those watching. Ya wanna see your heroes.
I learned that fish have 3 moods on willingness to bite. Positive, nuetral, and negative. ironbjorn just added a fourth. "get that xxxxxxx thing away from me."
I have access to 10 lakes within 40 minutes from my house, that # triples (including st. clair) within 1 hr. Unfortunately, i don't trust my boat on st. clair. ?
That's it. Mine must be a larger version, my buzz blade is larger in dia. than the body. Plus, i have the 4 trebles. But that is it! Got any Cotton Cordell Blabbermouths? Thanks cap'n.
I have a Helin surface lure but didn't know the name. Stubby, cigar shaped with a "buzz" blade on front and the usual hook spreaders/ arms for 4 trebles. Black coachdog color.
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