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Everything posted by detroit1

  1. He's a grown man and makes his own decisions. Maybe one of you butthurts could ask him why. Although i agree not crossing the stage would be very disappointing for those watching. Ya wanna see your heroes.
  2. I learned that fish have 3 moods on willingness to bite. Positive, nuetral, and negative. ironbjorn just added a fourth. "get that xxxxxxx thing away from me."
  3. That fish came from Homer Simpson's lake.
  4. Not mentioned yet, but Bandit's Flat Maxx in perch is one of my favorites. Plus, they make a deeper version too.
  5. One canadian show i was surprised with was "corner gas" ( i think that was the name). Anyways, i liked the show and can remember very little of it.
  6. Y'all are weak. It's way easier to purchase than it is to not.
  7. When d1 speaks, Glen listens! (just kidding) ?
  8. Time to update this thread.
  9. Minn Kota Travolta? Does it dance ?
  10. I have access to 10 lakes within 40 minutes from my house, that # triples (including st. clair) within 1 hr. Unfortunately, i don't trust my boat on st. clair. ?
  11. detroit1's double gold willow bass vacuum spinnerbaits-$3.25....
  12. They work great for a year or so. With their price, it makes them a good deal. I have 2 years on my Cuda's (about the same size, $1 more).
  13. Allen thats sexy...
  14. Daniel, as Borat would say..."very nice"....
  15. That's it. Mine must be a larger version, my buzz blade is larger in dia. than the body. Plus, i have the 4 trebles. But that is it! Got any Cotton Cordell Blabbermouths? Thanks cap'n.
  16. I know a guy that broke his 20' triton's transome and out board in (normally) 8' of water because of a wave on St. Clair.
  17. I have a Helin surface lure but didn't know the name. Stubby, cigar shaped with a "buzz" blade on front and the usual hook spreaders/ arms for 4 trebles. Black coachdog color.
  18. I guess i'm either old or smart, but i can tell just by looking at them. Maybe i am both..an old smartazz.?‍?
  19. Sometimes $$ is the reason. For us cheapos, that extra$1500 could be used for upgraded t/m or electronics. To each their own.
  20. Smallmouth can eat a 4" tube with no problem. I know most people think "downsize" for smallmouths, but in reality, you don't have to. (IMHO...)
  21. Must stop at Knoth's bbq. near the Ky. dam if it's still around. That pulled pork was to die for in the 80's/90's.
  22. 4" white/blk. pepper Chompers worm is my favorite d/s worm. Same color on a bitsy tube was my go to years ago.
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