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Everything posted by detroit1

  1. That's a nice striper. I wish we had stripers..?
  2. Blade baits.
  3. Any of them in the right hands/location.
  4. Your "poll" choices do not match the question of: do you need a trailer for a spinnerbait? My vote is no. ⏮️
  5. Looking good hewho..
  6. Just wondering if anyone has tied a spinnerbait skirt out of title material, and how did it look/work/durability...
  7. I have transformed 2 wrecked (by pike) spinnerbaits into bladed jigs using the same bend you did Fred. They work.
  8. My console Helix is mounted on a Ram mount. While fishing i can turn it to face me at the bow. ( i do have a cheap bow Garmin .)
  9. I replaced floor / decks on my 96 grumman twice. I made the mistake the last time by using 3/4" marine plywood instead of 5/8". That is heavy wood. Too heavy.
  10. I have those 2. plus the pike one. Look thru them once in awhile during winter, but it's been a few years..
  11. Wasn't he "stitching" a crawdad ?
  12. Heck yeah those will work Fred. Of course the blade would spin more freely with a good bb swivel.
  13. I don't fish green pumpkin anymore, i can't recall catching anything on it. I do like watermelon- with black flake, but not red flake. The red flake is too bright/ unnatural (to me ) in the clear waters i fish. Funny thing about colors/fishing: what doesn't work for you may work for the guy in the back of your boat. Fisherpersons care more about color than the fish do.
  14. Sorry Randy.
  15. Post them when you do, allen. Those powdercoated blades are heavy, not necessarily a bad thing, but heavy.
  16. Thanks for not showing your other 3 pictures of said - colored baits. We would be green with envy! j/k...hoping you get them wet soon. ?
  17. I never received my fishing license last year from buying on-line. (mich.) I had to carry my visa bill with me in case i had to show proof that i bought it and my boat registration. I finally received my boat reg. in july.
  18. There are 2 within a 15 min. drive. Both have some stuff , mostly bass, but not much. I went last sat. to get my license (not in) and noticed they have a good selection of Googan stuff this year. Fortunately for me, i can walk out empty handed these days. ?
  19. I don't understand why dry / cracking lips poses a problem..?
  20. $2 new..w/o hooks.
  21. 4" Kinami Flash in chartruese / white laminate. T rig, d/s, wacky.
  22. Not brand specific, just a generic crappie grub.
  23. 2" twister tail...many color choices.
  24. He's a grown man and makes his own decisions. Maybe one of you butthurts could ask him why. Although i agree not crossing the stage would be very disappointing for those watching. Ya wanna see your heroes.
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