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Everything posted by detroit1

  1. Caught some on the dancin' eel, but more on dancin craw. Stom's thin fin took the majority of the walleye i caught on a fly-in trip in Ontario back in "85. No helicopter for me. Shakespeare made some nice woodies in the 70's / 80's.
  2. Stats, to me, is not the deciding factor in any "best" argument. As jbsooner compared sanders / smith says more than "most - whatevers" in any reasonable thinking person's mind. Jim Brown was fun to watch because he just ran over everybody. Gale and Walter were fun because of their gazelle - type moves. But Barry was the most fun to watch. Yes he didn't have the o line of Dallas, but i don't think they would have helped as much as everyone thinks. All the lions o line could do is stay in front of the defender and let Barry pick his way thru. Otherwise, he would have been just another back "hitting a hole". I was at every home game Barry played, and to this day, thinking of the :BAR-EEE chants send chills on my neck. Your opinions may differ... oh, and just kidding Sam...
  3. Bite Me Sam. I remember i was 13 watching that game at my buds house. We couldn't believe it. Last sunday absolutely sucks,but i don't expect the Lions to win more (if) 4 games this year, and thats ok. Look out for the Lions in 2024. I can wait, i've waited for 64 years already. Espn needs to do a 30 for 30 show on the history of the Detroit Lions. People would think it's fiction.
  4. Good for you folks, glad they are not in one of the other North America countries.
  5. I would power fish in the same areas you would, using heavy/compact spinnerbaits (like Munkin's), cranks, and lipless. Cover lots of water, you're looking for active feeders. My spin reels would stay home, along with soft plastics. It probabally wouldn't work though....?
  6. My soft plastics always move also, plus they feel a bit more natural. But yeah, try it, you'll catch some.
  7. A guy in my area started a lure swap around 8 yrs. ago, the first saturday in march. It has become one of the best days of the year for me. After a long winter, this is a great way to get thinking about the upcoming season. You bring some food, some fishing stuff you want to trade or sell, and something for the auction table. The auction table is great, all proceeds go to a local charity/or family that needs some help. I have gotten some good rods for REAL CHEAP, and some guys sell their jig heads, dropshot sinkers, blade baits, etc. for prices you can't get anywhere. We need a plastic pourer to show up cuz i always need / want some. Before the first lure swap i have never fished out of a real 'glass bass boat. I now have fished out of a 21'Bullet XDC, and a Ranger. The lure swap has improved my fishing life and i have a few more great friends. ??
  8. hi clayton.
  9. Ha HA, Roland got you guys....j/k
  10. I have the world's worst thesaurus. Not only is it terrible, it's TERRIBLE! sorry....
  11. I remember seeing a picture in one of the magazines (fishing facts or in-fisherman?) of a largemouth that was all golden. Can't remember where it was caught though. This was 80's / 90's.....
  12. Mlf fishing St. Clair starting tommorow. I sure hope the wind dies down for them, it's been gusting pretty good lately. Good luck to locals Pat Dobson, and of course the VanDams. Stay safe and catch some big 'ol smallies.
  13. I can't remember their name at this moment, but b.p.s. has a version with nice colors that i have some success with.
  14. Holy crap Ajay, that's a monster!
  15. Some knock-offs are good, others not so much. I found (in the 25 baits i got) that about 20% are junk. Before you put your award - winning paint job on them, you should put the hardware on and test them first.
  16. Or buy more mirro lures, great finishes, but need new hooks. I have 1 in silver / blk. back. Have not got it wet much though.
  17. 1/2 to 1-3/4 oz. ?
  18. After wondering all night where the sun has gone, it finally dawned on me. A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a blood bank. The rabbit says "i think i'm a type - o.
  19. Nowadays it's weekends only..boat / lake fish a minimum 4 hrs. to possibly 8 hrs. Bass fish only, unless i get the urge to throw some bigger pike sized baits. April through october, and usually get out once in november. 2 1/2 years from retirement, in which i shall never have to fish on the weekends again.
  20. I have replaced my flooring twice since i bought new in 1996. First time i used 5/8" marine plywood (mfr. spec.) and carpet. Last time, i tried 3/4" marine plywood, and that was a mistake. The 3/4" is alot heavier, close to 100#s more in total. Plus, my 2 storage lids are now below the deck. Next time, it will be 5/8" and marine dek if i can. If you can operate a saw, you can do it yourself. My boat aint winning any beauty contests though.. ☣️
  21. For years the magician would incorporate a trap door into his act. He was just going through a stage...
  22. Looks good Allen. I like the eyes , stout hook ,and wire keeper. I like the extra lead down the shank, but a taperered, tube - like design i think i would like a little more. (it doesn't matter what i think) Looks a little tricky to install the blade. I am sure it will be fine as - is. Post a pic of a finished one if you can.
  23. We have Ollies (like a big lots) by me, this year their limited fishing stuff WAY more limited this year..?
  24. I hope you have a heated garage. Looks good, i am sure you will enjoy it. My first boat was a 14' aerostar, much shallower than yours. Fished it 2 years without an ob, but had a transom mt . t/m mounted on the bow, and made a rudder out of 2x4's to slip over the transom. All i could do is add carpeted , removable floors between the seat benches. Had alot of good times in that boat...
  25. NEVER! Well, maybe only 1 per trip....
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