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Everything posted by detroit1

  1. I only have about 3dozen, including 8 cordell spots in their clear and red plastics boxes, unused. (70's) Most others are retired / displayed and only about 8 make it in the boat. I do need to get a couple of 1 oz-ers. Those are the most fun for me.
  2. Good looking boat Vilas.
  3. Fish will be different colors on the screen depending on their activity level. Red will be "hot" (feeding), yellow for "neutral", and black for "negative"or non-feeding fish.
  4. FS1 until 11am.
  5. Good start mn, finish it!
  6. Hey Darth, even though there may not be fish in there, i would still test baits and practice your bottom feel.
  7. i looked it up at lunch today. geez.
  8. Ha ha ..you will love this one. For some strange reason i got keith poche. He is in 103rd. 0lbs 0 oz.. ? Some how i get 68 points from him . Off to a wonderful start....
  9. Those will work.
  10. Very nice frydog....that vessel is rigged .
  11. I guess i don't know what a twitch bait is. I have seen them used as a jig trailer on Dustin Wilkes tv show. He loves that bait.
  12. Thanks Keith - you help alot of people on this site....
  13. sunglasses? and a hat.
  14. I think i ordered them from their add in fishing facts magazine.
  15. Thanks 9-9...my memory relatively still intact! haha
  16. There was a soft plastic craw from the 70's called the"mad dad" that i'm not sure who made it( mister twister?) It looked like a craw but only had it's right arm/claw. I bought a kit of them that came in 4 colors and 2 different sizes, and i think it had a couple jigheads too. Don't remember using them much, and i know i didn't catch anything on them. Now i want to know who made them. Team 99, Catt, or somebody else help?
  17. The Haves, the Kinda haves, and the Have nots.
  18. Best thing about that bait is the description. ?
  19. 2:45 am?
  20. Nice mini....munkin
  21. Looks great Baron, i am sure you will love it. C'mon spring!
  22. My mom used to make salmon patties from the can. Cover them with bisquit gravy and grab the plate before i do.
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