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Everything posted by dman

  1. I have about 6-7 Cavitrons and every one of them runs to the LEFT, no matter how much i try to re-adjust them....BUT, i think thats the case with all my single blade Buzzbaits. Now, i just mainly use the Booyah Counter strike dual blade (not dual arm) and its been the most successful buzzbait i've ever used....runs true and can take a BEATING! Of course there are times depending on my angles that i desire the "untrue" run and i use those buzzbaits (with success)
  2. I'll change that out, thanks for the tip !
  3. Minn Kota bow mounted motor and when im on the highest speed setting (5) it starts "bucking" after about 3 minutes or so and then stops working ( it will be bucking -quickly and repeatedly stopping and starting- for about 8 seconds before it just stops working completely on that speed setting). It still seems to be working fine on the slower speeds though with no issues. Any idea what could be causing this? thanks
  4. yea, i was just hoping to see it to get a good idea, im not too handy with tools and whatever the hell U-bolts are lol
  5. Jaaron, nice setup...Brilliant idea with the battery
  6. Hey TeamMonroe, thanks for the reply....im still confused though, lol wire both cables from the Big Foot into the trolling motor negative ?
  7. how does this get installed ? i was looking at it and looks like it has 2 cables (?) I thought you only had to wire into the negative trolling motor wire or does it have to run to the battery as well?
  8. X2 i'd save up a bit more and get a decent Basstracker, buy a nice tube and take the kids out. they will have a blast leaving your wife to believe you made a good choice! (and it is a good choice, great fishing boat,tubing is no problem and they can be found for pretty cheap)
  9. Buster boats used to make the rudders, i guess they are no longer in business. They were expensive ($65) , but worth it now that i have one. very well made. Im gonna check with a local machine shop to see if they can duplicate a few for me ( is that legal?) and make them available to guys that need one because i cant find any online. They make the boat so much more enjoyable and usable.
  10. This is very true. However, in my area we have some smaller lakes 125-250 acres that are electric motor only that have a few tournaments a year. I'm sure you can do something like this and possibly have some advantages but dont forget, you will have to rig up some sort of livewell
  11. the boat will twist and spin easilly with the motor up front, put a rudder on the back of the boat to prevent this, also keep the battery in the back
  12. Dont go crazy buying a bunch of different lures...Pick things up here and there depending on the type of water you fish. You will learn what you are comfortable with and good at......My lakes and ponds are shallow and have a lot of weeds so, i dont use crankbaits....Spinnerbaits work well for me (I use War eagle brand) , lots of texas rigged soft plastics, jigs and topwater baits. Those are the things that work for me in my waters. All im saying is, dont set out to have everything all at once because you dont need to ...Just go out and fish and have fun and you will accumulate what you need over time as you learn your waters
  13. Thank you! And, its in the mail
  14. Nice! i think i will be switching to a vest for my walk arounds after seeing these
  15. Well, my shed is a completely sealed modern shed...Its just unheated
  16. Greetings, Due to the recent birth of my new daughter ( ) I have lost the spare bedroom as my tackle storage locker. Is it ok to leave tackle in the shed all winter? i suppose all the hardbaits are fine but what about softplastics? Im in the Northeast and its about to get REAL cold REAL soon and i just dont know how that will affect my baits.
  17. Backpack is the way to go....I got one for my shore fishing but now i dont leave by tackle in my boat, the backpack is what comes with me there too...I easily just reload it with what i need for wherever i am going. This is what i have: Calcutta backpack Mine is a couple years old and actually has 4 boxes and not three. Here is a new model just put out by Shimano, though a bit more expensive (these bags are worth it though for all the stuff you can comfortably carry around!) Shimano backpack at TW (wont let me post a link - hope this much is ok)
  18. X2 with the telescoping paddle
  19. wow, what a great deal Scotter ! The 40lb should be plenty - i use a 36lb motor and it moves great, hope you enjoy, now you just need the rudder
  20. not true, i have the 8E model and it has 2 handles on each side. I believe the handles on the 10 footer are on the ends and not the sides but i could be wrong on that.
  21. busterboats.com appears to be down. Not sure what happened, but you might be interested in a Pelican Bass Raider if you cant find a buster boat
  22. I had similar problem......I would use both, sew it up and then glue the threads...and get a prop cover for the trolling motor to prevent it from happening again
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