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Everything posted by dman

  1. Sounds good but whether or not i can stay i would need dates....I make part of my living playing music at night so I can at least show early and hang for a day and possibly do a night but like i said would need dates to confirm. But definately interested.
  2. For whatever its worth, i picked up one of these Quantum Energys off of Ebay with the $50 rebate (for a total of $95). They sent me a completed rebate form with the reel, I sent it to Quantum and had a $50 check in 3 weeks..>For those interested: http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-QUANTUM-ENERGY-PT-E750PT-E760PT-E761PT-or-E770PT_W0QQitemZ380005611326QQihZ025QQcategoryZ108153QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 Check out the store too, he has some rods for good deals as well
  3. The Bass magic' smell like this too....I took them out and aired them out in the garage for a few days, then rinsed in water and now they sit in a ziplock soaking in cb's Hawg Sauce.....They should be ok now
  4. Thats one thing i dont understand...The STX looks better on paper with more bearings but is $50 cheaper...Is the higher price tag for the premiere just due to the weight?
  5. Thanks for the input....I ended up ordering a Fenwick HMG 7'm for $129, little more than i wanted to spend but im sure its worth it, i do want quality as well
  6. Good advice guys, thanks
  7. nobody fishing with Premiers? hmmmmm, not a good sign ;D
  8. can you guys offer some opinions on a good spinning rod in the $100 area....It will be used for plastics only.....I can get St Croix Premiers locally for $90. Are these decent? any opinions are aprreciated. PS....I like my spinning reel (but its kind of a cheapy) so i am open to suggestions to that as well if you know of a good combination you like
  9. Thats what i figured.....I was going to make an offer of $2300 but from the things he said i dont think hes going to budge since he "just put on a $600 trolling motor"....forgot to mention, comes with a trailer as well
  10. hey guys, just looking for some opinions here. have a chance to pick up an Early 90's tracker, not sure of exact year, this is a second owner tha has it. 35 hp merc on the back and a 1 year old 55# mk trolling on the front..Motor looks clean inside...Boat has been used, it shows its wear. Decks seem very stable still. Seats are torn a bit (not a biggie though) Front depth finder works but the one at the steering wheel works, but has some issues, all for $3100.... its not anybody i know, its for sale in the local paper so thats another issue of "you never know"...what do you guys think?
  11. I had very bad acid reflux....I was on Prilosec for years, finally i went on a diet and lost 40 pounds last year....Havnt had to take it since.
  12. thats it right there!
  13. no flouro on spinning rods? why not? I never have but i was going to this year for my worm rod (spinning).
  14. I am always wacky fishing but never got one of these tools because i dont like angle of the hook.....I like the fish biting straight into the hook....My hookups are great and i always have them hooked in the the top of the lip..... anyone notice a lot of misses switching to this rigging?
  15. i dont think it would be a big deal at all as long you tie it down
  16. i am also done with this winter! I'm sick of pitching my hookless jig into an empty coffee can in my living room good sign = our 7 day forecast has five of the seven days hitting at least 40 degrees, bring it on!
  17. yeah, heres the kicker: i have one already, i think.....I have a rapala pliers but it makes no sense to me on how to use it :-[ aaarrrgghgh
  18. can anyone explain this or point me to a link for a how-to.....I got a few baits (few bomber jerkbaits) with some old hooks in need of replacement...I picked up some size 4 gammys the other night but couldnt figure this out without hurting myself : and i couldnt find any instruction anywhere...thanks for any help
  19. The notion of paying $25+ for a package is rediculous. The baits do work though. :-X Off topic= Burley, what is that in your avatar. i cant make it out and its driving me crazy! big buds or something?
  20. dman


    can u give them a call? that is wierd, I ordered some Spinnerbaits and jigs from them last Wed and had my order on Sat.
  21. i dont know how you guys can fish off of these! I would get so frustrated from being so limited, i wouldnt be able to just relax and enjoy the ride which is what i guess its about.....Now- back on topic, If i had to, i would get the blue one, might feel to closterphobic in the other.
  22. i have the Luck E Strike Bass Magic and they stink to high heaven. I'm gonna soak them in the sink or a bucket for while and then drench them in cb's hawgsauce and that should do it....I wont even bother using them this way at all. I thought about even making "coffee baits" out of them by letting them sit in coffee grounds, if it works on tubes-why not.......
  23. I agree completely with this. With an 11' jon i imagine you'd be fishing small bodies of water where a GPS really wouldnt be needed. I figured a GPS is for huge lakes that you can get literally lost on and never mind trying to get to find a pinpointed spot.
  24. a sloution i have used: pick up one of those telescoping rods at Gander Mt...Might be like $20 or something, Get a backpack and you can keep your tackle plus the extra rod in there. And its very comfortable
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