Pretty much all the time im using a Senko its pitched or flipped....Very rarely do i cast it.....But if i was pitching or flipping into heavy cover (Which is what i think you mean) the rod is just not designed for it....Sure, it can be done, but i think you will have trouble landing some fish and losing fish.
when is a good time to use this....I know people talk about burning a spinnerbait but what else.....I have a chance to get a new Curado E for very cheap but im not sure if this gear ratio is good for anything else...I need a reel for my topwater rod for Buzzbaits and things but just wasnt sure if this would work well with other baits and walking the dog - etc.
I was wondering what the biggest differences are in these 2 reels. Unfortunatly my local shops carry neither one. I have 3 MG's and need another one but with these are no longer being made and soon wont be around. what will replace them as far as being very similar? the pics i see of Curado E looks like a pretty similar reel - small profile, looks like same design.....Do they differ much? should i just go with the MG's until they cant be found anymore or should i give a Curado a blind chance?
How long do you boil them for? i am about to give up on these anyway, I had faith that they would work for me and gave them a lot of chance last year and this year with not a single bite....I was throwing it again for an hr yesterday with nothing then threw a spinnerbait to the same area and got a 16 incher so, maybe i need to boil that smell out of em......
....I have a chance to get a newer fish finder with GPS (Lowrance 522c) for a pretty good price but i'm not sure how they work.....I only go on semi-small lakes and ponds with my boat but i would like to be able to mark spots....Do i need to buy cards or something that has those waters listed on them for GPS to work?
I LOVE fishing these through lily pads...I'm so glad they are back, i stocked up just 2 weeks ago.
I just hook through the tip with a weedless Gammy and swim it - drop it, repeat...Here ya go:
went to a local pond last week (only pond i go to for years now) and nothing.....Went back on Monday and signs everywhere "Fishing Prohibited" until April 15....They now stock it with trout and cant fish until trout season....The Bass might get nice and fat now though 8-)
in the fall of last year I was swimming a small Booyah finesse jig with a yum chunk, I caught a few and because of that success I got a few "real" swim jigs during the winter.
I put the 50# on my boat recently....Like was already mentioned the difference between speeds 4 and 5 was too great ...speed 1 barely moved the boat (aluminum basstracker!), and 2 was not much better....took the motor back...still havent gotten the replacement but will get a motorguide in the next week or two.
!!!!! just yesterday I finally broke down and bought the wacky tool!
I always liked wacky rigging right through the worm becaue i dont know if i like the hook being sideways on a ring but i never heard of anyone having hook up problems AND they say the bait lasts longer this was so....i got one
.....a local 10 acre pond.....I went by today and just the back corner (about 1\8 of the pond still has ice \ slush ).....I'm gonna stop by tomorrow but not sure what to throw....My guess is they are still in the deep water, they wouldnt start moving that quick would they? any opinion on what baits i should start with?
No i never felt like it wasnt fast enough...I guess im just watching too many fishing shows....Hearing pros say things like "your gonna want that high gear ratio like im using 7.? to pull these fish out of here fast...."
Guess i wont worry about it...Thanks for the input guys
Is it really important to have a fast gear ratio (7.0:1) when workin thick cover\slop? I know it will get them out quicker but should I get a reel just for this, will it make that big of a diference? what other uses would a high ratio like that be good for?
yea, i figured if anything i would install the trolling motor since I already removed the old one a few months ago. That was a frigging nightmare! all the rubberized bolts underneith stripped...>Working on them the screws then stripped and needed to be drilled out, uhg
thats what happens when i do stuff ;D
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