They are taunting me. Only a few feet away in very shallow water. Hell, there was a big one just lying there with part of his back sticking out of the water! I could've probably just snuck up on him and netted him, but instead I tried to FISH him. I am a newb and forgive me if I say something dumb, but I only caught a catfish on my first outing and nothing ever since. This question will refer to these visible bass. I tossed my buzzbait (Hart's single propeller with clacker white skirt with two long red stripes) in front of this big guy and retrieved it along his left side twice, but he didn't care. After coursing the lure over his body, he just took off. Should I have tried more times? Another type of lure/bait? There were actually a lot of them in this one area, but none of them even tried to bite. I tried for 2 hours and gave up. Should I go longer? I started around 7AM and finished by 9. It was a little windy and maybe around 75F. The last half hour I tried a spinner with similar appearance to the buzz, but also nothing. I have obviously found where they hang out (rip rappy grassy area), but need to excite them. Should I spray the bait with a scent? I was actually thinking of making a netting device on my way home that I would leave out in the area the night before and just come by in the morning to "pick up" my fish, lol. I would rather fish them though. ANY help or advice would be helpful! Thanks in advance.