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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Hey guys. I've got an older 12' sears riveted jon boat i want to bring back to life and it has some leaks around were the rivets are. I was curious of what the best adhesive is to use, and where I can get some. I want good stuff, so this will last a while.
  2. lol even i could outrun that and they expect to stop terrorists? lmao
  3. nice boat man, sure to catch some nice bass in that! 8-)
  4. Sweet cat dude! ;D
  5. Err. . . one word, TOOL ;D ! By the way, welcome back everyone!!! We got our computer running good again so I will be on way more! I miss BR. sorry to takeover ur post man... :-[
  6. Typical bandwagon Celtic fans. They cheer on the green yet they say they will loose to the Cavs. First off, if you are a Celtics fan, you root for your team 110% . Second, stop wining about Leon Powe's torn ACL, and KG's injury. The celtics are deep, bench players have stepped up, and the starters have all increased their scoring averages tremendously. Lastly, they are DEFENDING Champions, they've been there and done that. 8-)
  7. All That Remains - The Air That I Breathe
  8. Nice smallie 8-)
  9. ...I wish there were less jet skiers....
  10. Pretty soon it they will want individual states forums! ;D
  11. ...it's even funnier the 2nd time around!
  12. The Okeechobee Fats bag at Wal-Mart. By far the best bang for the buck bag out there. I've had it for a year and hopefully many more!
  13. I'm 17, I have a job, but I make the time to fish. Fishing is more important than anything to me. 8-)
  14. Welcome! 8-)
  15. Sweet ride man, you'll love it. 8-)
  16. Im going to take a stab in the dark and guess that its becasue they're overrated sellouts Metallica is not overrated, they have a passion for music, which is why they never stop making it.
  17. Awesome, something else besides Octane to listen to. 8-)
  18. Raul, thats flat out awesome.
  19. :DWelcome aboard! 8-)
  20. THAT! I can't stress it enough do not leave without oars, NO MATTER WHAT BOAT YOU HAVE. I remember being out in my 12' fiberglass boat, and I unexpectedly ran out of gas, and I had to OAR all the way back to camp against strong wind and white caps....it took like 3hrs to go not too far. Oars are a definite MUST.
  21. LOL ghoti thats so stereotypical yet very true! ;D ;D
  22. 6" or 5"? I know the 5" ones are $5.99, not sure how much the 6'ers cost.
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