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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Happy 4th of July! Glad to say I'll be fishing all day. Thanks to all the troops that made this possible.
  2. Dean

    What If

    i'd go back to when i was a newborn..and kungfu the doctor. why? because itd be funny
  3. 3.5lb largemouth bass, wacky worm, at mascoma lake, enfield NH
  4. From what im reading, 100% Deet Lotion is the way to go, correct? Might have to grab some
  5. hello!! and welcome to BR!!!
  6. Nice smallie, thats a true pig!
  7. WELCOME!!! B)
  8. good job guys!!
  9. this is awesome, will be ordering one within the next couple days, bassresource you rock
  10. Nice man, seems like you had yourself a decent outing. Hopefully I'll be fishing in VT soon. If only the d**n license wasn't so expensive .. ..lol
  11. Welcome to bass resource buddy B)
  12. I say just have people pay first, then once approved he can send them out as needed.
  14. Just a suggestion. I know a few other forums out there that have decals you can buy to represent their site. Id defiantly buy a bassresource one if there was one.
  15. thanks everyone. im probably just going to take it back and get a new one.
  16. I was reeling in my cabelas tourney zx yesterday, and all of a sudden it got harder and harder to reel in. Line wasn't tangled or anything, it had me puzzled. Then i looked down, where the line goes out and comes in, that piece that moves side to side as you reel, was not moving side to side. I casted multiple times to see if it would go away, an no it didn't. It just sits there as line builds up in one spot on the spool. I have noticed in the past few outings that it has been getting gradually harder to retrieve, and it would tense up sometimes, and be not as easy to reel, then it'd stop and reel normal. An on and off kind of thing. What could be wrong? Any help is really appreciated, Thanks alot!
  17. 12' jon with a 2hp gamefisher outboard., she gets me from a to b, and goes places bigger bass boats cant. im happy with it
  18. nice cold water largemouth!
  19. anytime dude
  20. Enjoy!! haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQQX9fnX1d0&feature=relmfu
  21. Defiantly City Limits with mike iconelli
  22. Not sure why that quoted lol, still getting used to things
  23. WELCOME!!
  24. Sick design and layout ,im lovin' it!
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