hey bro,
I carry a gun 4-5 days a week. It's a requirement for what I do. Some things that some of the other guys didn't bring up.
If you have that gun and the situation dictates that you're in close quarters you need to be able to retain that thing in a hand-to-hand situation, provided you don't have a carrying method that incorporates some kind of retention of it's own. Once you pull it, you better be 100% sure that the next thing you do with it is kill someone. If you're not a fighter, and you lose that gun to your attacker they will use it on you.
I've pointed a gun at people with the intention of pulling the trigger and it's different than what you think it may be like. When you're in that situation everything else about life goes out the window. Just know that once you introduce it into your encounter very rarely can you de-escalate from there as a civilian.
Lastly, the best shooters have around a 70% hit rate in high-stress situations so know that if you qualify as a 100% shooter, which is rare, you're only going to hit your mark 7 out of 10 times or less when you're scared for your life. You'll need to account for the other 3 bullets that are going somewhere else also. Statistically, most situations involve 3 shots from 10-15' feet, so you may not hit them at all. Just because you shoot someone does'nt mean that your fights over either. I saw a guy this week who was shot 5 times and is still alive right now, he ran three blocks after he was shot also.
In my opinon, buy a dog.