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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Zoom in all the way before marking waypoints with a cursor, or you WILL be a curser, many units will distort or add error if you are zoomed out. Also practice with known distances to determine what is causing the offset.
  2. Capacity, graduation, precision, and accuracy costs $. I like Ohaus, but there are a few others that will do. We had one at work that was accurate to .1 gm, and it was balls on on all counts, but it was almost $500. Why do we need this for fishing?
  3. Yeah, and I'm hoping Kate Upton leaves her big league baseball husband and calls me...
  4. No, bass don't care, I don't use a leader because of more bites because of reduced visibility. I use it for abrasion and teeth protection (a lot of places I fish have snakeheads, pike and pickerel), and because I hate braid tangling on trebles. I use a 10-15 lb leader on 10 lb braid on spinning gear, and a 20-50 lb test on bait casters.
  5. Best time for noisy top waters and wake baits. I like the egg, but I have another house brand wake bait that crushes too.
  6. Varies by the lure, casting style, and rod set up, some lures cast better with a longer drop from the tip, some with a shorter one, anywhere from 12"-30". I usually use a longer leader that winds through the guides, but with micro guides, even a very thin smooth knot will hang up, or click. The main drawback of a short leader is that you will soon run out if you need to retie more than a few times.
  7. 4/0 round bend worm hook, bend the point up just a tad, set the hook by reeling slack and loading the rod, and then a sweep without any slack at any time. It is possible some of those short bites are from bed fish, I don't deliberately fish beds, but I find a hook point midway or further back will help with those.
  8. They all float if you thread one of those disposable hearing protection foamie things on the leader. Surf fishermen, European carp anglers and catfish drifters do something similar
  9. Yup, also the reason lizards are so much better than skinny worms.
  10. No, they are saving money by providing a cheaper 2nd spool, but it's lighter...
  11. What's the difference between a Quantum reel and a paper weight?...
  12. Old fat guys find sitting cramped up low for hours in a "seat" that would make a basketball bleacher seem like a LazyBoy uncomfortable? Who would have guessed it... I own a yak, and I don't regret it because the only reason I bought it was to goof on a friend and win a bet. It sits on my sawhorses in the garage and has never touched water, and never will, at least not with me in it, oh and a spool of Vanish...
  13. Yeah, a lot of different variables will dictate how long it will take, could be minutes, could be days. Depending on the spot and time of year, you may be waiting for the same fish to cooperate, or new fish may be moving in, or both. Only one sure way to find out. I've got a couple of spots that you almost can't fish out in the pre spawn, and a couple where after I catch them good in the summer, they seem to shut down for a day or two.
  14. Yeah, some keepers are just in the wrong place, when it really bothers me, I cut it off with dykes, and stick the hook in the cork.
  15. No, I have duplicate of most of my rods for two reasons, when fishing from a boat, I'll have 2 or 3 of them rigged identically, and ready to go, and second, often rods differ from production run to production run, so once I find what I like, I have something I know will fish the same, It's the tennis player in me, when you break a string, or your grip comes loose, you don't fix it, you put it down, and pick up another one from the bag. Fun fact, most professional tennis players have at least 6 newly strung racquets in their bags, and have them restrung for every match, more at the French, clay eats strings (and socks)...
  16. I've never heard that.
  17. It depends on the ratio between the size of the prey and the bass, if it fits completely or mostly in it's mouth, it will just swallow it, and the combination of the gullet, teeth, and pads will force it head first, if roughly 1/2 or less fits in it's mouth, it will use its teeth to rotate it before swallowing, in the extreme with really large prey, it will actually release and recapture it while reposition it, it happens so quickly that it's almost imperceptible at real speed. Pike and pickerel are the real champs at this though.
  18. Yup, if you have a swim jig in two weights, two or three colors with 3 or 4 trailers, you can catch fish most anywhere.
  19. I like the Fogy, but in fairness most chatters hunt or can be made to hunt.
  20. To me a swim jig is like an adjustable wrench in versatility in fitting different requirements, but a spinnerbait is more like a hammer...
  21. Amen. On a salt water site, guys carry on about "how to catch striped bass?" at nauseum, a while back I jokingly said, I would publish my book on it in it's entirely below, here it is: Chapter one: Go to where they are at. Chapter two: Catch them.
  22. I don't type nearly well enough to do this subject justice here. This is really one of the key items, if not the key item, that separate the men from the boys (can you say that anymore?). There is no quick answer, there are several intertwined variables that influence fish feeding activity, some having to do with the fish themselves, the forage, the body of water, location, time of year, weather, current, etc. I will say that much like lure selection, some of it transfers well, and some is place/time specific.
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