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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. That's break glass territory right there...
  2. So the boat colors won't work? Maybe bank fishing IS different........
  3. A weightless or 1/16 oz t-rigged trick worm.
  4. I'm a big fan of that stick, works well for a lot of things.
  5. Anchor trolleys sound like a good idea, and I know yak guys get all giddy, like a teenage girl at a boys band concert when discussing them, but a better idea is to use your paddle as a boat hook to move the rode to different tie off, just make sure not to tie off too close to mid ship in heavy current if you aren't familiar with it.
  6. 3 rods, nothing fancy, a 6' med for poppers, a 6'6" MH for walking baits and larger poppers, and a 7' MH that punches above it's weight for buzz baits, ploppers and wakebaits. Too fast or too much modulus is not your friend for top water.
  7. It either fills with a pump or an opening below the water line, shouldn't be too hard to figure which, and proceeding accordingly.
  8. Congrats on Quasi Moto Esox. Deformed spines is actually not that uncommon in fish.
  9. BPS, DSG, and others put their 3600 and 3700 boxes on sale for under $3 every year, I just grab a bunch then. I like to have some with a larger compartment on one side for spinnerbaits, buzz baits and chatters. Large tool box type tackle boxes just are not as functional. When you really have local water dialed in, the cargo pockets on the Columbia pants, and front pouch on the hoodie is all you'll need.
  10. I have 3 books full of commercial fishing and charter fishing "industry standards" stories that I can't share in public. It's kind of like Disney World, the public sees the fluffy lovable characters, princesses, and fun rides, the underground garbage chutes, Stepford wives training sessions, and working conditions, not so much, It IS indeed a small world...
  11. Jesus said drink wine... Time to get some Rick Clunn short shorts...
  12. Would lanzamiento suave be good to cast ricos?...
  13. Pull braid tight, and any half decent pair of scissors will cut right through it easily. With larger diameter ones, a sharp nail clipper will work by squeezing tight, and pulling.
  14. While much of our aging curve is genetic, there is no question that diet, exercise, and stress management can have a big impact on quality of life, particularly as one gets up in age. A good regiment will include cardio, strength, and range of motion. Find something you enjoy, and is convenient to do, or you will most likely not stick with it. Full disclosure, I polished off a bag of pork rinds this afternoon...
  15. There is an audible "yuk!" when I put a little Bantam oil on my Fuegos.... I think he meant fishing reel specific as opposed to brand specific. Sewing machine oil is really good bearing oil, I use that on bearings, my honda's motor oil on everything else except the level wind worm, where I use something a bit more viscous.
  16. One reason to build a custom rod is to have custom dimensions, so fish it as is, and "shorten" as (and if) required. I like a long butt for cranking and other tip down moving baits stuff, specially with larger lures, and a short one when using wrist rod motions. I find that if I palm the reel, and bend my elbow 90 degrees, I want the butt to clear my arm most of the time except for the first things listed above. But it's your rod, so only you can tell if it's right or not.
  17. It's ok, but noticeably more viscous than Shimano.
  18. Sorry, I feel bad for The King, we left that cup on the table. I was deployed in Africa, and my wife would face time me and point the camera at the tv, and we'd watch together.
  19. I'd be concerned about health issues caused by the increased gravity in California...
  20. I watched my Rangers thump the Lightning and their supposedly "best in the league" goalie last night. That's the best they've looked all playoffs. LET'S GO RANGERS!
  21. The rear facing windows in our house face the woods, and we have all sorts of birds back there. We have one window that birds would do that on a regular basis. some would knock themselves out and recover, and some would die on impact, I guess the angle of the sun and the surrounding greenery makes it behave like a mirror and look like a continuing path, and yes, it's surprising how loud a thud a tiny bird can make. The admiral said "fix it", so what I came up with was a few different colored post-its. As a bonus, now I don't have to go run around looking for my passwords...
  22. Depending on where you want to go out of, 16 is tough, because most boats are either 6 packs or head boats (party boats). The holiday weekend is bad also, cause tourist want to go through the motions instead of going taffy, t-shirt, or shell shopping on the boardwalk, (or whatever else it is that they do)....
  23. The best way to obtain a strong knot is to once wrapped and lubed, cinch everything slowly until it is snug with the braid being 1-2 mm above the loop formed by the leader, which should all but be closed by now (you can roll the knot in your fingers as you do this), then grab the main line and leader, and cinch those down quickly, that will essentially lock the knot in it's final position, now you can snug the leader tag and main line tag with a steady pull on each. I trim the leader flush with no tag, and wrap 2 or 3 half hitches in opposing directions with the braid tag, and clip flush, the last half hitch might come undone after a while, but it won't affect anything.
  24. This knot can fail if it isn't cinched down tight enough, ironically if too many wraps are used, and of course if one insists on using FC. The guy that taught it to the guy that taught it to Alberto clued me in on it.
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