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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. LOL, when I first joined the Navy, we lived in NYC and I was stationed in Norfolk. When not underway I'd go home most weekends when I didn't have duty, then stay too long on Sunday, and shoot two Red Bulls on the road down, no chance of falling asleep, but I could hear and feel my heart beat and my hands visibly shook all the way down.
  2. No, but I've made several home made chatters with varying success. One of our guys at the bike shop has two Monsters for breakfast every morning, so I actually might...
  3. Spoons are very effective for most fish including LMB, I think the reason they aren't more popular is twofold, first the whole bass like to live in cover that would make their use difficult most times, and most spoons require specific speed control, and specific rod actions, and thus more angler experience and skill than a lot of other things that will also work in similar conditions and are more mindless.
  4. Bass don't know whether the contraption that rattles in front of them is DIY or manufactured for a subsidiary of a global conglomerate in a 3rd world country sweat shop. What is the question?
  5. Input: Get the Shimano reel, and consider a less extreme length for a rod. Doing "research" online will lead someone with little experience to believe that a longer rod is better, and nothing could be further from the truth, sure they have a place and time, but a 7', or even a 6'10" would be a better choice.
  6. I know it's California, and reality is different there, what with the elevated gravity and everything, but what are we trying to do with cheap fluoro in salt water? The only legitimate reason for (some) uses is as a leader, and that's not where you want to skimp. Unlike LMB fishing, in some cases there are some visibility/line shy fish applications, but not many.
  7. What is the cheapest tequila on the market? Both really bad ideas... No, it does not.
  8. I know how to never loose anything while kayak fishing...
  9. Fish don't have calendars..
  10. And voila! Fish when, and how the fish want to be caught, not sure why recreational anglers have so much trouble with this...
  11. I have no experience with them other than handling them at a shop, they seemed ok enough, and felt alright in hand.
  12. The rod doesn't suck, but it isn't really suited to most bass applications. I wouldn't try to cast lures much under 1/2 oz on it. Why you would have trouble casting a spook with anything is a mystery to me...
  13. I don't know about your rod and guides specifically, but I've straightened many guides in several rods, and most were GTG after that.
  14. Yeah, they have a spongy mid section that doesn't lock out. When I cast a WP 110 with a Fury 704c, I can feel the bend down to my hands, and it clicks in protest a tad, in fairness I am launching it for all it's worth. Interesting thing I saw earlier this year, I was killing time at a DSG, and I got to handling a Fury 733c, which was significantly faster and crisper than my 703c, not sure if that is due to a change in the blank, the fact that mine is several years old, or other factors, but it wasn't even close, and it seemed a lot bigger difference than slight longer blank would account for.
  15. Or save it for when the kids misbehave...
  16. The Fury 703c will do what you want, regardless of what Gary says, that is a medium moderate rod, and square bills and shallow cranks don't require a cranking specific rod, as do the deeper bigger billed ones.
  17. No, you just need to make a small adjustment. Try holding the rod with all fingers in front of the reel foot, and having the reel slightly twisted towards your body, if that doesn't work, hold the rod so that the reel is directly under the rod following the angle of the jerk to the side, and your index finger knuckle is on top of your grip, that usually works better with bigger more aggressive jerks.
  18. When fishing with braid, the rod is going to be asked to take on more of the job of shock absorption, and it's related angler error correction, so yes, slower and less powerful rods are called for for the same presentations than with monofilament lines. This of course refers to the actual action and power of the rod, and not what the manufacturer labels it.
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