Most of what you describe has been known for a very long time. I know "insulin resistance" is the buzz phrase de jeur, but it's influence on sugar regulation, and the related metabolic processes are well documented. High fructose corn syrup is not the boogie man that it is made out to be, the problem is a diet too rich in sugars of all types combined with too much overall carbohydrates and total calories combined with a sedentary life style. There is no magic pill, it takes a healthy diet and some exercise on an ongoing basis.
Ever see the scene in Pulp Fiction where the smack dealer says "crank call, crank call! Who is this?!"
I get a cold call about once a month on how to move "grey" product. Not sure how my number gets out there, and a guy from up that way said he had a lot of abalone to move, and heard that I knew where to do it, nope, I was born at night, but not last night.
Swim jig, or weighted t-rig depending on how thick the salad. topwater in the evening, night, and early AM. I'm gonna be up that way next weekend, I'll let you know what works.
Oh good, you might know, I gotta replace the boards on my 30x16 deck, how many board feet of 5/4x 6 will I need, and why do I need 10% more and not 1/10th more to account for cutoff and defects?
Like most other things in retailing, it's marketing, half way between 50 and 80. The lb test labeling of most braids is mostly fiction, they over test by a big margin, call it what you'd like, and maybe cut down on huffing crushed abalone shells a tad...
I wasn't suggesting you coined the term, but as you say, it was LMB guys in TX. I sometimes troll jigging spoons, jig casting spoons, and cast jigging spoons, because they happen to be the right one for the situation, regardless of the originator's intent. I picked up a bunch of Dr spoons at a flea market recently, probably gonna be making shark bait with them.
Carp, or snakeheads, or turtles, or bullfrogs, even beavers, the bubbles may or may not be coming from the fish, it may be disturbance of the bottom or grass, or methane.
If you change some of the water and lower the ph, they will make a huge bubble nest.
Yes and no, a spoon is a spoon, you can cast and retrieve or vertical jig (What LMB guys call flutter for some reason), or troll one for that matter. Sure a heavier spoon will have a faster ROF, but you can change or fine tune that with the line diameter.
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