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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. So you want them to tool up and manufacture new models for a miniscule % of the market? Do you know how much that would cost? That's unrealistic. Better do like Cabela's and have Daiwa make your stuff.
  2. I'm having no luck finding a 2 oz Ned head...
  3. If you don't need a jet drive, don't get a jet drive.
  4. That's not a lure, it's a planer, two actually, they are for trolling.
  5. They also make one the same size as the CPCRM, but with a standard square bill lip, (just like every one else does), thank you RC...
  6. Yeah, except there is a reely good chance there is nothing wrong with them, maybe make sure first?...
  7. Should be a felony everywhere. My "house blend" is 50/50 fresh ground and Bustelo.
  8. You really need to get out more, start with a Panera, they have some good drinks. I Arnie Palmer them most times.
  9. adding a little sugar to unsweetened too hard? I put a splash of whatever juice I have in the fridge.
  10. size eight hooks require a gentle hand, light line, and a soft rod, they usually don't get enough meat for leaning back on them. Most lures that take a #8 hook are usually too small for a #6 though. Do they even make a #7? I used to throw a lot of small baits, but don't much anymore.
  11. ABB, Aspirational Bait Buying. I just came up with that.
  12. I feel your pain, can you find the popper in the picture?
  13. Daiwa TriForce comes to mind.
  14. And a "machine" to tell you what color to buy/use...
  15. The older silent Zara Spook, and the slightly smaller Super Spook Jr one knocker, but most walkers will work well when they are on it, if one knows how to get the action the fish want on a given day.
  16. The folks who designed or specked the H2O cranks should be commended, the ones who named them, not so much. The "names" are acronyms, and if you look hard enough you will find what they mean.
  17. I tried taking a pass at the top of the key and taking two steps towards the basket and dunking on a 7 foot human being, doesn't work. Michael Jordan and James Worthy don't know what the heck they are talking about...
  18. Fish finders with fish symbols are notorious for seeing fish everywhere.
  19. Depends, some lures under some conditions over 95%, others closer to 50-60%. One of the reasons I don't throw frogs in open(ish) water often.
  20. I can't tell if that statement is superficial or profound...
  21. Technically or ethically?...
  22. If you can turn off the fish symbols start with that. a blob or arch will give you a better idea as to what you are looking at. I doubt those are bass, or even fish.
  23. There are some kids on your lawn...
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