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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. You sound like a pet parent on the diet, refrigerated, fresh dog food aisle...
  2. It's not about strength or abrasion resistance, 12 lb BG is strong enough to fish with the drag locked down. Ploppers and other top water lures just work better with larger diameter line.
  3. Fish a compact, louder tandem spinnerbait faster and we'll get ice cream later...
  4. Interesting, I would have thought most would have shattered first time out coming from the same country as the Pacer, Vega, and Pinto...
  5. I've heard they store the blanks near the jumping beans and many get pelted....
  6. I'd rather get a root canal than watch someone d-shot, but I do like fishing up that way a lot. If they had a longer season, I'd consider retiring there.
  7. Yeah, work ethic has nothing to do with the job at hand, and it is lacking everywhere I'm sorry to say. I don't completely blame the workers though, we have collectively conditioned them to this attitude to a large degree.
  8. Except for lipless, I would trade all rattling ones for one knockers, and I'd trade most of my knockers for silent ones.
  9. meh, tournament owners make the rules, and anglers choose to fish or not. Some will like it, some won't.
  10. Mono, I'd step up a tad from 12 lb, and maybe slightly less rod, but it's in the ball park.
  11. Oh, I don't doubt it. China manufactures some very good high end products as well as cheaply made ones, and they do both well. The cost of shipping and transportation is going to open up opportunities for more manufacturing here in the US as well as our geographically close neighbors, but I'm sure we'll figure out a way to screw it up.
  12. That niche are like the bald guys in the $200k convertibles, lots of cash, and not too much time left to spend it. Sad part is your hair is supposed to blow in the wind... Oh, I've got a Mex Tele that folks who play (wish I could) tell me is a good one.
  13. Yeah, but if you need it right away, it's there. Salt water tackle shops on the east coast have them in colors too for bluefish, striped bass, and cuda lures.
  14. Yeah, he branched out to a bunch of things which he does well, but his standup is manic genius.
  15. Yeah, that is what I was getting at. Most conventional salt water rods (like a big BC) have no trigger at all, just a straight grip.
  16. 50/50 Dennis Miller and Howie Mandell, create the abstract visual, and let everyone's psyche fill in the voids...
  17. You have to put it in cold water and then slowly bring it to a boil, or it will jump out...
  18. I make my own, but Mepps, Blue Fox, Rooster Tails, and most others all catch fish, oh, always use a bb swivel...
  19. fresh water guys are funny (funny ha, ha,)...
  20. I laughed out loud at GRASP...
  21. "It's a great frog but I can't land any" reminds me of guys praising their F150s while dialing AAA...
  22. seedless motor oil just doesn't have the same ring.
  23. Better? I've seen sexy shad help old ladies across the street, but splatterback will buy all the girl scout cookies you offer it, and it does a better job imitating a crappie...
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