Not really the craziest (those usually involve cudas, sharks, and me counting my fingers with a sigh of relief when I got to 10) But memorable nonetheless, , I was testing and tuning square bills at a local pond, and I was standing at the shore in about 3 feet of really clear water with a lilipad field in front of me. There was a channel between the stalks where I could snake it around and bounce it here and there if I nudged it sideways left and right some, so I get through about a dozen, and get to a chart. black back Bagley B Flat, and it's running a tad sideways, so I give it a nudge with the needlenose, and it looks good, on the final check, I'm reeling it back through the gauntlet, and darn if a 3 1/2 or 4 lb fish doesn't start tracking it through the pads, I sped it up a bit, and it kept the distance, I stopped it 3 feet in front of me, and it sat right behind it. Didn't know what to do, and almost without thinking, I drove it down and forward, and that was the ticket, It was almost at the rod tip, so I just dragged it ashore and laughed out loud, What made it memorable was the fact that I could clearly see the whole event, and that I had just spent probably 30 or 40 minutes having done essentially the same thing through the exact 20 feet of water with very several similar lures, and this fish decided this was the place and the time.